Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride! / Valentine Bride: Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride! / Valentine Bride. Raye Morgan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Raye Morgan
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408901441
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his hatred. He hated Leonardo, hated Leonardo’s father, hated his entire family.

      Bit by bit, the anger was banked and set aside to smolder. He was experienced enough to know white-hot emotional ire led to mistakes every time. He wouldn’t make any mistakes. He needed to keep his head clear and his emotions in check.

      All of them, good and bad.

      One step at a time, he made himself relax. His body control was exceptional and he used it now. He wanted to keep cool so that he would catch the exact right time to strike. It wouldn’t be now. That would be foolish. But it would be soon.

      He hadn’t been prepared for something like this. The time he and Pellea had spent together just a few weeks before had been magical. He’d been hungry to see her again, aching to touch her, eager to catch her lips with his and feel that soaring sense of wonder again. He had promised himself there would be no lovemaking to distract him this time—but he’d been kidding himself. The moment he saw her he knew he had to have her in his arms again.

      That was all. Nothing serious, nothing permanent. A part of him had known she would have to marry someone—eventually. But still, to think that she would marry this…this…

      Words failed him.

      “I’d like you to come down to the library. We need to look at the plans for the route to the retreat in the gilded carriage after we are joined as one,” Leonardo was saying.

      “No honeymoon,” she said emphatically, raising both hands as though to emphasize her words. “I told you that from the beginning.”

      He looked startled, but before he could protest, she went on.

      “As long as my father is ill, I won’t leave Ambria.”

      He sighed, making a face but seemingly reconciled to her decision. “People will think it strange,” he noted.

      “Let them.”

      She knew that disappointed him but it couldn’t be helped. Right now her father was everything to her. He had been her rock all her life, the only human being in this world she could fully trust and believe in and she wasn’t about to abandon him now.

      Still, she needed this marriage. Leonardo understood why and was willing to accept the terms she’d agreed to this on. Everything was ready, the wheels had begun to turn, the path was set. As long as nothing got in the way, she should be married within the next week. Until then, she could only hope that nothing would happen to upset the apple cart.

      “I’ll come with you,” she said. “Just give me a minute to do a quick change into something more suitable.”

      She turned and stepped into her dressing room, pulling the door closed behind her. Moving quickly, she opened her gown and began unbuttoning her lacy dress from the neck down. And then she caught sight of his boots. Her fingers froze on the buttons as she stared at the boots. Her head snapped up and her dark eyes met Monte’s brilliant blue gaze. Every sinew constructing her body went numb.

      She was much more than shocked. She was horrified. As the implications of this visit came into focus, she had to clasp her free hand over her mouth to keep from letting out a shriek. For just a moment, she went into a tailspin and could barely keep her balance.

      Eyes wide, she stared at him. A thousand thoughts ricocheted through her, bouncing like ping-pong balls against her emotions. Anger, remorse, resentment, joy—even love—they were all there and all aimed straight into those gorgeous blue eyes, rapid-fire. If looks could kill, he would be lying on the floor, shot through the heart.

      A part of her was tempted to turn on her heel, summon Leonardo and be done with it. Because she knew as sure as she knew her own name that this would all end badly.

      Monte couldn’t be a part of her life. There was no way she could even admit to anyone here in the castle that she knew him. All she had to do was have Leonardo call the guard, and it would be over. They would dispose of him. She would never see him again—never have to think about him again, never again have to cry into her pillow until it was a soggy sponge.

      But she knew that was all just bravado. She would never, ever do anything to hurt him if she could help it.

      He gave her a crooked grin as though to say, “Didn’t you know I’d be back?”

      No, she didn’t know. She hadn’t known. And she still didn’t want to believe it. She didn’t say a word.

      Quickly, she turned and looked out into the courtyard. Leonardo was waiting patiently, humming a little tune as he looked at the fountain. Biting her lower lip, she turned and managed to stagger out of the dressing room towards him, stumbling a bit and panting for breath.

      “What is it?” he said in alarm, stepping forward to catch her by the shoulders. He’d obviously noted that she was uncharacteristically disheveled. “Are you all right?”

      “No.” She flickered a glance his way, thinking fast, then took a deep breath and shook her head. “No. Migraine.”

      “Oh, no.” He looked puzzled, but concerned.

      She pulled away from his grip on her shoulders, regaining her equilibrium with effort.

      “I…I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can come with you right now. I can hardly even think straight.”

      “But you were fine thirty seconds ago,” he noted, completely at sea.

      “Migraines come on fast,” she told him, putting a hand to the side of her head and wincing. “But a good lie-down will fix me up. How about…after tea?” She looked at him earnestly. “I’ll meet you then. Say, five o’clock?”

      Leonardo frowned, but he nodded. “All right. I’ve got a tennis match at three, so that will work out fine.” He looked at her with real concern, but just a touch of wariness.

      “I hope this won’t affect your ability to go to the ball tonight.”

      “Oh, no, of course not.”

      “Everyone is expecting our announcement to be made there. And you will be wearing the tiara, won’t you?”

      She waved him away. “Leonardo, don’t worry. I’ll be wearing the tiara and all will be as planned. I should be fine by tonight.”

      “Good.” He still seemed wary. “But you should see Dr. Dracken. I’ll send him up.”

      “No!” She shook her head. “I just need to rest. Give me a few hours. I’ll be good as new.”

      He studied her for a moment, then shrugged. “As you wish.” He bent over her hand like a true suitor. “Until we meet again, my beloved betrothed.”

      She nodded, almost pushing him toward the gate. “Likewise, I’m sure,” she said out of the corner of her mouth.

      “Pip pip.” And he was off.

      She waited until she heard the outer gate clang, then turned like a fury and marched back into the dressing room. She ripped open the door and glared at Monte with a look in her eyes that should have frozen the blood in his veins.

      “How dare you? How dare you do this?”

      Her vehemence was actually throwing him off his game a bit. He had expected a little more joy at seeing him again. He was enjoying the sight of her. Why couldn’t she feel the same?

      She really was a feast for the senses. Her eyes were bright—even if that seemed to be anger for the moment—and her cheeks were smudged pink.

      “How dare you do this to me again? “ she demanded.

      “This isn’t like before,” he protested. “This is totally different.”

      “Really? Here you are, sneaking into my country, just like before. Here you are, hiding in my chambers again. Just like before.”

      His smile was meant to be beguiling. “But this time, when I leave, you’re