A San Diego Romance. Kianna Alexander. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kianna Alexander
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474084789
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guard patrolling the place. In truth, he needed this time alone to think. The problems at Prescott George were pressing, and he needed the space and silence to determine the best course of action. As chapter president, the responsibility rested on his shoulders.

      Chris knew full well what an honor it was for it to be chosen for the Chapter of the Year award. The San Diego chapter members were a younger set compared with the old guard of the original members’ descendants in some of the other chapters. Prescott George had been around for a long time, and not everyone embraced the necessary changes that came with changing times. Still, if the national organization had seen fit to recognize his chapter, then Chris would make damn sure that San Diego PG lived up to those lofty expectations.

      Now, though, he had something else on his mind; an almost welcome distraction. He’d been shocked and amazed to see Eliza Ellicott stroll into the office, looking every bit like his dream come true. Here he was, at the top of his game in the architecture field, with his designs having been used for structures all around the world. Yet when she’d walked in, he’d felt...outdone, as if she were way out of his league. He could have spent all day talking to her, watching her smile light the room. While he didn’t like that she’d been inconvenienced by her brother, he was glad fate had decided to let him enjoy her company again.

      He thought of Vaughn then and wondered what was going on at Elite. Lunch had long since ended, and Vaughn hadn’t reached out yet. Chris pulled out his phone again, intent on calling his friend before he continued strategizing his plans for the chapter.

      After all, if it was something serious, he needed to know so he could lend a hand. He could only hope whatever was going down at Elite wasn’t tied to Prescott George. Their chapter had enough problems already.

      * * *

      Ellicott’s did brisk business on the weekends, and Friday evening was no exception. Eliza and her two clerks were all working, with Eliza bagging purchases and the clerks running the registers.

      As Eliza passed one of her signature glossy silver paper bags filled with items to a customer, she heard the bell ring, signaling someone entering the shop. After the customer was taken care of, she glanced toward the door and saw Chris walking in her direction.

      Eliza couldn’t help admiring him as he walked. Dressed in a dark blue polo shirt, matching sneakers and a pair of khaki shorts that revealed his muscled calves, he looked ready to head down to the marina for a day on the bay.

      At his side was a pretty young lady in ripped white jeans, a Candy Crush T-shirt and sneakers. She was tall for her age; the top of her head lined up with Chris’s shoulder. Her dark brown hair, styled in box braids, hung just past her collarbone. Much of her face was concealed by the round frames of a very large pair of white-rimmed sunglasses.

      The pair walked up to the counter, and Chris smiled as he made eye contact with her. “Hi, Eliza. Thanks for doing this for me.”

      She swallowed a lump in her throat. The combination of his smile and his tone made her awareness of him rise. “No problem.” She reached across the counter and stuck out her hand to the young lady. “You must be Jojo. I’m Eliza, nice to meet you.”

      “Yes. Hi.” Jojo removed her sunglasses.

      Eliza’s breath caught when she saw Chris’s eyes looking back at her. To say Jojo resembled Chris would be an understatement. “Wow. You look an awful lot like your father.”

      Jojo grinned. “Thanks, I think.” Shaking hands with Eliza, she asked, “Dad told me to call you Ms. Ellicott. Can I call you by your first name?”

      Eliza chuckled. “I’m fine with you using my first name, but I’ll defer to your father.”

      Chris shrugged. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”

      “You can call me Eliza, then.” She walked around the counter and stood between Chris and Jojo. “So, what kind of dress do you have in mind, Jojo?”

      Jojo’s expression showed her uncertainty. “I’m not really sure. It’s my first real dance.”

      Eliza gave Chris a playful jab with her elbow. “You ready for this, Dad?”

      Half smiling, he shook his head. “Don’t ask. Let’s just say I’m going along with it.”

      “Well, Jojo, if you trust me, I’ve got some ideas.” She stood back, getting another look at her client. “With your height and figure, you’ll have a lot of options.

      She blushed. “Really?”

      Eliza nodded. “Definitely. As a matter of fact, I’ve got some new dresses that just came in from a local designer that I think would be perfect for you.”

      Jojo’s eyes widened. “New designer dresses?”

      “Yep.” Eliza reached out and linked arms with Jojo. “Come with me. I’ll show you.” She led her over to the right side of the store, where new merchandise was on display. “We can narrow it down if you tell me your favorite color.”

      Chris followed them, observing quietly.

      Jojo, her eyes still wide, perused the racks of dresses in front of her. “I really like orange. Do you have anything in that color?”

      Eliza tapped her chin for a moment, mentally going through the latest shipment. Then she snapped her fingers. “Yes.” She moved over two racks from where Jojo and Chris stood and searched through the drawers holding merchandise she didn’t have room to display on the racks or mannequins. When she found the dress she was looking for, she unfolded it and held it up. “What do you think?”

      Jojo gasped. “OMG. It’s gorgeous.”

      “When you said you liked orange, I thought you’d like this one.” Eliza admired the sleeveless, calf-length dress. The V-neck line was subtle and adorned with crystals, as was the flounce at the hem. “It’s so new it hasn’t even been on display yet.”

      “Wow.” Jojo took the dress from Eliza. Looking to Chris, she asked, “Can I try it on, Dad?”

      “Sure.” Chris smiled at his daughter. “Is this the only one you want to try on?”

      Jojo looked back at Eliza. “Can I look through the racks?”

      “Go ahead.” Eliza watched as Jojo searched through the displays.

      Jojo came back with two dresses. One was a soft shade of yellow and very low-cut in the front. The other, a coral minidress, couldn’t possibly hit longer than midthigh on someone her height.

      Chris began shaking his head almost immediately. “No way, young lady.”

      Jojo frowned. “Geez, Dad.” She turned to Eliza, hoping for a reprieve. “What do you think?”

      Eliza tapped her chin with her forefinger. She agreed with Chris: these two dresses were far too revealing for someone Jojo’s age. Seeking to steer her in a better direction, she said, “I can see why you like them, but let’s try these instead.”

      Her frown softening a bit, Jojo asked, “You have more dresses in mind for me?”

      “Just a couple.” Eliza put back the dresses Jojo had chosen and noted the relief on Chris’s face. Then she moved through the store, pulling the other two dresses she thought might suit Jojo’s age and tastes, and handed them over. “Come on, I’ll set you up in a room.”

      Once Jojo was inside one of the five dressing rooms on the back wall of the store, Eliza leaned against the edge of the counter, awaiting the fashion show to come.

      Chris, standing next to her, said, “You’ve got a gift. I can see you’re very good at what you do here.”

      “I appreciate that.” Eliza smiled his way. His compliment flattered her, probably more than it should have. Of course, it had always been that way. He’d been skilled at sweet-talking her back in the day, and he hadn’t lost his touch.
