Her Unexpected Valentine. Sherelle Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherelle Green
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474080729
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is on her mind without caring what others may think.”

      “You got all this from one date?” Angelica asked.

      “Well, technically we hung out the first night we met, so I guess it’s more like two dates.”

      “Two dates and Mr. Dodge Cupid’s Arrow is already planning on more dates.” Angelica gave Monty a knowing look. “Monty, I think working on these Valentine’s Day commercials is going to his head.”

      “It’s not that big of a deal,” he said. “I’m just open to enjoying the company of a woman, that’s all. Nothing serious.”

      “So, I take it she doesn’t work in the industry?” Monty asked. If there were any two people who worked in television who knew the drama he’d gone through with his ex, it was his two friends Monty and Angelica.

      “She didn’t say what she did specifically, but I know it has to do with makeup and hair because she mentioned enjoying making up faces and designing hairstyles.”

      Angelica lifted an eyebrow. “And you didn’t ask to see her résumé just to be sure?”

      “I actually said she was lucky that I didn’t ask for it,” Kendrick said with a laugh. “So, no, I didn’t ask. Guys, I’m better than I used to be. Bianca and I just enjoyed one another as two people would on any first date. Nothing more.”

      “Except that you want to see her again,” Monty said.

      “Which says a lot, considering your past,” Angelica added. Voices in the front of the room interrupted their conversation.

      “As much as I enjoy meeting up with women in my black book, it feels nice to go on a date again,” Kendrick whispered. “And this is LA, so the fact that she’s not from here and not in the television or film industry is a good thing.”

      “Okay, everyone,” the producer said to the crew gathered in the packed room. “As most of you know, we’re running behind schedule with filming the commercials. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so we only have four weeks to finish shooting the remainder of the Valentine’s Day commercials and documentary to get them out before the holiday. That is not a lot of time, so be prepared to work overtime.”

      Movement on the right side of the room got his attention as someone slid through the door, but too many people were standing for him to see who it was.

      “Thank you for all your hard work so far on both projects, and now I’d like to introduce you to the new members of our team who will be filling in for the crew we lost to other projects.”

      As the producer introduced the new set design team, Kendrick’s eyes were glued to the backside of a woman who felt vaguely familiar. The next moments seemed to happen in slow motion as the woman was introduced to the group, her gaze finding his as she glanced around the room. The widening of her eyes proved she was just as surprised to see him as he was to see her.

      The next few minutes of the meeting flew by so quickly that Kendrick didn’t notice the woman was already headed his way until she was standing in front of him.

      “Hey, KD,” she said when she approached. “You work in television?”

      He didn’t answer until Angelica nudged him. “Um, yeah,” he finally said. “I have for six years.”

      “Oh,” she said when he didn’t say more. “Today’s my first day in the industry.”

      Of course it is, because the universe had a funny way of making him pay for his past booty calls.

      “Hi, I’m Angelica Smith and this is Monty Williams.”

      “Nice to meet you,” she said. “I’m Nicole LeBlanc.”

      “Nicole?” Kendrick’s eyes studied hers. “You told me your name was Bianca.”

      She gave a sheepish grin. “Actually, Nicole is my first name. When we met at the bar the other day, I didn’t know you so I gave you my middle name. I guess I should have corrected you yesterday.”

      “So, you lied?” Kendrick said, a little harsher than he’d planned.

      “It wasn’t like that,” she said. “How we met was awkward enough. Back where I’m from, women don’t just give out their name to strangers until they know a little more about them.”

      “And where exactly are you from?”

      She frowned. “I’m from Miami, but I’m not sure I want to answer any more of your questions based off the accusatory tone in your voice. What gives, KD?”

      “KD?” Angelica questioned. When he glanced at his friends, he caught that parental look in their eyes. Angelica and Monty were only a few years older than him, but they never failed to remind him of that fact.

      “I guess I can’t get on you about your name when I didn’t give you my full name either,” he said. “KD is short for Kendrick Dominic and my last name is Burrstone. Some call me KD, but most call me Kendrick.”

      Her eyes softened. “Guess that makes us even.” She extended a hand. “It’s nice to officially meet you, Kendrick.”

      “It’s nice to meet you too, Nicole,” he said, accepting her handshake. “I missed part of your introduction. What’s your role on set?”

      She smiled. “I’m the new makeup artist and hairstylist for the commercials and documentary.”

      “Congratulations,” he said. “Based off our conversation last night, I’m sure you’ll do well.”

      She studied his eyes. “Thanks, Kendrick, I appreciate that.”

      He didn’t miss the soft way his named rolled off her tongue. Even under the circumstances, he still felt the chemistry between them. Just a few minutes ago, he’d been convinced he’d see her again, but now? Now, those thoughts went out the window.

      * * *

      He was uncomfortable. She could tell. And he wasn’t the only one. Her morning had already started off rocky when she realized that she’d misplaced her lucky crystal necklace and run out of her favorite lipstick. To top it off, she’d taken the wrong train into work and was almost late for her introduction meeting.

      The last person she expected to run into at her new place of employment was KD—or Kendrick, as she’d just learned. The only thing more awkward than spotting Kendrick in the audience during her introduction was speaking to him while trying to ignore the look of surprise and frustration on his face.

      The surprise she could understand. But the frustration? She didn’t know what that was about.

      She glanced at his friends before setting her eyes on him. “Well, it was nice seeing you again, but I’m going to head over to check out my station.”

      “Okay,” he said. “It was nice seeing you too.”

      She squinted her eyes before turning to walk away. I mean, do I smell or something? He can barely face me. What happened to the man I went on a date with last night?

      “I’ll walk with you,” said the woman who’d introduced herself as Angelica.


      “Have you gotten a tour?” Angelica asked when they were out of earshot of the men.

      “Not yet, but I believe the producer’s assistant said she’d give me a tour in an hour or so.”

      “Which basically means you’ll never get a tour,” Angelica said with a laugh. “We’re behind on shooting, so it’s all hands on deck right now.”

      “No worries,” Nicole said. “I planned on setting up my station anyway. The assistant pointed me in the right direction when I arrived. Granted, we were walking fast to make the meeting on time, but I think I got the idea.”

      “I’ll take