A Los Angeles Passion. Sherelle Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherelle Green
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474086318
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see you again, Kiara,” Vaughn said with a handsome smile. “And I can answer your question more fully, since I’m sure my wife was dying to give you all the dirty details.” To this, Miranda gave Vaughn a Chuck E. Cheese grin.

      “I’m just helping them by supporting some of their charity initiatives and community involvement. One man’s mistake doesn’t mean the entire chapter has to suffer.”

      “That’s nice of you,” Kiara said.

      Vaughn shrugged. “It’s what I do.” He looked toward his wife. “Are you ready to go shopping, baby?”

      “I think so.” Miranda pulled cash out of her purse to pay for her portion of the meal.

      Kiara lifted an eyebrow. “Vaughn, what in the world made you agree to go shopping with Miranda? She takes forever to make up her mind.”

      Miranda rolled her eyes. “I don’t take as long as a certain brown-eyed friend of mine. Besides, I can’t believe I forgot to tell you... Vaughn is jet-setting us away for a while to Dubai for a long and much-needed vacation, so there are a few things we have to pick up first.”

      Kiara smiled. “That’s wonderful, you guys. I’m sure you’ll have so much fun.” Goodness, I’d love for a man to take me away on a romantic vacation. Her eyes widened. Where did that thought come from? Kiara fidgeted in her chair. It was official. Being around Miranda and Vaughn was making her long for things she’d given up on over a year ago. She didn’t need to date. She didn’t love. All she needed was her business, and if there was anything she’d learned from her ex-husband and the man she fell for after her divorce, it was that love wasn’t forever. She had to remember that.

      “I have an idea,” Vaughn said, breaking her thoughts. “You should come with Miranda and me tonight to the party we’re having to celebrate the LA chapter being back on their feet.”

      Miranda clapped her hands together. “That’s a great idea, Vaughn!”

      “I don’t know,” Kiara said, shaking her head. “Isn’t it an exclusive party? I’ll probably feel out of place.”

      Miranda rolled her eyes. “Right, because you don’t own one of the most exclusive day cares in the city.”

      “Your sarcasm isn’t needed,” Kiara said with a laugh.

      “It will be fine,” Vaughn said. “There will be plenty of friends, family and supporters of the organization there. I consider you a friend and Miranda considers you family.”

      Kiara glanced from Vaughn to Miranda, who both awaited her response. Oh, come on, girl. You know you need a night out. “Okay,” Kiara said. “I’ll come. If I’m being honest, I’ll admit that I’ve been dying to get dressed up.”

      “So glad you’re coming.” Miranda winked at Kiara. “And you may even land a Millionaire Mogul of your own.”

      “Ha! You wish.” Kiara planned on keeping the promise she made to herself to refrain from dating to focus on building her business and franchise. Besides, she was done with rich men. Been there. Done that. She doubted she’d even find a man who remotely kept her interest tonight.

       Chapter 3

      “Okay, so even I have to admit that this is pretty lavish for an all-male organization,” Kiara whispered to Miranda. Kiara never considered herself someone who was easily impressed, but she was in awe of the luxurious twelfth-floor penthouse suite in the downtown Los Angeles Fine Arts Building that served as the home for the LA chapter of Prescott George. The place was huge and easily accommodated a few hundred people. Given that even some of the most upscale penthouse suites in LA were smaller than the norm in other cities, this was impressive.

      “The Moguls never go cheap,” Miranda whispered back. “Every party I attend with Vaughn is grander than the last.”

      The Moguls’ motto, written on the wall, caught her eye. From generation to generation, lifting each other up. She’d heard their motto before, but for some reason, seeing it written in an official Prescott George chapter location felt different.

      Kiara followed close behind Miranda and Vaughn as they made their rounds and greeted other Moguls and their families, respectfully introducing her as a close family friend. Kiara wore her most professional smile and tried her best not to fidget under the stare of some of the Moguls.

      “Could you pretend to be a little more comfortable?” Miranda teased.

      Kiara frowned. “I can’t help it. I almost feel as if I’m on display here.”

      “Well, you do look fabulous, my friend. But I’m sure it’s because of the type of party this is, too. Some of the Moguls are trying to figure out if you’re going to rent them.”

      Kiara lifted an eyebrow. “Rent them? Exactly what type of party is this?”

      “Funny you should ask,” Miranda said with a sneaky smile. Before Miranda could explain, Kiara was tapped on her shoulder.

      “Well, if it isn’t Kiara Woods of LA Little Ones.” Kiara turned to glance over her shoulder and was pleasantly surprised to see a good friend.

      “Tell me it isn’t Kyra Reed of Bare Sophistication Lingerie Boutique,” Kiara said with a smile. The two women hugged before Kiara introduced Kyra to Miranda.

      “Kyra, this is my friend and old college roommate, Miranda. Miranda, this is Kyra. We were on a couple of the same panels together at the women empowerment conference I was telling you about a few months ago.” Both women greeted each other.

      “I’ve been dying to check out that boutique,” Miranda said. “And I know a couple women who took photos at your boudoir studio and they loved how the pictures turned out.”

      “Thanks,” Kyra said with a smile. “We’re really excited about how well LA has received the boutique. We’re headquartered out of Chicago with a store in Miami as well, so we’re hoping to open more locations soon.”

      “I’m looking at expanding my locations, too,” Kiara said. “And I’d love for us to get together and share business ideas, but first, Miranda was just going to explain to me what type of party this was since she knows that I’ve sworn off men right now. Yet I could have sworn that she mentioned something about renting men.”

      Kyra’s mouth formed a perfect O as she looked from Kiara to Miranda.

      Miranda giggled. “About that. I may or may not have left out the part about this party being the first Rent-a-Bachelor silent auction in which a woman can rent a Prescott George bachelor of her choice for up to a week or just a few days.”

      Kiara’s jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious! Rent-a-Bachelor? This can’t be a real thing.”

      “Oh, it is,” Kyra said. “Girlfriend, why do you think I’m here? My friend and her husband were invited by one of the Moguls, but of course, I’m the single friend, so they brought me along to support the cause. I have no problem with finding a date, but who can pass up the opportunity to rent a sexy piece of chocolate.”

      Kiara shook her head as she and Miranda laughed at Kyra’s candor. She’d only hung out with Kyra a few times, but the girl was nothing if not honest.

      Kiara glanced around, noticing for the first time just how many good-looking men filled the room. “I must admit,” she said, “there’s definitely some good eye candy here.”

      Kyra nodded. “There truly is. Women are renting bachelors left and right.” Kiara and Miranda followed Kyra’s outstretched hand that pointed to a corner of the penthouse, where a herd of women stood in front of a row of Apple computers.

      “I don’t see any men wearing name tags or anything, so I wonder how the women are renting the bachelors,” Kiara said.
