That Last Night In Texas. Ann Evans. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ann Evans
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472027702
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as best she could, considering.”

      The knot in Ethan’s stomach turned into a spasm of dread and panic. It hadn’t occurred to him that Mac McGuire could be dead, and he suddenly didn’t want to know what Meredith might tell him about Cassie. “Considering what?” he managed to ask.

      “Considering the economy, the hurricanes and the influx of foreign investors who want to turn every bit of ranch land in Texas into shopping malls. Everyone says Cassie’s done a great job following in her father’s footsteps.”

      His breath came back. Not a disability, then. “I’m glad everything’s worked out well for her.”

      “Of course, it didn’t hurt that her father got her married off before he died.”

      Ethan looked at the woman sharply as a sinking feeling settled inside him. “She’s married.” The words sat like stones in his mouth. They didn’t belong there.

      “Uh-huh,” Meredith said. “To someone who can help her run this big ole place. A local rancher, I hear.”

      CASSIE SLIPPED A doggy treat out of her denim pocket and tossed it toward Ziggy, who caught it with no effort at all. The border collie wolfed it down in one gulp, then sat eagerly waiting for another.

      “I don’t have any more,” Cassie said, showing the dog her empty hands. Ziggy just kept staring at her, tail wagging, mouth shiny with energy and anticipation.

      “You’re spoiling him,” a male voice behind her scolded.

      She turned to find Josh approaching from the back porch. He looked handsome in jeans and a pale green, long-sleeved shirt with button-down pocket flaps. His lanky stride was pure Texas cowboy, and even after all these years, she could still admire those slim hips and broad shoulders. He wore his hat, but he’d slipped it back on his head so that she could see the wide smile he gave her.

      “That’s what I do,” she said, as he joined her midway down the outside row of her herb garden.

      Leaning over, Josh snapped off a woody stem from a large rosemary bush, releasing the strong aroma. “What are you up to? Mercedes says you’ve been out here most of the day.”

      “I’ve been replanting all afternoon, but when Donny got home he said he wanted to show me something, so I’m just waiting. I’m not sure what he’s up to.”

      “How did he seem?” It was a question they had asked one another a lot in the past few months.

      “All right, I suppose. He seemed to think I should be delighted that he got a C on his history exam. He’s never going to pass if he doesn’t bring his grade up. You know what he said when I told him that?”


      “‘What’s the point of studying about the past if you can’t change it?’” She straightened, pulling the kinks out of her spine. Her back ached from bending over, and her bad knee was determined to show her who was boss. “I swear, Josh, I wanted to wring his neck. His behavior lately has been deplorable.”

      “He’ll come around. You’ll see. He just needs more time.”

      “I’d feel better about that theory if you hadn’t been saying it since last October.”

      Josh knelt to pluck a few stray leaves from a ragged line of thyme plants. “You worry too much.”

      She couldn’t refute that claim, so she remained silent. But really, why shouldn’t she worry? Donny would be thirteen later this year. Puberty. Hormones out of whack. Mood swings. And on top of that, he was in the midst of the crushing reality that he had not been able to keep his parents from getting a divorce.

      Cassie moved along the row of herbs, gathering empty plastic pots, stacking them as she went.

      It had been six months since she and Josh had called it quits. Amicably and fairly, without a single harsh word between them. Their breakup had been as civilized as their marriage.

      Last year, she’d been the one to broach the subject of divorce after she’d discovered Josh had cheated on her. One time, he’d sworn, and meaningless. But once given an opening, the truth emerged, though Josh had had a hard time articulating the dissatisfaction Cassie had been sensing in him for a long time.

      “You know I love you, Cassandra,” he had said sadly. “I always have. I thought it would be enough for us to start from there. But let’s face it. You’ve never felt the same about me. And over the years, there are times…I can’t help thinking maybe…what if…I want a houseful of kids. And I don’t want to be too old to enjoy them…”

      As though ashamed to have such thoughts, he had looked away. Personally, Cassie could have wept at his honesty. She’d never been unfaithful in all her married years, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t entertained some pretty unwifely thoughts. Josh was too good for her. Too nice. It made her want to behave badly just to see if he could be pushed into passion.

      Well-mannered coupling with him had left her feeling cheated, and the man had never stirred more than feelings of deep friendship in her. She didn’t know why. It was just a fact, like the sun rising tomorrow.

      For years she had tried not to think about the only other man she had ever made love to. Tried not to recall those times when she had kissed Ethan Rafferty and his mere touch had been the end of decency and good manners. Going there only brought back a memory of grief and pain so raw that she could hardly breathe.

      Not that it mattered much whether she consciously thought of Ethan or not. She had the constant reminder of him in their son—Donny’s dark hair and sky-blue eyes. That devilish twist to his lips when he was up to mischief. God must have a sense of humor, after all, to give her a child who looked so much like his father.

      Thinking of her son, Cassie scanned the land behind the house. The yard ended at the beaten trail that ran from the side of the house to the barns. Beyond the trail, fenced paddocks held a few horses that munched grass contentedly. There was no sign of Donny.

      The afternoon sun was brutal on her back, and she wanted nothing more than to strip off her clothes and slip into the tub for a soothing soak. Where was he? And what was he up to?

      Josh had followed her down the row and now stopped in front of her. His hand touched her cheek, and she caught the scent of sweet, pungent thyme. “You have dirt on your nose,” he said, swiping his finger across it.

      She didn’t pull away. Their relationship had always been so easy, so uncomplicated. His brief fling hadn’t changed that. Neither had divorce. And no matter what, he was still a wonderful father to Donny.

      He glanced over her shoulder as Ziggy began to bark. Cassie turned to see what had caught their attention.

      A man and woman were coming around the corner of the house. They were no more than silhouettes because of the rusty light of the lowering sun behind them. Cassie squinted and shaded her eyes, waiting.

      The woman wore typical Texas casual, and Cassie thought she looked familiar. A Realtor, maybe. Melody? Meredith? Yes, that was the name.

      As for the man, he was dressed in a suit, distinctly out of place here amid longhorns and chaps. Cassie supposed he could be a businessman from Houston, but even in the city the men wore boots and Stetsons. He looked…

      She pulled in a sudden, shocked breath. She felt as though she’d been kicked, hard and fast. Josh must have heard her, or sensed her stiffening, because his arm came around her possessively, protectively.


      Here. Back on Flying M property.

      The man who had made her heart slip again and again into overdrive. The man who had helped to shape her entire existence. The man who had given her Donny, the most precious thing in her life.

      How could he be walking toward her this very minute? How could the fragile universe she’d created for herself crumble so quickly?

      Some animal instinct