The Best Man for the Job. Lucy King. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lucy King
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472017680
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a moment she just stared at him because where on earth had that come from? ‘A ceasefire?’ she echoed, as taken aback as if he’d grabbed her and kissed her. ‘Why?’

      ‘Because I’m sick of it.’

      She blinked, now blindsided by the weariness in his voice as well. ‘You’re sick of it?’

      ‘Aren’t you?’

      She opened her mouth to tell him she wasn’t. But then she closed it because hadn’t she been wishing the animosity between them didn’t exist only minutes ago? ‘Maybe,’ she conceded. ‘A bit.’

      ‘I suggest a truce.’

      ‘And how long do you think that would last? Five minutes?’

      ‘Let’s try and give it at least ten.’

      ‘For the duration of the “talk”?’

      ‘If you like.’ He tilted his head and arched a quizzical eyebrow. ‘Think you could do that?’

      Celia didn’t really know what to think. A ceasefire? A truce? Really? Was it even possible after fifteen years of animosity?

      Maybe it was. If Marcus was willing. She could be civil, couldn’t she? She generally was. So with a bit of effort she could manage it now. Particularly since, despite herself, she was kind of intrigued to know what he wanted to talk to her about. And besides, she didn’t like the way he was making her sound like the unreasonable one here. She wasn’t unreasonable at all, and she’d prove it.

      ‘Why not?’ she said, tossing him a cool smile from over her shoulder and continuing towards the kitchen garden.

      * * *

      Well, that had gone a lot more easily than he’d expected, thought Marcus, going after her. He’d anticipated much more of a battle, much more withering sarcasm and scathing retort, but then perhaps that conversation with her father had knocked her confidence a bit. Not that she’d ever dream of showing it, of course.

      Nevertheless a mortified, confidence-knocked Celia was novel. Intriguing. More alluring than it probably should have been. As was a chat without all the acrimony, he reminded himself swiftly, which was the main point of this little exercise.

      ‘So I’m imagining that wasn’t quite the way you were intending the conversation with your father to go when you asked for my help,’ he said once he’d caught up with her.

      Celia snapped her gaze to his and shot him a look of absolute horror. ‘Not exactly.’

      ‘So much for small talk.’

      She shook her head as if remembering the conversation in all its awful glory, and winced. ‘I still can’t believe he said all that stuff about, well, you know, sorting me out and things.’

      ‘Nor can I.’ Although, to be honest, he was now so aware of her, it was pretty much all he could think about. That and getting to the bottom of why she detested him so much.

      ‘I’m so sorry.’

      ‘Why? It’s not your fault.’

      ‘I guess not, but, still, he put you in an awkward position.’

      ‘I doubt mine was as awkward as yours.’

      ‘Probably not.’

      ‘Nor is it your fault your father’s stuck in the Dark Ages.’

      ‘No, but that doesn’t make it any easier to bear.’

      They reached the kitchen garden and he held open the gate. Celia brushed past him, making all the nerve endings in his body fizz and his pulse race as her scent slammed into him.

      ‘Where does it come from?’ he asked, just about resisting the urge to take advantage of her proximity and pulling her into his arms because that was not what this was about.

      ‘His attitude?’

      He nodded and followed her down the path that bisected the garden, watching the sway of her body that was exaggerated by the flimsy fabric of her dress and ignoring the punch of lust that hit him square in the stomach.

      Celia shrugged and sighed, then bent to look at the label stuck in the earth in front of a row of something leafy and green. Her hair tumbled down in long golden waves and Marcus found himself scanning the garden for a soft piece of ground he could pull her down to.

      ‘Who knows?’ she said, and he dragged his attention back to what she was saying. ‘The fact that he was a doted-on only child? That he had a stereotypical fifties mother? Or was he simply born a chauvinist?’

      ‘Why do you put up with it?’ he said, clearing his throat and determinedly shoving aside the images of Celia writhing and panting beneath him, her dress ruched up around her hips and her body arching against him.

      She straightened, swept her hair back with a twist and looked at him. ‘I don’t have any choice. He’s still my father even though I’m never going to be what he thinks I should be.’

      ‘Which is no bad thing,’ he said, briefly trying to imagine Celia as a housewife and failing.

      ‘I agree. I can’t cook. I don’t have a clue where my iron is and I haven’t used a Hoover since my last day at university.’

      ‘Yet you still want his approval?’

      She nodded. ‘Stupidly. I always have. Although I really don’t know why I still bother. I mean, he barely knows you yet he admires you in a way he’s never admired me even though he’s known me for thirty-one years. We work in similar fields, for goodness’ sake, yet he’s never offered me help. Whatever I achieve he’ll never think it amounts to as much as marriage and a family would. Which is ironic, really, when you think about how badly he screwed his up.’

      ‘Is his attitude to women why your parents divorced?’

      She shook her head. ‘I think that was mainly because of his many, many affairs. But the attitude couldn’t have helped.’

      ‘So what did you mean when you said your ambition was his fault?’

      ‘Exactly that. The divorce hit me hard. Despite what he’d done I adored him. When he moved out I spent quite a lot of my time at school pathetically crying in the bathrooms. As a result I was bullied.’

      That odd protective streak surged up inside him again and he frowned. ‘Badly?’ he asked, pushing it back.

      ‘Not really. Small-scale stuff. But one day I’d had enough and decided to channel my energies into studying instead of blubbing my eyes out.’

      ‘Is it a coincidence you’re a lawyer?’

      She arched an eyebrow and shot him a quick smile. ‘What do you think?’

      ‘I think Freud would have a field day.’

      ‘Very probably.’

      ‘But why corporate law? Why not divorce law?’

      ‘Experiencing it once—even though sort of vicariously—was quite enough,’ she said with a shudder.

      Marcus watched her as she began to walk further along the path and thought that, while he did think she had a problem with her work-life balance, her drive and focus when it came to her career were admirable. She’d worked hard and deserved everything she had. ‘What you’ve achieved is impressive,’ he said, reaching her with a couple of long, quick strides. ‘Especially with so little encouragement.’

      She glanced over at him, surprised. ‘Thanks.’

      ‘You deserve everything you have.’

      ‘Wow,’ she said slowly. ‘I never thought I’d hear you say that.’

      ‘Neither did I.’

      They continued in silence for a moment. Celia brushed her hand over a planter full