Wedding Vows: Say I Do: Matrimony with His Majesty / Invitation to the Prince's Palace / The Prince's Outback Bride. Rebecca Winters. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rebecca Winters
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474028394
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Highness.” Yet Alex had made it easy for Darrell.

      He made everything easy. She trembled to realize she’d never be able to banish his image from her mind, or heart.

      His mother’s gray eyes studying Darrell so intently reminded her of the man who haunted her dreams. “It’s a pleasure to meet the mother of my grandson.”

      “Thank you. He has yearned for a grandmother since he was old enough to ask why he didn’t have one like his friends.”

      Alex took that moment to tell his mother what Phillip had said on the jet about the queen-size bed. The older woman actually laughed and Evelyn joined in. When it subsided she said, “I see you’re holding a picture of Evelyn’s family.”

      “Yes. We were just remarking on the dominance of the Valleder genes.”

      Katerina nodded. “After spending a few hours with the boys, I’ve decided Phillip is a composite of all the men in our family.”

      Emotion welled up in Darrell to realize her son came from a great heritage. Whatever their true feelings, these women were great to be kind and gracious to her and Phillip. Their impeccable breeding could be a model for others.

      Melissa had gravitated to Alex, instinctively recognizing without knowing that he was a man hewn from clay reserved for those with a special destiny.

      “I wish you could have seen the boys’ eyes once we started down that spooky staircase with Alex today. They’re all so cute—”

      “Aren’t they?” Evelyn’s eyes had grown moist.

      Darrell handed the picture back to her. She set it on the table, then smiled.

      “Now that everyone’s here, shall we go in to dinner? It’s ready.”

      Alex escorted his mother across the foyer to the charming dining room. Jules took over and helped her to her seat at one end of the table. Vito assisted his mother to the chair next to her.

      Not to be outdone, Phillip—a quick study—came around and guided Darrell to her place opposite Evelyn. It was a first for him. Judging by the mirthful glance Alex flashed Darrell, he knew it, too.

      Enjoying the moment too much, she averted her eyes while he sat down at the head of the candlelit table. It was resplendent with royal Valleder china and silverware placed on the cutwork lace linen.

      He patted the chair on his right side for Phillip to join him. Once he was seated, Alex looked at his nephews. They weren’t really his nephews, but as he’d told her and Phillip, he felt like their uncle. “Who wants to say grace?”

      Darrell fought not to laugh at the dismay on their faces.

      “Maybe Phillip would like to say it,” his mother suggested.

      “Sure, Grandma.”

      He folded his arms, closed his eyes and gave the usual prayer Darrell had taught him to say over the food.

      After a collective “amen,” Alex thanked him, then two of the staff began serving dinner.

      Darrell was so proud of Phillip right then she could have burst. Though he was like an unpolished diamond and always would be, he had his shining moments and this had been one of them.

      She saw the tender look Alex gave his son. It dissolved Darrell’s bones.

      No sooner had they started to eat than his cell phone rang. She noticed him glance at the caller ID, then get up from the table. “Excuse me for a moment.”

      The moment turned into twenty minutes. By the time he came back in the dining room, they were finishing their strudel dessert.

      “I’m sorry, but something important has come up and I have to leave.”

      “Are you going to San Ravino to see Isabella?” Phillip asked the question no one else dared.


      “When will you be back?”


      A crestfallen look crossed over Phillip’s face, one everyone could see.

      “Thank you for dinner, Evelyn.”

      “It was my pleasure.”

      Darrell knew everyone at the table was thinking how out-spoken Phillip had been. It was something they would have to get used to because he’d been born with that trait. She couldn’t look at Alex right then.

      “I’ll take Darrell and Phillip home when I go,” Katerina spoke up.

      “Thank you, Mother. I’ll see you tomorrow, Phillip.”

      “Sure, Dad.”

      Alex flashed Darrell a hooded glance she couldn’t decipher before he departed. It left her shaken. Did he kiss Isabella with the same passion he’d kissed her? Was he counting the minutes until they were together? Darrell couldn’t take much more of this.

      Ten minutes after he’d left the palace she heard the helicopter taking off. Phillip’s expression mirrored her spirits, which had plummeted to a new low.

      “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”

      Alex looked around the oval conference table in his office where his executive staff and ministers were assembled. Leo exchanged a private nod with him.

      “I can only recall two times since I became king that I’ve had to call for an emergency session. Both times were due to the threat of a student uprising. This time the situation is different.

      “I just flew back from San Ravino. After a great deal of soul searching over the past few days, Isabella and I have decided to call off our wedding.”

      The silence that filled the room was deafening.

      “I’ve prepared a statement for the press, which I’ve given to Carl. Regardless of what you might hear, the princess and I parted on amicable terms.”

      More silence, the kind produced by shock reverberated throughout his office.

      “As all of you have heard by now, very recently I discovered I have a twelve-year-old son who was born and raised in Colorado in the United States without my knowledge.

      “The king could have ignored the revelation, but the man could not. Phillip Collier is my flesh and blood. I love him and have claimed him.

      “Because of this action I’m fully aware that public sentiment will go against me. If I think it’s for the good of the country, I’ll step down.”

      At this point many heads had lowered, but not Leo’s. The other man’s eyes remained suspiciously bright.

      “I recall a conversation I once had with father. He told me he didn’t have any friends. His comment hurt me. When I asked him why, he said, ‘That’s the definition of a king.’

      “I didn’t understand what he meant, but I do now. No matter what decision you make as sovereign, you’re going to hurt someone.

      “By recognizing my son, I dare say I don’t have a friend left, starting with the great men I’ve let down assembled in this historic conference room.

      “But when I met Phillip for the first time and he said, ‘You’re my dad,’ something went through me I can’t describe. All I know is, I wanted to be all the things I could see in his eyes.”

      He cleared his throat. “Thank you for coming, gentlemen. That’s everything.”

      On his way to his inner office to phone Darrell, Carl intercepted him. “Your Majesty? While you were in conference, Ms. Collier phoned to say that in case you were wondering, she and your son have gone into town to do some shopping for a few hours.”

      Disappointed they weren’t immediately available, he thanked Carl before ringing Rudy. “How long ago did Ms. Collier leave the castle?”
