Italian Mavericks: Carrying The Italian's Heir: Married for the Italian's Heir / The Last Heir of Monterrato / The Surprise Conti Child. Tara Pammi. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tara Pammi
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474095211
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confident and comfortable then.

      ‘And what are your instructions for this transformation of your fiancée?’

      The spark of fury in her voice only served to bring a smile to his lips, and from the flash of defiance in her eyes it was not a smile she wanted to see.

      ‘Elizabeth has instructions for exactly what is required and she will ensure you know all that is necessary for an evening dinner party. I have seen you poised and elegant, Piper, so I am sure it will be easy for you to act that role once more.’

      Before she could formulate any response he knocked on the office door and opened it. The woman who stood and greeted them was dressed simply, in a tan leather jacket over a white blouse and short skirt, and yet had an understated elegance about her. First impressions were important to Dante, and this time he was happy with Benjamin’s suggestion to utilise all that Elizabeth Young’s company, Leviathan Solutions, could offer.

      ‘Signor Mancini... Ms Riley, good morning.’ The woman’s smile was warm and friendly as she stepped from behind the desk to greet them.


      ‘I have all your instructions, Signor Mancini, and Piper—may I call you Piper?’ She directed the question at Piper, who Dante thought now seemed remarkably relaxed. Was she resigned to the situation she was in? Maybe her insistence that it wasn’t needed had been a ploy.

      ‘Yes, of course,’ Piper replied, and looked up at him and smiled.

      He was shocked to realise it was a genuine smile, one which lit up her eyes, taking him right back to the moment he’d first seen her at that dinner party in one of London’s top hotels. He’d known in that instant that he wanted her—and had set about making it happen, using the champagne and the anonymity of such an evening to achieve just that, with his usual disregard for social proprieties.

      ‘Bene, then I shall see you this evening. My car will be at your disposal all day, and will return you to the apartment later this afternoon.’

      He had no wish to spend the day judging dresses, shoes and handbags. There were far more important things for him to do, such as finding a way to convince Bettino D’Antonio that making a deal with his business would be beneficial to both of them.

      * * *

      Piper relaxed as the door closed behind Dante and she heard him saying goodbye in the shop. At least nobody else would witness her so-called transformation as his fiancée other than Elizabeth Young, a woman with warm eyes and a friendly smile whom she couldn’t help but like instantly, despite her part in all this.

      ‘We should get started,’ Elizabeth said, picking up a notepad and pen, and left the office.

      Piper, wishing she could achieve that effortless chic style, followed her through the shop into a large changing room adorned with many ornate mirrors.

      ‘Dante’s list is extensive. I had already selected several gowns for this evening’s dinner party, but the moment I saw you I knew there was one that was perfect.’

      Elizabeth’s enthusiasm was infectious, and Piper found herself excited as an assistant appeared. She watched in an almost dreamlike state as Elizabeth signalled to a member of the boutique’s staff who held up a long bronze dress, adorned with sequins. The assistant held it across her arms as she stood in the dressing room. Piper had never seen such a dress before, let alone worn one. How could Elizabeth think it was perfect for her?

      ‘Bronze will look amazing with your hair, and the dress will accentuate your gorgeous figure.’

      Elizabeth’s flurry of words held a hint of excitement which transferred itself to Piper. None of this was for real, but it was happening, and she did have the role of fiancée to play. Would it be so wrong to get carried away with the fun of all the glamour?

      ‘It’s beautiful.’ Piper touched the delicate fabric as the assistant held it for her, wondering how it would feel to wear such a dress. Should she tell Elizabeth that her so-called gorgeous figure would be short-lived? ‘It’s very beautiful. But I’m not sure it will be suitable.’

      ‘Just try it,’ encouraged Elizabeth as she ushered Piper behind a changing screen.

      Piper looked at her reflection in the large gilded mirror moments later, not even sure if the woman who gazed back at her was real. How could one dress make her look and feel so different?

      ‘It’s perfect.’ Elizabeth’s no-nonsense tone halted any further objections and Piper had to admit it fitted beautifully, as if it had been made for her.

      ‘Then I will be guided by you.’ She had no idea what else this evening’s dinner party would require, but Elizabeth’s air of confidence was reassuring.

      ‘I wish all my clients were so easy to please.’ Elizabeth smiled as she signalled to a member of staff that the bronze dress was to be packed. ‘Next I have a black gown by the same designer. Perfect for a night at the theatre.’

      For a second time Piper looked at her reflection, saw her body encased in the most gorgeous black silk. Was this really happening? The elation of the moment quickly faded as reality crept in. She was paying a high price for this Cinderella moment. She might be about to go to the ball, dinner parties or the theatre, but she certainly wouldn’t find her Prince Charming.

      From what she’d seen of Dante Mancini, Prince Charming didn’t exist in the man she was now engaged to. For two months she’d lived with the hope that after that wonderful night together he might be her very own knight in shining armour. Now she had to accept that such fairytale ideas were impossible. Dante Mancini was ruthless in business and, it seemed, in love. Did he even know what love was?

      ‘No time for daydreaming.’ Elizabeth smiled at her in the mirror and Piper couldn’t help but smile back, despite the unusual situation and her downward spiralling emotions. ‘We have lots more to choose.’

      ‘We do?’

      ‘But of course. You’ve a weekend in Tuscany, and many events to attend in the coming weeks, and then there are outfits to select for when your pregnancy shows—ones that will accentuate your happy news, as Signor Mancini requested.’

      She knew about the pregnancy? Dante certainly hadn’t spared her blushes or embarrassment. Hearing it said plainly and so practically that he wanted people knowing that particular detail hurt more than she cared to admit.

      ‘I wasn’t aware you knew...’ Piper began to stumble over her words, as she always did when she was anxious. ‘It’s still new to us at the moment.’

      Elizabeth stopped and looked at Piper, her friendly smile defusing the agitation brewing in Piper. ‘I’m in full possession of the facts regarding the arrangement between you and Signor Mancini—of his need to appear to settle down in order to salvage the damage done by salacious gossip to their charity.’

      ‘Their charity?’

      Piper was confused. Wasn’t all this in aid of Dante’s business deal? She thought back to the day in his office, when he’d talked of the deal he was on the brink of losing. He hadn’t mentioned a charity.

      ‘Of course their charity. That article in Celebrity Spy! nearly destroyed the good work all four of them have done.’

      ‘All four of them?’

      ‘Yes—Dante, Zayn, Benjamin and Xander. It’s almost as if Celebrity Spy! deliberately set out to destroy them and The Hope Foundation.’

      Confusion made thinking difficult as Piper digested this new information. Why would Dante want her to believe this was all for his business deal? Why hadn’t he told her about the charity, that it was the real reason, instead of letting her believe it was completely mercenary?

      ‘And are all four to be married in order to give the appearance of having settled down in life and abandoned their bachelor existence?’

      ‘Benjamin, Dante and Zayn will be, yes.’
