Barely Behaving. JENNIFER LABRECQUE. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474018494
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being on my own.”

      He was ridiculously relieved she wasn’t pining for her ex-husband.

      “The papers came today,” she continued. “Sunbathing is my way of celebrating!”

      It was a provocative reminder. “Do you do that often?” he asked, recalling with gut-clenching clarity her full, dusky-tipped breasts, the glint of her navel ring against her golden skin, the tangle of curls nestled between her thighs and the length of her legs.

      “Which one? Divorce or sunbathe naked?” Her smile seduced. “Neither one anymore. That was my third strike and I’m out of the marriage game for good—” he didn’t have to be a boy genius to figure that one out “—and as for the other, I don’t want to upset the new neighbors.”

      “I can’t speak for the other neighbors, but don’t let me cramp your style.” He wasn’t normally much of a flirt, but Tammy’s easy sensuality inspired him.

      “Ah, but can I trust Gigi to leave my naked toes alone? They’re very sensitive, you know.” She glanced at him from beneath her lashes. One playful comment, a provocative look and she totally turned him on.

      “I’m sure they are.” The thought of sensitive naked toes and sensitive naked other parts left him aching. Talking about something other than naked parts might not be a bad idea. Besides, he found that the more he knew about her, the more he wanted to know. “What do you do?”

      “I’m a massage therapist.” Oh, hell, that just intensified the naked parts fantasies lurking at the back of his mind. “I started my own business five months ago and it’s going well.” Her husky laugh held an underlying note of self-consciousness. “I finally figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Before that I did a little bit of everything. I was a nail technician, a waitress, and a grocery store checkout clerk.” She propped her chin in her hand and fixed him with her bright blue eyes. “How about you? How long have you been a vet?”

      She looked as if she really cared and wasn’t just making polite conversation. Actually, Tammy impressed him as doing exactly what she wanted and the niceties be damned. She’d certainly been forthright about Schill, her ex-husbands and her reputation.

      “I finished vet school five years ago, but I knew that’s what I wanted to do from the time I was a kid. Except for the summer I was six and wanted to drive an ice-cream truck.”

      Tammy laughed, “Talk about a shift in ambition. Why a vet?”

      “It just felt right. I’ve always liked animals and I like to fix things. I drove my mom nuts bringing home sick animals.”

      Throughout the meal preparation and dinner, they discussed everything from movies—she preferred suspense rather than his action thrillers—to the NFL playoffs. With a start, Niall realized they’d finished eating some time ago and a number of the candles had burned low.

      Reluctantly, he pushed away from the island. “Thanks for a great dinner. I should be getting home.” He couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed himself so much. “Let me help with the dishes before I go.”

      “They’re no big deal.” Tammy blew off his offer.

      “Good. Then it shouldn’t take us long to get them done.”

      “A man who does dishes—let this get out and the women really will swamp you.”

      Twice she’d alluded to other women swamping him. Was she trying to tell him she wasn’t interested? But he hadn’t gotten that impression at all. She felt the attraction between them—he’d seen it in her eyes more than once tonight.

      “Didn’t any of your husbands ever help out in the kitchen?” He was no saint, but his mother had taught him and his brother and sister to clean up after themselves, and he’d figured out early on that cutting the work in half left more time for him and Mia. Not only was he not into having someone wait on him, it led to sex on a much more regular basis.

      “Jerry, my first husband, thought wife was another word for maid. I was so young and dumb at seventeen, I went along with it, but Allen and Earl were okay.”

      “Seventeen?” That seemed incredibly young. The summer Niall was seventeen, his father’d been stationed in Southern California at Point Magu. He’d spent his time cruising the Pacific Highway in his buddy’s beat-up convertible and learning to surf. Tammy’d already been married.

      “It seemed like the thing to do at the time.” Her husky voice feathered across his skin. He turned to pass the plates to her as she spoke. Squeezed into the tight space between the island and the sink, her hip bumped his thigh and his arm pressed against hers. He’d never been aware of a woman to such a devastating degree. He felt on fire for her.

      “Do you regret getting married so young?” He didn’t normally quiz people this way, but he felt compelled to know more about her—everything about her.

      She looked up at him, her eyes serious. “Regret’s pointless—a waste of energy. We’re shaped by our past. If you regret where you’ve been, how can you like who you’ve become?” She closed the dishwasher and dried her hands. As if blown away by a gust of wind, her intensity vanished and she was once again flashing a naughty-girl smile. “Now I’m going to give you directions to the grocery store because the neighbors will talk if you show up for breakfast tomorrow morning.”

      Tammy pulled a pen and paper out of a drawer. Bracing one hand on the island, Niall leaned over her shoulder. He forgot to read what she was writing, distracted by her nearness. An errant lock of her hair brushed against his chin as she looked up. Her breath fanned against his chin, her scent wrapped around him. In the light of the flickering candles and small lamp, her skin glowed and her blue eyes darkened.

      God help him, but it was a subtle form of mental torture that he’d seen her naked before and now she was close and real and he wanted to see her naked again. But more than that, even though he’d spent the whole evening talking and laughing with her, he had the distinct impression several layers concealed the real Tammy Cooper. She’d been blunt and free and easy with personal information, but she’d only let him see what she wanted him to see.

      Longing, unlike any he’d known before, gripped him. He reached out to touch her cheek, the yearning to test the satin of her skin against his finger and feel the fullness of her mouth against his almost a physical ache. Her lips were so close, so tempting, he could feel her warm breath against his mouth, could almost taste her…

      At the last minute, sanity prevailed and he reached for the paper instead. He’d almost made a total ass of himself by repaying her courtesy and hospitality by making a pass at her.

      For a moment something flickered across her face. Disappointment? Vulnerability? Niall’s own emotions were so tossed, he wasn’t sure. He just knew he needed to get out of here. “Thank you. For everything.”

      Tammy escorted him to the front door, once again in control, her unguarded moment gone. “You’re welcome for everything.” She leaned forward, her body maddingly close. Her scent, her heat drew him closer til the tips of her nipples seared him through their layers of clothes. With a soft laugh, Tammy tugged his head down, her fingers soft against his neck. She pressed a quick, hot kiss to his mouth. The kiss was almost over before it’d begun. She opened the door for him. “Good night, Niall. My number’s on the paper. Give me a call if you need anything.”

      At that moment Niall realized the distinct difference between want and need.

      TAMMY WELCOMED her regular work routine the next morning. Last night’s dinner with Niall had left her restless. For the first time since she’d moved into her house, she’d known the discontent of her own company once he’d gone home. Worse yet, self-pleasure with Big Ben had fallen short of the mark, merely accentuating the longing Niall had stirred in her. Two D-cell batteries couldn’t mimic his breath stirring against her neck or the cautious heat in his dark eyes. She’d been so sure he was going to kiss her. She’d practically trembled with anticipation. She’d been so surprised when he hadn’t….