In Bed with the Opposition. Kathie DeNosky. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kathie DeNosky
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408977651
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      Brad started to deny her claim, but with sudden clarity, he realized she was right. When she had joined the TCC, he had made comments and jokes about her that, looking back, he wasn’t overly proud of. It was no wonder she didn’t believe him when he made a favorable remark.

      “I believe an apology is in order,” he said, clearing his throat.

      “You’re out of your mind if you think I owe you an apology, Price,” she said incredulously. “Of all the arrogant—”

      “Hush.” Setting his drink on a nearby table, Brad took her by the elbow and led her out into the Whelans’ enclosed courtyard before she drew too much attention to them. If he was going to have to eat crow, he didn’t particularly want witnesses.

      “What are you up to now, Price?” she demanded.

      When they were safely out of earshot of anyone eavesdropping, he placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her from walking away. “If you’ll stop jumping to conclusions and let me finish, I would like to tell you that my behavior the past several months has been out of line and uncalled for.” He could tell by the widening of her vibrant blue eyes that it was the last thing she expected from him. “I’m sorry for that, Abby.”

      She shook her head. “I … um … don’t know what to say.”

      “You could start by telling me you accept my apology.” He shrugged. “But that’s up to you.”

      “Y-yes …” She cleared her throat. “I accept.”

      “Good.” He smiled. “Now that we have that out of the way, I want you to know that I meant what I said.” He slowly slid his palms down her arms until he caught her hands in his, then stepped back and took in the sight of her. “You really do look incredible, Abby.”

      “Thank you,” she said, her voice soft.

      From the muted landscape lighting, he wasn’t certain, but it looked as if she blushed. Fascinating. For reasons he didn’t fully understand, Brad pulled her into his arms and held her close.

      “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” she asked, starting to pull away from him.

      “I’m giving you a friendly hug to go along with my apology,” he said, enjoying the feel of her lithe body pressed to his a little more than he anticipated. He felt a tiny shiver course through her and instinctively knew it had nothing to do with her being cold.

      “When have we ever been friends?” she asked.

      Releasing her, Brad stepped back. “Maybe it’s about time to put this rivalry behind us and declare a truce.”

      She looked suspicious. “Why now after all these years?”

      He shrugged. “Once I become the president of the TCC it would be nice to see unity restored to the club.”

      “Oh, really? You ‘re going to win the presidency?” She laughed as she turned to walk back into the house. “I knew there had to be an underlying motive to your sudden generosity.”

      After watching her go inside, Brad stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets and stared up at the clear night sky. What the hell had gotten into him?

      Lately, it seemed that he seized every opportunity to touch Abby, to hold her to him. It had started the other day at the clubhouse when she had helped him change Sunnie’s diaper. He’d hugged her to offer his comfort when she told him about her inability to have children. But that didn’t explain his kissing her under the mistletoe. And later that evening when she stopped by to help him get Sunnie to stop crying, he had told himself he hugged her out of gratitude. But the truth was, a simple thank-you would have sufficed.

      Brad shook his head as he rejoined the party. There was a simple explanation for his actions and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what it was. He was a healthy male with a healthy appetite for the ladies. Since taking on the responsibility of his niece, he had curtailed his pursuit of female companionship, and it was only natural that he would gravitate toward Abby, since she was the only single female he’d had contact with in the past few weeks.

      Satisfied that he had determined the reason for his uncharacteristic actions, Brad found the host and hostess, thanked them for the party and headed for the door. He would have to ask his sister to babysit again some evening in the near future in order for him to have a night out. Until then, he’d just have to make sure he steered clear of Abigail Langley.


      Brad smiled down at his niece as he placed the baby carrier in the shopping cart. “So far, so good, baby girl. You got a clean bill of health from the pediatrician and slept through the meeting with the commissioners from the football league. Now all we have to do is pick up more formula and diapers for you, a couple of frozen pizzas for me, as well as some stain remover for the clothing you’ve christened when you burp. Then we should be good to go home and crash.”

      After confirmation from the doctor today that Sunnie was perfectly healthy, Brad was doing his best to take whatever came along in stride and not worry so much about the things he couldn’t change. It was a fact of life—babies cried. A lot. Sometimes there were tears, sometimes not. He had a strong suspicion that most times, Sunnie screamed at the top of her lungs just to keep him on his toes. But she had been an absolute angel this afternoon when he, Zeke and Chris Richards met with the minor-league football commissioner to work out the final details for the semipro team they were going to buy.

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