The Mighty Quinns: Kellan. Kate Hoffmann. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kate Hoffmann
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408969502
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can’t fool me,” she said, pushing up on her toes and placing a kiss on his cheek. Then Gelsey slowly walked toward the bathroom.

      As she closed the bathroom door behind her, Gelsey leaned back against it and drew a deep breath. Had he been any other man in her life, she would have seduced him on the spot. She’d never been one to play coy when it came to satisfying her desires. And she’d never met a man who’d refused her.

      But that was precisely how she’d gotten into trouble in the past. She’d led with her heart, not her head. Her argument with Antonio last night had been a prime example. She should have been nicer, considering his word would go a long way toward making the assault case disappear. Instead, all the anger and resentment over their breakup had come bubbling to the surface, and after a long predawn phone argument, she’d grabbed a bottle of champagne as the sun came up and wandered along the cliffs to the cove.

      Her heart had told her to kiss Kellan that day in the meadow. And her heart had told her to do the same thing when he found her on the beach. And both times, it had felt so right and so real, not wicked or manipulative. Just … perfect.

      She didn’t have to live her life in brilliant swaths of color and chaos. She could be just like everyone else if she wanted to be—normal. From now on, she’d try to become the kind of woman who didn’t indulge her every whim, a woman who controlled her desires and considered her actions.

      “Except for kissing,” she murmured. After all, what harm could it do to enjoy the lips of a man as handsome and sexy as Kellan Quinn? It was only a matter of time before he found out about her past, about the life she wanted to leave behind. And men like Kellan were not the type to put up with the kind of baggage she carried with her.

      Gelsey turned on the shower, then let the quilt drop to the floor. She was warm now, and happy. It was time to take a breath and see life the way everyone else in the world did—without the endless drama and rollercoaster emotions.


      KELLAN SET THE PILE of clothes down next to the bathroom. Though he was trying to keep his mind on other things, it wasn’t difficult to imagine what was going on beyond the door. She was naked, obviously. And he’d seen her body when he’d undressed her, so there was no use trying to forget the sweet curves and soft flesh that had been hidden by the quilt.

      She’d kissed him not once, but twice. She’d made it quite apparent that she’d welcome more. But Kellan wasn’t one to play games when it came to sex and he knew damn well she was hiding something.

      She’d refused to provide her last name, which made him suspect she might be running from something or someone—the authorities … or a jealous husband or boyfriend. That was more likely. She didn’t seem like the criminal sort. And chances were that a woman as beautiful as Gelsey would have a man in her life. She possessed the kind of beauty that could make any male mad with jealousy.

      Kellan cleared his throat, then rapped on the door. “I’m going to run down to the pub and get some supper for us,” he called. “I’ll be back in about twenty minutes.”

      “I’m really not very hungry,” she replied.

      “I am,” Kellan said. “Don’t make your shower too long. You’ll run out of hot water. There are clothes on the floor outside the door.”

      The bathroom door opened and she poked her head out and smiled. Water droplets clung to her lashes and ran down her cheeks. “Thanks,” she said. She bent down and grabbed the clothes and he caught sight of her naked body.

      A current of desire raced through him as his gaze settled on a sleek leg, setting his nerves on edge. Kellan couldn’t help but look. “Are these yours?” she asked, nodding at the clothes.

      “Yes. They won’t fit, but they’ll keep you warm. For now. I’ll see if Nan or Jordan might have something you can borrow.”

      “Who are Nan and Jordan?”

      “Nan is my brother Riley’s fiancée and Jordan is my brother Danny’s girlfriend.”

      “I don’t mind wearing your clothes,” she said.

      “But I do.” With that, Kellan turned and strode to the door. If she wasn’t going to walk around the cottage naked, then at least he’d make sure she had clothes that enhanced her beautiful body.

      When he got outside, Kellan took a long deep breath of the cold evening air. The day had begun like any ordinary day, but suddenly, he’d found himself in possession of a beautiful woman, one who planned to spend the night.

      A brisk walk into the village should clear his mind of any thoughts of seduction. But he couldn’t seem to put Gelsey out of his head. There was something about her, something he found incredibly intriguing.

      Kellan made a mental list of all her qualities—the long blond hair, perfectly balanced features, a body that was made to be touched and skin so flawless it made her seem unattainable. But it wasn’t just the physical that he found attractive. It was what he didn’t know about her that was even more tantalizing.

      There was a certain appeal to the idea of a mystery woman, a complete stranger with a secret past. Though he was usually quite rational and fantasies weren’t a regular indulgence, Gelsey seemed to bring out the devil in him. What would it be like to have her in his bed, to lose himself inside such a lovely creature?

      The pub was busy when he walked in the front door. But the conversation softened to a low murmur the instant everyone saw him enter. He glanced around, then found Danny smiling at him from behind the bar. “There he is!” Danny shouted. “The hero of the day. So what did you do with your mermaid, Kell? Did ya toss her back? Or have you decided to keep her?”

      Kellan cursed beneath his breath. No doubt everyone in town was aware of the situation unfolding at the cottage. Maybe that was for the best. Someone in town must know who she was or where she came from. “She’s not a mermaid,” he shouted, crossing the room to the bar.

      “Doc Finnerty says she is.”

      “Doc Finnerty should limit himself to one pint of the dark stuff.” Kellan turned to Riley and Nan sitting at the end of the bar. Jordan was with them, the remains of their dinner littering the surface in front of them. “She is not a mermaid. She’s just some girl who got drunk and ended up on the beach.”

      “Doc Finnerty says she doesn’t look like a normal girl,” Riley said.

      “She was half frozen to death. Almost blue from the cold,” Kellan explained. “Now I need some dinner.” He glanced over at Danny. “Pack up some stew and some shepherd’s pie. And soup. Lots of soup.”

      “You sure she wouldn’t want a bucket of herring?” Danny teased.

      “Just get my dinner,” Kellan said.

      Though he usually enjoyed his brothers’ good-natured ribbing, he didn’t want to turn this whole episode into something more than it was. He’d done a good deed and rescued a damsel in distress. And tomorrow, she’d find her way home and his life would get back to normal.

      Danny poured him a Guinness before he went back into the kitchen to place Kellan’s dinner order. A few moments later, Jordan and Nan sidled up to him, sitting down on stools on either side of him.

      “Don’t even ask,” he growled.

      “You told me you’d do the programs for our wedding ceremony,” Nan said.

      “Get Danny to do it,” Kellan said. “He’s a far better artist than I am.”

      “He hates using a computer. And he and Jordan are helping with the decorations.” She reached over the bar to retrieve a box. “Please?”

      Kellan smiled. “Of course I’ll do them.”

      Nan clapped, her expression brightening. “There’s plenty of paper. You’ll have to print it all on one page