The Soldier's Newfound Family. Kathryn Springer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kathryn Springer
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472000989
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      He couldn’t help feeling protective of her. It wasn’t that she appeared weak and helpless. Just the opposite. It couldn’t be easy to accept help from strangers, and yet Savannah had done the best thing for her and the baby. He respected that. He respected her.

      Relief took some of the starch out of Savannah’s slender shoulders. “That’s good, because I don’t want to take advantage of your sister’s hospitality.”

      Carter decided this might be a good time to clarify a few minor details. After all, Savannah would find them out sooner or later. Although if he had his way, later—much later—would be better.

      “Maddie doesn’t actually own the ranch,” he admitted. “She’s, too.”

      Savannah, who’d started up the narrow sidewalk, froze midstep. Twisted around to look at him.

      “A guest?” she repeated.

      “Belle Colby actually owns the Colby Ranch. Maddie is spending some time with Belle’s...daughter.”

      Violet. Maddie’s identical twin sister. His long lost half sister. Carter could barely make sense of what had happened, let alone try to explain it to someone else. And something told him this wasn’t the time to launch into a lengthy explanation about the Wallace family tree. The one that had sprouted a few branches since his last deployment.

      “So Belle Colby gave you permission to invite me here?” Savannah asked slowly.

      Carter drove a hand through his hair. “Belle is...recovering from a riding accident that happened last summer. She’s in a long-term care facility in Grasslands right now, but the family is...hopeful that she’ll recover.”

      Savannah’s lips parted but no sound came out. She glanced down at the keys clutched in her hand and Carter realized she was only seconds away from getting in the car and driving back to Dallas if he didn’t explain.

      “It’s complicated.” Really complicated.

      Savannah’s eyes narrowed. “What exactly is going on, Sergeant?” she demanded. “Are you dispensing information on a need-to-know basis only? Because if that’s the case, I need to know a whole lot more before I accept your invitation to stay here.”

      Carter suppressed a smile. Savannah was downright beautiful when she got riled up. She got some color in her cheeks and those green as cottonwood leaves.

      “Fine. I’ll try to explain. But keep in mind that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction—”

      “There you are!”

      Carter slowly turned around. Great. Just great.

      Walking toward them was the proof.

      “Is that Maddie?” Savannah whispered.

      Carter’s eyes narrowed on the young woman striding toward them. Brown-and-gold-plaid shirt, complete with pearl buttons. A silver belt buckle roughly the size of a paperback novel.

      And he still couldn’t say for sure.

      At some point over the past few months, Maddie had swapped her designer labels for Western wear. To make life even more interesting, the two women conspired together, taking an almost fiendish delight in making it difficult for people—like him—to figure out which one was which. Or who was who.


      “Maybe?” Savannah choked.

      “I told you. It’s—”

      “Complicated?” A huff of frustration punctuated the sentence.


      “Darcy said she heard a car come up the driveway.” The flip of a long copper ponytail provided the clue that Carter had been looking for.


      Once Maddie’s hair got longer and she could copy her twin sister’s hairstyle, he was going to be in big trouble.

      “Now I know why you ran off before dessert.” Violet gave him an I’ll-deal-with-you-later look but smiled warmly at Savannah. “Who do we have here?”

      Carter caught the brunt of Savannah’s accusing gaze.

      Okay. He already was in big trouble.

      * * *

      Knowing that Carter hadn’t been completely honest left a bitter taste in Savannah’s mouth.

      She was going to have a few choice words with the man. But at the moment, Savannah had no idea what to say to the woman standing in front of her. The one whose eyes were bright with curiosity—and who obviously had no idea that Carter had invited a pregnant stranger to stay with them.

      “This is Savannah Blackmore.” Carter came to her rescue.

      Nice of him, since he was the reason she was in this awkward predicament to begin with!

      Good manners forced Savannah to clasp the hand the woman offered when what she really wanted to do was hide. “Hello.”

      “Savannah, Violet Colby—” For some reason, Carter stopped.

      “Carter’s sister.” The woman nudged him aside and finished the introduction.

      Savannah felt Carter stiffen beside her.

      “You’re Carter’s...sister?”

      And why hadn’t he mentioned that when he’d talked about Maddie?

      “When he wants to claim me.” Violet smiled sweetly at her brother.

      Carter shifted his weight, almost as if he were uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was going.

      Well, good, Savannah thought. Why should she be the only one?

      Savannah’s gaze bounced back and forth between Carter and Violet Colby but she failed to find even the slightest resemblance between them. Carter was blond and blue-eyed while Violet’s hair, as bright as a new penny, framed an oval face dominated by a pair of eyes the color of dark chocolate.

      “Savannah lost her apartment a few days ago,” Carter explained. “I was hoping it would be okay if she bunked in one of the cottages for a while.”

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