How To Bake The Perfect Apple Pie. Gina Calanni. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gina Calanni
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474035569
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a nice flat screen. I’m imagining Jack and I sitting here on my couch watching romantic comedies snuggled under a blanket. Will this vision ever come true? My stomach tightens. He visited me in December, but it was only for a weekend and watching movies was not on our schedule. We did sit here on my couch. And we kissed. I sigh.

      I flip through the channels. Unfortunately, The Originals is still on winter break. But, oh my gosh, Downton Abbey comes back next week! I’m so excited, I can’t wait to hear what funny lines the grandmother says this season. Nothing is on and I want to get wrapped up in a show without thinking. I click on my DVR. I’d saved a bunch of Christmas movies even though I knew I wouldn’t be here to watch them.

      I click on Love Actually. I own this movie but why get up and operate the DVD player when I can simply click play? I toss some popcorn in my mouth. Yes, I nailed it as usual. I might not be the best cook or baker, but popcorn maker extraordinaire I am indeed. I laugh.

      I take a sip of my wine, careful not to spill it. My phone flashes next to me. It’s a text from Jack.

       “Still at work?”

      I tap on his contact and the phone rings once before he picks up.

      “Hey there, are you home?” Jack asks.

      A rush of warmth flows over my body. “Yes, sorry, I got home after seven, then my mom called.”

      “How was your first day as the new manager?”

      “Good…well actually it was okay.” My shoulders slouch and I sip my wine.

      “Did something happen? You sound different.”

      “No, nothing really happened, it’s just I thought I would be choosing my team, but then Javier invited Elaine to lunch with us and she kind of took over selecting the applicants.”

      “Huh. That doesn’t seem right. Why would Javier allow that to happen?” Jack tsks.

      I purse my lips to the side. “I…don’t know. It kind of came out of nowhere.” I take another sip of my wine. “Elaine has a really…strong personality… I guess Javier values that?”

      “Maybe. But Lauren, you have to stand up for yourself…especially in the beginning. If you let her walk all over you now, then that’s where you will remain…on her doorstep.”

      I slump my shoulders. Seriously? Is Jack siding with Elaine? I blink.

      “Jack…I’m not letting her walk all over me, but there is a certain protocol to these things. I don’t want to overstep my boundaries, especially not in my first days as being a manager.” I shake my head. I know I’m right. “I don’t want to seem like the squeaky wheel on the team. Javier has given me a huge promotion and I want to go with the flow of things and be agreeable, not cause issues.”

      “Lauren, that’s where you are a hundred percent wrong.”

      My eyes bulge out.

      “The beginning is where you line things up and make sure you have all of your needs taken care of. Why are you even considering letting someone else decide your team for you? These are people that you will have to work with. You have to determine if they will be the right match for your team. You’re not interviewing Elaine’s team. This is Lauren’s team. Make sure your best interests take priority.”

      I twist my lips. Shiat. I shake my head. Jack is probably freaking right. I’m such a fool to let Elaine step in on figuring out my team.

      “I never thought about it that way… Jack…what if you’re right? What if she had an ulterior motive and I fell for it?” I bite my lip.

      “Hey, don’t get paranoid and think the worst. Just think smarter. Remember, Javier chose you for the promotion because he saw something in you. You lead the way and forget about Elaine.”

      “I wish you were here with me right now.” My eyes get a little blurry.

      “Damn, Lauren, there is nothing I want more than to be with you right now.” Jack sighs. “I’ve got to get things situated here and then we can make some big decisions.”

      “What do you mean?” I scrunch my eyebrows together.

      “Lauren, when I asked you to marry me, it wasn’t so we could be in a committed long-distance relationship. I asked you to marry me because I want to be with you night and day. And this…though it’s only been a day is not cutting it. My flight gets in at six on Friday…and there is not a minute that I’m not counting down until that point.”

      I laugh. “I feel the same way…but what are we going to do?”

      “Hold on to that thought until Friday at six p.m. and I’ll come up with some solutions. It’s late; you need to get your rest.”

      I sigh. “Okay…I miss you.”

      “I miss you too, Lauren. I’ll see you in your dreams. Goodnight.”


      I press end. I didn’t say good on purpose. I miss him so much. I have never experienced anything like this before. This heart-aching sadness from being apart and the reverse of being head over heels pangs in my heart with every thought of him that crosses my mind. I hope he makes good on his promise and offers an actual solution to our long-distance relationship. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out on this.


      With Jack’s advice in mind I decided to bring my original candidates to Javier’s office as soon as I arrived at work. I tap on his door. There is a slight worry of Elaine being in his office with him. Javier opens the door and his office is empty. Good.

      “Hey Javier…good morning.”

      “Good morning, how was your first day?”

      “Good. I wanted to give you my candidate list.”

      He waves for me to have a seat and I hand him the paper with all of my original candidates listed.

      “Are these the people you and Elaine decided on?”

      “No, these are the candidates, I chose. I appreciate her input, but since this is my team, I think it’s best that I choose them. After all, I’m the one who will have to work with them, not Elaine.” I’m channeling Jack and it makes me feel confident.

      Javier’s face forms into a duck expression and he nods. “I’m proud of you. This is another example of you being the right person to lead this team.”

      “Thanks, Javier.” I nod, pleased I’d listened to Jack’s advice.

      “Okay then, go get your team up and running. I expect great things from you.” Javier turns to his computer, effectively dismissing me.

      I stand up smiling and exit his office. Now that my list is chosen, I’ve got to plan out how I’m going to lead my team. I take a deep breath. It’s going to be a long week.


      Finally it’s Friday. I’m sitting at my desk viewing my Excel spreadsheet filled with numbers that lead into more numbers. After my meeting with Javier, I took all of these digits and formulated equations to help determine the positives and negatives for each member of my team. I now have the route to go down with them and I’m hopeful that it will be a success.

      I’ve also managed to avoid Elaine for a couple of days. Surprising, considering I figured I’d hear about it after she learned I hadn’t taken her suggestions, but so far so good. I glance at the clock on my screen. It’s five after five, almost time for me to leave.

      Little spurs of excitement form all over my arms and legs. I cannot wait to see Jack. I’ve been anticipating this day since Sunday when I kissed him goodbye at the airport, which was a bit awkward as my entire family was there. I couldn’t help it; I wanted to kiss him one last time and we are engaged. It wasn’t a major PDA, but it was worth