Las Vegas Nights: At Odds with the Heiress. Cat Schield. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cat Schield
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474043250
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all that hands-on. She’d hired the right people for key jobs and was little more than a figurehead. Wasn’t that how Logan perceived her?


      Now that they’d taken things to the next level, this was a terrible time for her to be away from him. But she’d never let a man stand in the way of her career before. Of course, she’d never had a man like Logan Wolfe either. And keeping him there was worth a little sacrifice. A little sacrifice, maybe, but this was a fabulous part in a groundbreaking new show. A show that could give her career an enormous boost.

      If she still wanted a career as an actress. Did she?

      Scarlett surged to her feet and exited her office. In the excitement of getting the script, she’d almost forgotten the other pressing problem facing her. That of telling Violet and Harper that Tiberius had accumulated files on them. And that those files had been stolen. She’d start with Violet. See how that encounter went. Perhaps she’d even pick her half sister’s brain about the best way to approach Harper. As well as how much to tell her.

      After letting her assistant know where she’d be, Scarlett headed to the walkway that would take her to Fontaine Chic. She sent Violet a quick text to find out where they could meet up and followed that with a call to Madison.

      “I’m sorry to make this so last-minute,” Scarlett said to the young actress wannabe, “but I’m going to have to cancel dinner tonight. In fact, why don’t you take the rest of the night off.”

      “Are you sure?”

      “Weren’t you telling me something about a party one of your friends was having?”

      Concerned that Madison wasn’t spending enough time with kids her own age, Scarlett had arranged for her to meet some college-bound teenagers that Logan couldn’t help but approve of. Sensible kids from good families, they were keen to start at their various schools in the fall, and Madison had caught some of their enthusiasm. Another couple weeks with them and Logan’s niece would be ready to resume an academic path.

      “Trent is having a few friends over.”

      “Then you should go. You’ve worked hard all week. Time to have a little fun.”

      “I’ll tell Uncle Logan that you said that.”

      Scarlett winced. As amazing as last night had been, she wasn’t sure Logan would appreciate hearing her make suggestions about his niece’s social life. “Oh, please don’t.”

      “Why not? He really likes you.”

      “He does?” Scarlett had reached Fontaine Chic and her steps slowed.

      “Sure. Just like you have a thing for him.”

      Why fight it? “I have a huge thing for your uncle. And we’re just starting to get along. I don’t want to risk annoying him.”

      Madison laughed. “After the way he was smiling this morning, I don’t think you have to worry about it. See you tomorrow.”

      Left to muse over Logan’s good humor, Scarlett didn’t even notice she’d passed by Violet until her sister grabbed her arm and gave her a shake.

      “You were certainly miles away,” Violet said with a curious smile. “Thinking of anyone in particular?”

      Scarlett felt the jolt all the way to her toes. Was Violet fishing? There was no way she could know what Scarlett and Logan had been up to the night before. Nevertheless, a guilty flush crept up her chest.

      “Nothing like that.”

      “Look at your poor jaw.” Violet murmured, abruptly sober. “How bad is it?”

      “I’ll survive.” Scarlett brushed off her sister’s concern. “But the incident last night is why I need to talk to you.”

      “Sounds serious.”

      “Let’s go to your office so we won’t be disturbed.”

      “That’s the worst place we could go. How about we head to Lalique?”

      The centerpiece of Violet’s hotel was an enormous three-story crystal chandelier that enclosed an elegant two-story bar in dazzling, sparkling ropes. It was three million dollars’ worth of oh, wow and set the tone for her decor. Like the sky-blue in Harper’s Fontaine Ciel, crystal was Violet’s signature. Multifaceted and ever-changing, clear crystals sparkled above the gaming tables and from the fixtures that lined the walkways. Pillars sparkled with embedded lights made to resemble crystals and all the waitstaff and dealers wore rhinestone-accented black uniforms.

      Settling into a quiet corner table, Violet ordered two glasses of sparkling water with lime and an olive pâté appetizer to share. She then turned to her sister.

      “Something is obviously bothering you,” Violet commented.

      Scarlett gathered a large breath and began. “I told you how Tiberius had left me his files.”

      “Yes. Have you had a chance to dig into any of them?” Violet’s eyes were bright with interest. “What kind of dirt did he have on people?”

      “I haven’t had time to look at more than a couple.” This was the part that was tough. “There were files on our father and you, Harper and me.”

      Violet didn’t look surprised. “I can only imagine what he dug up about Ross.” Unlike Scarlett, Violet had known from an early age that she was Ross Fontaine’s illegitimate daughter. She’d never had any contact with him, but was pretty sure he knew he was her father. That he’d refused to acknowledge her had been hard on Violet.

      “Quite a lot. But none of it was that damning. I mean, we all know he was a philandering jerk, but mostly Tiberius was interested in keeping an eye on his running of Fontaine Hotels and Resorts.”

      “So the reason you’re upset has nothing to do with Ross?”

      “Not directly.”

      “Spill it.”

      “The files were stolen last night.”

      “That’s what the thief was after?”

      “I don’t know for sure. He took other files as well. Ones that had nothing to do with us. Tiberius was keeping an eye on his brother-in-law. Almost half the box was filled with stuff on Stone Properties. Financials. Their employees. I just glanced at it.”

      Violet nodded. “Tiberius hated Preston for the way he treated his sister. Blamed him for her death.”

      Scarlett’s pulse jerked. “Why is that?”

      “Preston’s priority was the company he took over after his father-in-law died. He wasn’t much of a father or a husband. Unfortunately, Fiona Stone adored her husband and couldn’t handle his neglect. She turned to drugs and alcohol to cope and died of an overdose when JT was about twelve.”

      JT Stone ran the family’s operations in Las Vegas. A handsome, enigmatic businessman, he didn’t socialize with the Fontaine sisters, but Violet had gotten to know him a little because he was Tiberius’s nephew.

      “How awful to lose his mom so young,” Scarlett said, thinking of all the substance abuse she’d seen ruin lives during her years in Hollywood. “Anyway, in addition to those files, the guy grabbed the files Tiberius had on all of us.” Scarlett noticed Violet wasn’t at all surprised. “You knew?”

      “I suspected.” She grinned. “Anything interesting?”

      Scarlett felt a little of her dread ease. “There was a great deal on my time in L.A. Nothing too shocking there. I kept the paparazzi busy for several years during my dark period. Your file was the thinnest of the bunch.”

      Violet sighed. “I’m deadly dull.”

      “You should do something to fix that,” Scarlett teased before growing serious once more. “But getting back to the problem. Last night the thief stole all our files.