About Last Summer. Sandra Panting. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sandra Panting
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472074980
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      “No. What I think happened last year was a whole lot more fun.”

      Her tone was full of sass, and her eyes sparkled with a hint of invitation. However, he wasn’t the type of guy to get all bent out of shape over a bit of light-hearted flirting. He could keep the situation in perspective, although given their history if she continued they could have a problem.

      But he’d play along. For now.

      “Now I know why Patrick worries,” he said, matching her flippant tone.

      Merriment shone in her eyes as she opened her mouth as if to further sass him, but evidently she changed her mind and instead took another sip of her beer.

      Eyeing her suspiciously, he asked, “What are you thinking?”

      “You don’t want to know.” She tried unsuccessfully to hide a grin, but Chase knew her game. And yes, he probably shouldn’t be encouraging her, or himself for that matter, but he couldn’t resist. Besides, he wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.

      “You know there are ways to make you talk.” He set aside his beer and playfully lunged at her. Natalie shrieked with laughter as she tried to avoid his hands, but she wasn’t quick enough.

      “You probably shouldn’t do that,” she said, after he trapped her against the cushions. “What are you going to do if Patrick comes home?”

      “I thought you weren’t worried about Patrick,” he taunted. Leaning closer, his mouth inches from hers, he asked, “So you want to tell me more about how much fun you had last year?”

      Chase knew for the most part she was just playing around, but he also knew he couldn’t take this game much further. It would take very little for him to close the remaining distance between them, and silence that sassy mouth with a heart-stopping kiss.

      But Natalie clearly wasn’t willing to concede defeat as her eyes widened. “Why? Can’t you remember?”

      Chase knew an invitation when he heard one, and Natalie’s words were special delivery. Did that mean she wanted him to kiss her? Well, considering the challenging look in her eyes that was exactly what she wanted, but he had a few tricks of his own. He dropped his hand to her waist then tickled her. Her laughter filled the room as they wrestled on the couch.

      “OK, OK,” she said between giggles. “I give.”

      “You sure?” He stopped tickling, but didn’t release her although he was going to have to soon. Her squirming beneath him had his hormones revved up; much more and he wouldn’t care what Patrick thought.

      “I’m sure.”

      He eyed her, not sure if he could trust her to not continue sassing him, but he did need to let her go. He was approaching the point of no return, and he couldn’t afford to forget where they were. Having Patrick walk in on them would not further Chase’s cause.

      He released her and she sat up adjusting her dress, which had ridden up dangerously high. That was another reason he’d let her go. The last thing he needed was more temptation.

      “Well,” she said, her voice less than steady. “It’s getting late, and I’d better get to bed.” Then slanting him a sly look, she added, “Unless you care to join me?”

       Chapter Three

      Chase’s beer suddenly lodged in his throat.

      Natalie’s expression grew decidedly abashed. “Sorry,” she said, her hands moving in a confused gesture. “I wasn’t thinking.”

      Chase forced fresh air into his lungs. “Natalie,” he began, although his rational thought process was in serious jeopardy. Thoughts of telling her what a bad idea that was spun through his mind, although thoughts of agreeing to her offer were just as prominent. Maybe even more so.

      “I know, I know,” she interrupted, saving him from having to form some sort of intelligent reply. “Don’t worry. I didn’t mean it.” With a rueful smile, she added, “I guess I’ll just say goodnight.”

      His heart pulsed as she walked up the stairs, and it wasn’t until she disappeared from view that he realized he hadn’t moved. Still stunned, he carried their beer bottles into the kitchen.

      Of course she was joking, he assured himself pouring the remaining amber liquid down the drain. Even if she wanted to make love with him again, she wouldn’t be so foolish as to carry on right under Patrick’s nose. But he couldn’t deny he’d been tempted. He was still tempted.

      Without conscious thought his gaze strayed into the now vacant living room, which led to Natalie’s room.

       You can’t. You just can’t.

      Forcing his thoughts away from the tempting woman upstairs, he focused on shutting off the lights and purposely heading downstairs.


      The following morning Natalie berated herself for the way she ended her ‘date’ with Chase. How stupid could she be sassing him like that? Last night she’d been overcome with the most insane urge to push his buttons, but today the quaking in her stomach reminded her of how easily she could get caught in the same trap.

      It also didn’t help that her mom had chosen today of all days to come into the office. Usually it was only Natalie, and her mother’s other assistant who did the actual work. Doris typically only worked on a consultation basis and as the occasional personal favor for a friend.

      Today, however, Doris hovered around offering advice, which usually went something like, “Did you check with the caterers about the changes in the Bryants’ wedding? No? Well, I would have thought you would have called already, but I’m sure you know best.” Or “Is that the color for Patricia Myers’ dress? I mean with her red hair don’t you think pink is a bit much?”

      Needless to say by the time lunch rolled around, Natalie’s jaw hurt from clamping her mouth shut. Needing to expel some pent up energy she left Hill Tower Drive, and took her lunch to Beacon Park. Beacon Park was one of Baker Hill’s larger parks. It boasted a carillon, a park pavilion, and a gazebo, which was one of Baker Hill’s more popular places to host a wedding.

      After finding a parking space near the playground and picnic area, Natalie found a bench under a shady tree where she could watch children enjoying the sunny day. The recently remodeled play area had a variety of playground equipment, and it even boasted a water feature. A few of the younger boys were dipping their feet into the small pool of water, although some of the older children were taking a more daring approach. Several bikes crisscrossed paths as the children pedaled through the trail of water, while onlookers enjoyed the effect of spraying liquid from the bikes’ wheels.

      The older children’s antics reminded her of something Patrick and his friends might have done when they were younger. Amusing herself with that thought, she managed a smile. Who couldn’t help but feel joy sitting outside on a glorious summer afternoon watching the neighborhood children engage in the age-old childhood tradition of playing at the park?

      Purposely keeping thoughts of Chase at bay, she continued to watch the children while she ate. But after clearing away the remains of her lunch, she had nothing left to distract her from why she lunched alone. She needed to figure out what to do about Chase.

      The only clear solution was to stay as far away from him as possible, but she needed to be subtle about it so as to not tip off Patrick. Last night proved how easily she could be drawn into another affair and she couldn’t, wouldn’t, flat out refused to go through that again.

      Walking away from him last year had been sheer hell, and when he didn’t try to stop her it further confirmed what she suspected all along. He didn’t want a relationship. He wanted a plaything.

      Well, that description wasn’t exactly fair. Chase had been going through his own hell not knowing if his father would recover, and his squabbling family hadn’t