Annie's Neighborhood. Roz Fox Denny. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Roz Fox Denny
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472039064
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Sadie whether you thought one person could start a movement and turn this town around?”

      “Yep. I recall thinking you’d gotten too big a whiff of that marijuana you’d confiscated from the middle school that day.”

      “What you said was that it would take a fairy godmother to wave a magic wand. Well, picture Annie Emerson with wings and a sparkly crown.”

      “There you go again, talking in riddles.”

      “I didn’t come right out and say that our newest resident presented me with a nutty idea. She plans to conduct a town hall meeting and convince all our residents to paint their homes. She thinks that’ll cure any ills Briar Run suffers.”

      Koot dropped heavily into the chair across from Sky. “Why did you beat about the bush instead of telling Sadie and me the truth about what you knew?”

      Sky stared at his coffee mug. “I don’t know. Yes, I do know.... I didn’t want you guys calling her a nut job. She’s nice, but has misplaced ideas.”

      “Have you gone sweet on Annie Emerson?”

      “No.” Sky reared back, shooting Koot a scowl. “The thing is, she asked for my backing and I ran for the car like a scalded jackrabbit. Apparently she hasn’t let that stop her.”

      The older man propped his elbows on his knees. “I’ve gotta say the houses look good. But, Sky, if she makes too much noise about believing that her urban renewal plan will drive out crime, won’t that make the Stingers view her as a threat?”

      Sky’s nervous thumb tapped faster.

      “I don’t want to pile more worry on you, boss.”

      “You haven’t said anything I haven’t already considered.”

      “Maybe she’ll decide that the amount of work or the cost isn’t practical for most folks. Hey, if this rain slacks off, she’ll probably get back out in her yard. I don’t mind moseying over there again. I can compliment what she’s done and see if she mentions any further plans.”

      “Compliments might encourage her,” Sky said. “Better to let it go. Also, she gets her back up easily.”

      “Okay, it’s your call, Chief. I’m due back out on patrol. If this rain doesn’t quit, I can’t say I’m sorry tomorrow’s my day off.”

      “In my old job I got regular days off.” Sky pursed his lips. “Not in this one.”

      “Not in the military, either,” Koot pointed out.

      “Nope. I’m talking about my last police job. Although come to think of it, working vice in Baltimore involved more personal risk than this one. We had some major crime to deal with.”

      “I’ll bet that job came with a higher salary,” Koot joked as he shrugged on his rain slicker.

      “There was that aspect. But Corrine’s marriage to a thoroughbred horse breeder didn’t leave me with many other options. I should be thankful I landed this job. For now I can see Zack. Or at least I can see him between the times his mother dreams up reasons to haul me back into court.”

      “Any word on whether the court will advance the date of your big custody hearing?”

      Sky shook his head. “My lawyer tells me the county docket is full. Chances of getting that court date advanced are slim to none. Sure seems like Corrine’s attorney has more clout than mine does.”

      “Bummer. Sadie and I are ready to vouch for you. I hope it’s a slow day here so both of us can go to court to say you’re a good Joe.”

      “I appreciate it. That whole proceeding is nonsense. Kentucky Child Welfare has already demanded and received affidavits pertaining to every stinking second of my life.”

      “Yeah, well, stay cool. You know that her side is dragging this out, hoping for something that’ll give them reason to file another injunction. That’s why, even if you’re sweet on Annie Emerson, forget it. Your ex’s shyster lawyer will find some way to exploit it to their advantage.”

      Sky tugged his lower lip. “That burns me, Koot. Corrine divorced me while I was off fighting for our country. She claimed irreconcilable differences she didn’t have to substantiate. I don’t understand a system that lets her take my son from the state where we lived. She married an older dude with teenagers and nobody objected when she completely rearranged my kid’s life. Yet, her side has the right to reject my home, my job and maybe whatever woman I may show a remote interest in wanting to date? Give me a break.”

      “I guess family law has to consider everything. Say, Sky, did you just admit you’re interested in dating Ms. Emerson?”

      “Koot, you old buzzard, don’t try and put words in my mouth. I’ll admit I find her intriguing. I’m reasonably sure that’s not mutual.”

      “Hmm. I may have to ask Sadie to go strike up an acquaintance with the lady and invite you both over for an evening of food and poker. That way we can all get to know one another a bit better.”

      “Don’t you dare! But before I forget, I’m scheduling myself a day off real soon to spend with Zachary.”

      Koot left, and Sky went back to his paperwork. Rain or not, he wanted to make time to drive down Rose Arbor Street in daylight for once.

      It turned out that a series of fender benders caused by the rain played havoc with his good intentions.

      The next day there were also several incidents that demanded his attention. By the end of a week fraught with headaches, Sky ran into the local café thinking he’d grab a take-out sandwich to eat in the car while he dashed by to inspect the paint jobs on Rose Arbor. They’d even caused chatter among his dispatchers and the two junior officers.

      At the register where he handed over money to pay for his food, he happened to glance at a stack of flyers. They included a photo of the three homes he’d intended to visit. Sky snatched one up and perused it.

      “Are you going to attend that meeting on Tuesday night, Chief Cordova?” the café manager asked as she gave him a brown bag with his sandwich and passed him a cup of steaming coffee.

      “Huh?” He looked up from reading the flyer, which outlined all the points Annie had brought up earlier.

      “The meeting at the library. I work a lot of hours, so I doubt I’ll get to go. Nobody I’ve talked to seems to know much about the woman who’s holding the meeting. Jim Morris said she’s Ida Vance’s granddaughter. You might’ve heard that Ida passed recently. She was a longtime do-gooder. She’d turn over in her grave at the thought of any relative of hers stirring up trouble in the town.”

      When he’d finished reading, Sky folded the flyer and tucked it in his shirt pocket. “What makes you feel this meeting might stir up trouble, Joanne?”

      The woman shrugged plump shoulders. “As a rule, folks around these parts don’t cotton to outsiders barging into our community, trying to tell us what to do.”

      “In her introduction, Ms. Emerson points out that she was brought up in this town and that she’s inherited her grandmother’s home. Doesn’t that make her part of our community?”

      “Not if she thinks she can throw around her fancy California ideas, it don’t.”

      Sky saw he was on the losing end of this argument. And recalling that Annie had accused him of having it in for Californians, Joanne wasn’t voicing much he hadn’t said himself. “I should get back to work.” He hurried out to his cruiser. The first thing he did was drive down Rose Arbor. Even before he reached the first of two speed bumps that required drivers to slow down, Sky noticed cars ahead of him traveling well below the speed limit as their drivers gawked at the three “painted ladies.” In daylight, they were quite appealing. Sky tried imagining other streets with homes painted as tastefully. He hated to retract another set of objections. The other night he’d concluded to Koot and Sadie that mere