Letting Go!. Mara Fox. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mara Fox
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408949146
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sunset? To share it with someone? To find romantic attraction—that spur-of-the-moment, knock-you-off-your-feet sensation?

      Fingering the unfamiliar length of her hair, she wondered where to start.

      She considered some of Tina’s not-so-subtle techniques. If Emma could emulate instead of hesitate then maybe she’d get past all the things that inhibited her.

      She’d just pick out a good-looking man and talk to him. But not in the way she’d initiated conversations before. This time she wanted to pique the guy’s interest, the kind of interest that would lead to a night of romantic intimacy.

      Only one problem. She tapped her finger against her chin. This meeting couldn’t actually lead to an interlude because the passengers were supposed to be back for the captain’s cocktail hour at eleven o’clock. The ship sailed again at midnight.

      Hmm, a problem, or a practice run?

      If she could impress someone here on the island then maybe she could seduce the hell out of a handsome passenger on the ship.

      She squared her shoulders. Even Tina would be impressed.

      Except she wanted an exotic drink in her hand to set the mood, and to keep the staff off her back while she concentrated on other things. Yes. Some tropical concoction and she’d be ready for anything!

      Scanning the bar Emma noted a broad-shouldered, nicely tanned man sitting at a table on the sand. Once she’d worked on that drink, a Latin lover would definitely be the perfect chaser. The man’s fit body and wide shoulders were almost too big for the small wicker chair. Dark curling hair waved back in a shaggy, casual style, brushing the collar of the loose, white shirt he wore, and for a minute she fantasized that he looked like a modern-day pirate.

      Emma aimed at the empty table well beyond his. Maybe she could just watch him from afar. Consider it the first step.

      The second step would be him looking her way, she thought as she headed to the table. She almost stumbled when he did.

      And then…

      Amazingly, the pirate actually rose to his feet as she approached, grinning in such a friendly fashion it was as if he knew her, and somehow it gave her the courage she needed to pause in front of him.

      His gaze was as warm as if he’d physically reached out to her. His smile was incredibly bright on his gorgeous, tanned face. “I saw you enjoying the sunset and I hoped you’d come in closer.”

      She practically pried her hands from behind her back to offer one to him. “Hi, I’m Emma. You must be from around here. I’m a passenger on a cruise ship, just here for the evening. It’s so nice to meet a local. That is, if you are a local—”

      She might have babbled on or run away, but he grabbed and squeezed her hand. The tingle she felt stopped her in mid-speech. Is this how initiating a seduction felt? This wonderful, scary feeling, like a roller coaster as you hovered on the arc of the first drop?

      “Emma, you spoke so quickly I’m afraid I didn’t catch it all.”

      “Oh, do I have an accent? You don’t. It’s amazing. I just said that I’m on a cruise and I’m a little…” She started to say nervous but changed her mind. That wasn’t the way to pick up a man. This was the perfect opportunity to pretend she was sophisticated, like Tina.

      “…thirsty. I’m so thirsty,” she said in a rush. “Can you tell me what I should order? I usually order…um…orgasms. You know, the drinks…” Emma almost pinched herself. Had she really been that bold?

      FOR TONY, holding Emma’s hand was an incredible rush. But hadn’t he intended to get Emma out of his system?

      “Well,” Emma prompted. “What do you locals drink?”

      It was the second time she’d suggested he was a local.

      Mentally he grinned. A player or a local, either definition would do.

      And while he had no idea what language they spoke on the island, he was pretty sure Emma didn’t know either. So he’d lean on his Spanish and roll his Rs, to keep her interested. “I’m…Andres and I know exactly what we should order.” He was pleased when his words came out smooth and just slightly accented.

      In a throaty purr Emma replied, “Okay, but if you’ve got a better suggestion then I’d love to, uh, entertain it.”

      Emma hadn’t seemed quite so flirtatious when they’d spoken on the phone. More pragmatic and perhaps a little whimsical. But then she put a hand on his shoulder and distracted him with a single look. No one had prepared him for the kick of those sea-blue eyes.

      “I think we can find something appropriately stimulating for a beautiful…mainlander.”

      “Thank you.”

      That smile hit him in an interesting place. And when she tried to sit in the minuscule skirt he could have sworn her legs were a million miles long.

      The cane material of the chair seemed to grab onto the skirt fabric and he couldn’t help but wonder what she wore under the tiny skirt as she fought for balance.

      He lifted his hand, wondering how to help, then grabbed on to the back of the chair to keep it from falling over. Emma finally struggled into place, and he settled back, congratulating himself for resisting any peeking while she’d been fixing her skirt.

      “What have you been drinking?” Tony asked solicitously. (He had to think of himself as Andres, his middle name, the name his grandmother called him.)

      “Nothing, not since lunch.”

      He was skeptical, but obviously she wasn’t driving, so he signaled the waiter and asked for two house specials. The waiter grinned and then went towards the back. The bar was open to the beach, and the salt air, flickering candles and cane furniture gave it an exotic appeal. Andres could feel himself sliding headfirst into the island atmosphere.

      “Thank you for ordering the drinks. I’m so excited to be here.” Emma grinned at him. “It’s like a different world.”

      He couldn’t help himself; he reached out to stroke her hand. The engaging lady from the phone conversations was mesmerizing in person. “It’s beautiful.”

      She blushed. “I do see myself in a whole new light.”

      “Where’s home?”


      “And what occupation has you feeling like you needed to visit a new world? Or is it more personal?”

      “I’m an administrative assistant for a lawyer, a glorified secretary,” she said almost defensively. “But it’s not the work or anything else really.” She fluttered her hands. “It’s my own angst.”

      He was impressed. “No excuses? No attempt to blame your boss, co-workers, parents, boyfriend or perhaps…husband?”

      She touched her ring finger. “No husband, no boyfriend and no one to blame but myself. I just needed a boost.”

      It had to be that idiot from the office who made her want to get away from it all. “And you’ve already met one new person,” he said with a smile.

      “And a very interesting one at that.” She licked those incredible lips.

      The server slipped the drinks onto the table with an appreciative look toward Emma that she didn’t seem to notice.

      Andres wondered why she didn’t see. Most women collected those kinds of looks like prizes and would have at least preened a bit. But Emma just sat there with those wide eyes focused on him. He wanted to groan when she gave him a provocative smile and recrossed her legs. One prettily manicured hand slipped casually over to touch his.

      Andres took a gulp of the creamy drink to cool off.

      He would be privileged to be the only one she had eyes for.
