And The Winner Gets...Married!. Metsy Hingle. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Metsy Hingle
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472036681
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hard at work. Instead she stood in her stocking feet with her blouse opened at the neck and her eyes closed while she stretched. And as he watched her extend and stretch her body, all thoughts of the missing folder and business went right out of Justin’s head.

      In the six months that he’d worked with Kim, she had been the perfect assistant. Not only had she made the difficult task of taking over after his brother’s departure for Altaria a smooth one, but her people skills had proven invaluable to him. In all that time she had been poised, efficient, businesslike.

      She didn’t look the least bit businesslike now. Not with her eyes closed, her head tipped back and a serene expression on her face. Slowly, as though performing a dance, she began to bend her body. And if his life depended on it, Justin couldn’t have looked away. Transfixed, he watched her move with the grace of a prima ballerina. When she folded her body in two, her skirt climbed up, and Justin swallowed hard at the view of her legs. Funny, he thought, as Kim brought her head down to press against first one ankle and then the other, but he’d never noticed before just how long and shapely Kim’s legs were. And how in the devil had he failed to notice what a small waist she had? Or the enticing lines of her hips?

      Justin’s blood heated as she unfolded her torso and reached over her head once more, pulling the silky white blouse she wore taut against her breasts. He must have been blind, he decided, not to have realized how lushly curved Kim was. He noticed now—a fact that was all too evident by the desire stirring in his gut.

      Don’t be a jerk, Connelly. Say something. Let the woman know she isn’t alone.

      Justin opened his mouth, intent on announcing his presence, when Kim removed the clip from her hair. He nearly swallowed his tongue as yards and yards of long, honey-blond hair came tumbling down around her shoulders and face.

      Sweet heaven, had all that gorgeous, sexy hair been tucked into that no-nonsense twist?

      Damn! He scrubbed a hand down his face. He’d always been a sucker for a woman with long hair, beginning with Miss Malone, his kindergarten teacher. Biting back a groan, Justin admitted that next to Kim, Miss Malone wouldn’t even stand a chance.

      He was absolutely out of his mind, Justin assured himself. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block out this new image of Kim. Didn’t he have enough on his plate to deal with without this? They’d yet to find out who had tried to assassinate his brother, and he was none too thrilled about his sister Alexandra’s upcoming marriage to Marsh. Add to that the problems at work and the headaches resulting from that most-eligible-bachelor status. The last thing he needed was to complicate his life even more with a woman—especially a woman he worked with on a daily basis.

      The smart thing to do was to go back to his office and forget he’d ever seen this side of Kim. Which was just what he intended to do, Justin decided as he opened his eyes. Allowing himself one final glimpse of the sensual creature before him, he started to retreat into his office when Kim opened her eyes and stared straight at him.

      “Justin,” she said his name in a breathless whisper that did nothing to cool the erotic thoughts that had been running rampant through his head only moments before.

      “I’m sorry,” he managed to get out. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

      “You didn’t. Disturb me, I mean,” she added while she slipped back into her shoes. “I was…I was just doing a few stretching exercises to try to work out some of the kinks in my shoulders and neck.”

      Although she told him something about the importance of stretching, the words barely registered because he was far too mesmerized by her attempts to tame all that honey-gold hair into a neat twist. As far as he was concerned, she’d failed big-time, since several thick strands managed to escape the clip and now tumbled carelessly down her nape and the sides of her face. With her cheeks flushed and her hair mussed, Justin could all too easily imagine the way Kim would look after a night spent making love.

      Kim took a breath. “Anyway, I guess I got kind of stiff sitting at the computer and— And here I am babbling on. Did you want me for something?”

      Justin nearly groaned at the innocent remark as totally inappropriate thoughts came to mind. “No, I was just…” Damn, he couldn’t even remember what it was he’d come out here to look for in the first place.

      “Justin, are you all right?”

      No, he most definitely wasn’t all right. Not when he couldn’t shake the punch of arousal he’d experienced upon seeing Kim stretching a few moments ago.

      “Is something wrong?”

      Justin gave himself a mental slap, forced himself to focus on the present. “No. Nothing’s wrong.” He let out a breath. “It’s been a long day. And speaking of long days, what are you still doing here?”

      “I had some work that I wanted to finish up.”

      “Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow. You should have left hours ago,” he said, more gruffly than he’d intended.

      “You’re still here.”

      “My family owns the place,” he pointed out.

      “Yes, of course. I never meant to imply…I’ll leave now and get out of your way,” she murmured, then quickly turned away.

      But not before Justin caught a glimpse of hurt in those big blue-green eyes. Damned if he didn’t feel as though he’d just kicked a puppy. “Kim,” he said, moving beside her. He turned her around to face him and tipped up her chin. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. Just because I’m in a lousy mood is no reason to take it out on you.”

      “It’s okay.”

      “No, it’s not.” He captured the fist she held stiffly at her side and lifted it between them. “If it’ll make you feel better, go ahead and sock me one,” he said, jutting out his chin. “I deserve it for acting like a jerk.”

      “You’re not a jerk.”

      “Sure, I am. Or at least I gave a good impression of one a minute ago. I hurt your feelings, and for that I’m sorry.”

      “But you didn’t—”

      Justin silenced her with a look. “You may be a terrific assistant, Ms. Lindgren, but you’re a lousy liar.”

      “Thank you. I think.”

      He grinned at her. “Hey, I’m the one who should be thanking you. The truth is I’m not sure what I’d do without you.”

      “Oh, I’m sure you’d manage just fine,” she said, and reclaimed her fingers. Though she stepped back, she came up against the desk, which prevented her from putting the distance between them that Justin suspected she’d intended.

      “Hopefully, I won’t have to find out. But seriously, what I should have said, and botched totally, is that as much as I appreciate all your hard work, there’s no reason for you to put in such long hours.”

      “I don’t mind,” she told him. “I like my job. I like working with you.”

      “Darned if I understand why,” he countered, and smiled at her again. “But how about calling it a day? I bet if you try, you might still be able to book yourself a massage at the health club.”

      “I probably could if I belonged to a health club. But since I don’t, there’s really no reason for me to hurry,” she said, smiling up at him.

      The smile intrigued him almost as much as she did. There was something both innocent and seductive about her smile. And it did nothing to ease his arousal. Taking a step back, Justin tried to shake off this new awareness of Kim as a desirable female.

      “You’re scowling at me again,” she accused.

      “Not at you. At myself,” he corrected, feeling like an idiot. Of course she didn’t belong to a health club. The fact that his family and most of his friends worked out regularly at a club certainly didn’t