Mills & Boon Stars Collection: Seductive Nights: A Deal with Alejandro. Майя Блейк. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Майя Блейк
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474095181
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to salvage it—’



      ‘I signed the agreement with SNV this afternoon.’

      Stunned silence followed. Elise tried to breathe through the hurt clogging in her chest.

      ‘Well, that’s...commendable?’

      The question mark hooked like a rusty claw into her. It was the same question mark with which they’d greeted her devastation after being nearly assaulted by a client they’d pushed her into dealing with.

      ‘Are you sure it wasn’t a harmless pass, Elise?’

      ‘You’re mistaken. Brian Grey doesn’t normally go for girls like you...’

      She breathed through the anguish. ‘Thanks for your rousing belief in me,’ she replied, but the murmur of voices in the background told her they were engaged in a side conversation about her.

      Her father took over a minute later. ‘I hear congratulations are in order?’

      Again the insidious disbelief that she’d been able to land SNV’s business. ‘Is that a question, Dad?’ she asked stiltedly.

      ‘You can take that tone all you want, but you’ve made it perfectly clear you’re just passing through the business that kept you in clothes, ponies, and round-the-world vacations, not to mention college tuition fees.’

      ‘Some of those things were your responsibility to me as my parents. The others I never asked for. And I’m paying you back for my education. Let’s not forget that.’

      ‘You wouldn’t have had to if you hadn’t misled us about your true intentions. We didn’t pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to send you to college to study art. Any fool can draw. You were supposed to make marketing and PR your main focus.’

      ‘I’m not a fool, Dad. And I graduated with double majors. You just choose to ignore that fact because it suits your argument. I’m sorry I disappointed you and Mom by not wanting what you want, but my life is my own. If you can’t respect that—’


      Her father was cut off abruptly as her mother took control. ‘Enough of this. These arguments give me migraines and I can’t afford one tonight. We’re entertaining the Greenhills. They’re not as prestigious as Alejandro Aguilar, of course, but both your father and I need to be on top of our games. A commission from them will guarantee us a significant mention in the Tribune. I know you’d rather be doing other things than talking to us, so just forward me a copy of the contract so Accounts can set up a payment schedule with SNV.’

      Elise exhaled shakily. She’d tried to bury the futile wish for affection from them, but their cold-hearted indifference to her and everything except climbing the social and financial ladders, despite the shockingly harrowing events of last year, still caused anguish. ‘Mom—’

      ‘Goodbye, Elise.’

      Her mother hung up, leaving her no choice but to swallow the words that never quite managed to pave the way for a non-confrontational conversation.

      She blinked rapidly when she realised tears were forming. Dashing her hand across her face, she forwarded the contract to her mother.

      Powering down her laptop, she slid properly into bed and pulled up the sheets to her chin, firmly refusing to dwell on the past.

      Instead, she analysed her day.

      In some ways, today could’ve gone better. She could’ve summoned more control over her errant emotions around Alejandro, for instance. Been less absorbed by his raw magnetism, that hint of bleakness that echoed the knot trapped inside her.

      But she’d secured and held on to the SNV commission.

      Tomorrow would be better.

      * * *

      She groaned out loud when her alarm sounded at six. Rolling over, she debated the wisdom of making middle-of-the-night decisions like running to SNV’s offices as a perfect start to the new day.

      Eyeing the backpack she’d readied with her work clothes and everything she needed for the day, Elise groaned again, wondering what she’d been thinking.

      You need a clear head to deal with Alejandro Aguilar. Running does that for you.

      Grudgingly accepting the voice of reason, she rose and donned her running gear. Tying her hair into a ponytail, she caught up the backpack and headed out.

      Twenty-five sweaty minutes later, she arrived at SNV. She was gulping thirstily from the water fountain when she sensed she was being watched. Her heart leapt into her throat, but when she raised her head it wasn’t Alejandro, but a sandy-haired man who approached with a smile and an outstretched hand.

      ‘I’m Wendell Grant. I’m with the strategy team on the Japanese merger. Alejandro mentioned he’d gone with my recommendation and hired you.’

      Wondering when Alejandro would’ve had a chance to do that since it was only six thirty, she plastered a smile on her face. ‘Oh, I see. I guess I owe you big for that.’

      His smile widened. ‘I accept payment in caffeine-related beverages.’ He fell into step beside her and held the lift door for her. ‘Good thing is, in this place, it’s free,’ he whispered conspiratorially.

      Elise laughed. ‘Noted.’

      He pressed the button for the same floor Alejandro’s office was located, then sent a swift glance over her body. ‘You better hustle. Alejandro might want a meeting. In my experience it’s better to make yourself available and not be needed, than the other way around.’

      She nodded brisk thanks, although her body developed a curious thrum at the mention of Alejandro’s name as they exited the lift. Wendell turned right and she headed for the women’s bathroom that held fully stocked shower cubicles.

      ‘Oh, by the way...’

      She paused and turned.

      ‘I take my coffee black with two sugars,’ Wendell said.

      Acknowledging him with a quick wave, she darted into the bathroom.

      She arrived at Margo’s desk one minute before seven. The middle-aged PA looked up and rolled her eyes.

      ‘Be warned. He’s in a mood. There’s a briefing in the conference room. You better head there, too. He’ll join you when he’s done with his phone call.’

      Elise eyed the door, heard the growled imprecation from within, and exchanged a nervous smile with Margo before heading the other way.

      She entered the conference room and greeted the three men and three women comprising the strategy team. After Wendell made introductions, Elise went to the coffee cart and prepared two coffees, and held one out to him.

      ‘Black, two sugars.’

      He took the coffee from her and took a sip. ‘Perfect. You can stay.’

      Exaggerated groans and ribbing sounded around the table.

      Smiling, Elise started to raise her cup, and froze at the sight of Alejandro, silently observing her from the doorway.

      She locked her knees, the bolt to her stomach just from the sight of him enough to knock the breath from her lungs. Tension emanated from him. The team lapsed into silence, furtive glances passing between them.

      Alejandro prowled forward and stopped at the head of the table. ‘You’ve all met my new PR guru. Good. This will be a short meeting.’

      Bodies shifted. Throats cleared. The tension remained.

      ‘Are you going to sit down, Elise?’ Alejandro addressed her without looking her way.

      ‘Uh, sure.’

      About to take the seat farthest away, she froze again when Alejandro