Passion Play. Regina Hart. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Regina Hart
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474047289
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confirms you were right to break off with Whitley in the first place.” Xavier sat back on his executive chair.

      “She broke off with me, remember?” Donovan rubbed his forehead. “But now I’m officially out of options for legal representation. None of the other board members have found someone willing to represent us for free, either.”

      Tyler cocked his head. “You’re not completely out of options.”

      “You’re talking about Rose.”

      “You haven’t even asked her if she’d be interested in your case.” Tyler gestured toward Donovan with his mug. “You’re basing your decision on your first impression, which I admit was not great.”

      “Did she come across as that bad?” Xavier looked from Tyler to Donovan.

      “Yes, she did.” Donovan sighed. “But I was thinking of calling her later today. As Ty said, there’s no harm in asking.” He didn’t feel any more optimistic about asking Rose than he’d felt asking Whitley.

      “Good luck.” Xavier saluted him with his coffee mug.

      “I’ll need it.” Donovan looked to Tyler. “Do you have any suggestions on how to approach Rose?”

      “Let her know how important this filing is to you and how many lives would be impacted.”

      Xavier inclined his head. “That’s good advice. You may also want to let her know what’s in it for her.”

      Donovan gave his friend a puzzled look. “Which would be what?”

      Xavier grinned. “Having you in her debt.”

      “Very funny.” Donovan stood to leave. But Xavier’s comment raised an interesting question. If Rose did this favor for him, what would she want in return? And would he be willing to cut a deal?

      * * *

      Later Friday morning, Donovan’s phone rang. Apple & Spencer LLC appeared in his caller identification display. Donovan stared at his phone in disbelief. How could one of the most prestigious law firms in the city have his direct phone number, and why were they calling him? Had someone on the board’s legal subcommittee reached out to Apple & Spencer about their situation?

      He tamped down his excitement and grabbed the receiver by the third ring. “Donovan Carroll.” Silence met his greeting. “Hello?”

      “Van, this is Rose Beharie. I know this is short notice but I wondered if you were free this evening? I’d like to discuss a, um, business proposal with you.” Her voice poured over the phone like warm Scotch. It took him a moment to focus on her words.

      “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you.” Was he hallucinating?

      “Am I calling at a bad time?”

      It was never a bad time to listen to a voice like hers. The soft, smooth tone made him think of silken sheets and turned-down lights. A little Teddy Pendergrass music playing softly in the background.

      Donovan gave himself a mental shake. “No, this isn’t a bad time at all. It’s good to hear from you.” He winced. He’d sounded stupid.

      “I’m glad that you think so.” Rose chuckled. The sound caused the muscles in his lower abdomen to dance.

      Donovan pictured her as he’d last seen her in the restaurant. Her dark red blouse had made the honeyed tones of her skin glow. Her pencil-straight, knee-length skirt had hugged her slim hips. But her aloof demeanor had distracted him from her grade A, sexy voice. “You said something about a business proposal.”

      “That’s right.” She hesitated. “Are you available to meet with me after work today? Perhaps I could buy you a cup of coffee.”

      This was perfect. Donovan had been intending to call Rose later this morning, but he hadn’t figured out how to get the conversation started. Now she’d called him. He imagined himself pumping his fist in victory. He wasn’t out of the woods yet, though. He stared blindly across his office while his mind spun with questions. “What kind of business proposal do you have in mind?”

      “I’d rather not go into the details over the phone.”

      Now he was really curious. “Could you give me a hint?”

      She gave him another sample of her sexy chuckle instead. “I promise that it’s nothing illegal or morally compromising. It’s nothing that would show you or Anderson Adventures in a poor light.”

      “I hadn’t imagined it would be.”

      “Then you’ll meet with me this evening after work?”

      “Yes, I will.” In fact, he was looking forward to it, perhaps more than he should be.

      They took a few minutes to select a time and place. They settled on a downtown coffee shop at six o’clock.

      “I appreciate your agreeing to meet with me on such short notice, Van.”

      Donovan frowned. Rose still sounded uncertain. Should he be concerned? What was this business proposition, and why did she seem unsure as to whether she wanted to involve him?

      “You’re welcome. I’ll see you later.”

      They ended their conversation. Donovan recradled his phone, then sat back on his chair. This was an interesting development. Finally, something good had happened. He was cautiously optimistic about the evening ahead. What was her business proposal and how could he use it to his advantage?

      * * *

      When Donovan entered the little coffee shop near downtown Columbus Friday night, Rose experienced the same reaction she’d had the first time they’d met. Her heart bounced. Her breath stuck in her throat. Her skin heated. That afternoon at lunch with Iris, Tyler and Donovan, she’d thought her reaction was just nerves. Was it nerves again tonight?

      Her wave caught his attention and his half smile trapped her breath again. He moved with the fluid grace of a natural athlete. He was so deliciously tall and wickedly fit. Did he know his forest green jersey molded to his chiseled biceps and his cocoa slacks hinted at the strength of his thighs? She imagined Benjamin gnashing his teeth in envy and smiled.

      Once again, Rose was left to wonder why a strikingly handsome, dangerously sexy, successful, intelligent man was free on such short notice on a Friday night. There must have been someone in his little black book that he could have hooked up with.

      “Have you been waiting long?” Donovan folded his long, lean body onto the seat on the other side of the small circular table. He sounded concerned.

      “I was early. Nerves, I guess.” Rose could have pulled her tongue right out of her head. Why did I say that?

      “Sounds like you could use a cup of coffee.” Donovan’s hazel eyes were bright with curiosity, but he didn’t push. Rose appreciated that.

      She led the way to the customer counter, aware of Donovan’s presence close behind her. At the cash register, Rose ordered two cups of coffee.

      Donovan placed his hand on her forearm. “I can get it.”

      Rose tilted her head back to meet his eyes. He was a bit taller than Benjamin. That was another point in his favor. “I invited you. I should pay.”

      A stubborn light flashed across his bright eyes before he dropped his hand from her arm. “I’ll get the next one.”

      Rose smiled. He already envisioned them sharing coffee a second time. That was a good sign, wasn’t it?

      At the coffee station, Rose filled her mug, then doctored her coffee with cream and sweetener. Donovan drank his coffee black and sweet. They returned to the table. Fortunately, no one else had taken it.

      “Thank you again for meeting me this evening.” Rose reclaimed her seat.

      “I was curious about this business proposition you mentioned.” Donovan angled his