King's Rule. Jackie Ashenden. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackie Ashenden
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474086776
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‘Either that or you should just fuck and get it out of your system.’

      Poppy blinked in outrage and opened her mouth, probably to say something she’d regret.

      Luckily for her, I got in first. ‘So?’ I said, ignoring my brother. ‘Are you going to take the job or not?’

      Her gaze burned into mine. ‘I’d rather die.’

      ‘Fine. Suit yourself.’ I lifted my chin in the direction of the exit. ‘There’s the door.’

      Her jaw was tight, every inch of her vibrating with fury.

      She’d never looked more intensely fuckable and I was very conscious of Ajax’s gaze and the amusement in it.

      Of course he knew exactly what my problem was.

      ‘Enjoy finding someone who’ll put up with your bullshit,’ Poppy spat, tossing her head and turning on her heel.

      ‘Enjoy not getting that internship,’ I snapped back, gritting my teeth against the urge to go after her and haul her into my arms, show her a few things that would make her change her mind.

      ‘I don’t need that internship.’ She pulled open the door. ‘And I don’t need anything from you.’ Then she walked through it and slammed it shut behind her.

      ‘Still a hit with the ladies, I see,’ Ajax murmured.

      Rage and thwarted lust boiled in my veins, no small part of that rage directed at myself for being stupid enough to lose my temper with her.

      Because I had lost my temper. Something that almost never happened. What was it about Poppy bloody Valentine that got under my skin so easily?

      Turning, I stalked over to the windows that looked out over Sydney’s blue harbour, trying to get a grip on myself.

      If I’d been in my own office, I’d have sat down at my computer and played around with my stock portfolio, because numbers always had the ability to calm me.

      There was nothing irritating about numbers. They were clean. They were honest. There was no subtext to them. And, best of all, they were absolutely devoid of any emotion.

      ‘What do you want?’ I kept my gaze on the view, not bothering to moderate my tone. ‘I’m not in the mood for a meeting.’

      ‘No kidding. What the hell happened?’

      ‘Nothing I want to talk about.’

      ‘You know I’m right.’ Ajax’s voice sounded closer. ‘You should just fuck her already.’

      ‘I wouldn’t fuck her if she was the last woman on earth.’

      He laughed. ‘For a man who’s all about the truth, you sure do a lot of lying to yourself.’

      Another thing to hate about her. The way she made me lie.

       Keep blaming it on her if it makes you feel better. But you know it’s your own weakness you’re pissed off about.

      I thrust my hands in my pockets. ‘Tell me what you want, Ajax.’

      He ignored me. ‘What’s all this about a job? You hiring Poppy now?’

      ‘Lisa left last week and I need a temporary replacement until I have time to find someone more permanent.’

      ‘That’s what temp agencies are for.’

      ‘They won’t work with a King.’

      ‘Sure. They won’t work with you.’

      I could see myself glowering in the reflective glass of the window. With an effort, I tried to smooth my expression. ‘Like you don’t have any problems retaining staff.’

      Ajax grunted. He knew I was right. Neither of us were exactly people pleasers. Which was why our middle brother Leon did all the PR work for our company.

      ‘You can’t go without a PA for a week or so?’ he asked instead.

      ‘I have a...project I’m working on that needs my full attention.’ I didn’t want to talk about that particular project with anyone, especially not Poppy, even though it concerned her. It was the last lie I had to uncover. The last lie I had to destroy. The truth about her father’s death and my role in it. ‘I need someone around to handle any details that might crop up.’

      ‘Project?’ Ajax’s voice was sharp. ‘What project?’

      I turned and met my brother’s stare head-on. ‘None of your damn business.’

      His blue gaze didn’t even flicker. ‘I’m CEO of this company. Everything is my damn business.’

      ‘This has got nothing to do with the company. Ergo, like I said, it’s none of your business.’

      Ajax tried to stare me down like he stared down everyone who crossed him.

      Unfortunately for him that didn’t work with me.

      He gave another of his non-committal grunts instead. ‘Fine. Your funeral. But you want a piece of advice?’


      ‘Okay, I lied. It’s not advice. It’s an order. Sort out whatever the fuck your project is and fast. I’m going to need you on deck and focused in the next couple of weeks.’

      Momentarily diverted, I frowned at him. ‘Why? What’s going on?’

      He gave me one of his trademark smiles, just on the edge of vicious. ‘None of your fucking business.’

      Irritating bastard.

      He left soon after that and the second he was out of the door, my brain started back to thinking about just what the hell I was going to do about Poppy bloody Valentine.

      Ajax had now given me an extra time pressure, which was the last thing I needed, especially if I wanted to complete this pet project of mine. I could have put it on hold if I’d really wanted to, but I’d spent the last five years putting it on hold and now I wanted it done—and done quickly.

      It was the last thing I needed to do to make good on my promise to Dad.

      The last atonement to make up for a life I’d been responsible for taking.

      But if I was going to get it done before Ajax needed me ‘on deck’ then I had to have help. I had to have an assistant.

      I scowled at the view of Sydney through the glass.


      I was going to have to be nice to Poppy bloody Valentine, wasn’t I?



      ‘YOU COULD JUST sleep with him,’ my mother said as she picked up her favourite red lipstick and began to apply it. ‘Men are simple like that. It’s easy, quick, and if you’re good they’ll give you anything you want.’

      I was sitting on her bed, watching her get ready for dinner with one of the partners from a multi-billion-dollar tax firm. Listening to her hand out advice on what I should do to handle Xander and the internship problem.

      It wasn’t something I wanted to discuss with her, but she’d asked how the meeting had gone and so I’d given her the unadulterated truth. Which naturally she put her own spin on.

      That was my mother’s answer to everything. Sleep with the dude and he’ll shower you with gifts. It had worked so well for her, after all.

      At least up until the day her sure thing had gone to prison.

      ‘I’d rather sleep with Satan than Xander King,’ I said, my fingers picking at the flocked fabric of the cheap quilt.
