Her Not-So-Secret Diary. Anne Oliver. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anne Oliver
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408914717
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he was powerful enough to accomplish whatever he wanted, but she knew nothing of his background or what obstacles he’d overcome to get to where he was.

      Before she could form a question around that, he said, ‘I take it family and kids figure somewhere in all that wealth and independence.’

      A few years ago Sophie’s answer would have been an unequivocal yes. Despite the emotional trauma she’d experienced growing up in a family where booze and violence were the norm, she’d always believed it could be different for her. All those years of growing up with her collection of dolls and romantic ever afters, but now.

       Reality check.

      For the second time in less than an hour a reminder that her female body had let her down in the baby-making department. Which was hardly relevant since she had no intention of getting serious with a man, ever again. Still, it was failure and she chugged on her water bottle to take a moment to compose herself.

      She pushed herself up from the bench, grateful for her sunglasses shield. ‘Not me.’ She laughed, turning seaward and throwing her hands wide. ‘Why tie yourself down with kids when you can travel the world? Do what you choose when you choose. Live life the way you want.’ She turned to him and nodded. ‘Yes, I’m completely and unashamedly selfish. I admit it.’

      Shading his forehead with a hand, Jared studied her through eyes squinted against the beach’s glare. Hard to tell if she was being completely truthful because he couldn’t read her eyes behind her sunglasses. Thanks to her, he’d left his own damn sunglasses in the car. She’d thrown him off course last night with her dream, and twelve hours later nothing had changed.

      ‘Good for you,’ he said, crushing the empty chip wrapper and standing too. ‘I like an honest woman who’s not afraid to say what she means.’

      Why not take her at her word? he decided. He had no reason not to. So she admitted she was selfish—didn’t matter to him in the great scheme of things. Besides, he had a feeling she wasn’t as self-absorbed as she let on. He picked up his empty cola can and headed for the bin. ‘It’s time to make a move.’

      * * *

      At least she was upfront about what she wanted, he mused as they drove back to Surfers. Rico was right—Sophie was a beautiful woman. And red hot to boot. He’d not had a woman in too long, which was why his skin felt as if it were on fire and he couldn’t for the life of him, get her out of his head. Beautiful. Single. Living in the moment.

      Bianca had been the same, he remembered, with her wild sensual beauty and Bohemian lifestyle. God only knew why—when he thought about it with the wisdom of five years more maturity—but he’d fancied himself in love and had asked her to marry him.

      But Bianca had refused to accept twelve-year-old Melissa as part of the deal. Something Jared didn’t compromise on was Melissa’s well-being, so it had been bye-bye Bianca.

      After he’d picked up the pieces of his heart and fitted them back together, he’d realised he and Bianca would never have made it work in the long term.

      But circumstances were different now. Melissa was more or less independent even if she did still live at home. So … if he and Sophie got together. From the outset he knew Sophie wasn’t going to be long term. She was going overseas, so there was no possibility of anything serious developing between them.

      Not that he could ever get serious with a happy wanderer who didn’t like kids. He wasn’t looking for marriage right now, but when he settled down he wanted a woman who held the same values he did. A lifetime commitment to family. Sharing, trust. And children.

      But that wasn’t now.

      A few weeks with no-strings Sophie wouldn’t be a hardship. Wouldn’t be a hardship at all. He just had to seduce Sophie a little, tempt her with a taste of her own desires, her private fantasies. He ran a hand around the back of his neck, shifted on the seat as his blood pumped a little faster around his body. Then a smile touched his lips. Who knew her desires better than him? Who better than Jared to make those fantasies a reality?


      MEETINGS took up the rest of the morning. In the afternoon Jared escorted a millionaire businessman from Dubai and his entourage on a tour of inspection of a dozen complexes and resorts. Negotiations followed over a late lunch in one of Surfers Paradise’s top restaurants.

      He’d left Sophie an overflowing outbox and several reports to edit, file, print, mail.

      Jared would be the first to acknowledge that Pam was a brilliant PA. She knew her stuff, was ruthlessly efficient, indispensable, in fact, and he’d hate to lose her. But he had to admit that behind her desk she tended to merge into the background.

      Not Sophie Buchanan.

      On his return at five-thirty, before he reached his office he could smell that sparkling fresh fragrance that had been spinning inside his head all day, making him think inappropriate thoughts. Taking his focus away from work.

      Instead of concentrating on ways to convince Najeeb Assad that transforming an aging condominium building into a slice of paradise was a sound business decision, Jared had been visualising Sophie astride him on his office chair, her fragrant skin glowing with a sheen of sweat while she rode him hard and fast.

      To Jared’s relief, Mr Assad had concurred with his suggestions for renovation, but it could easily have gone the other way—and that concerned him. Jared had never allowed himself or his work to be sidetracked by a woman before.

      It reinforced his belief that it was an idiot boss who got personally involved with his employees. So he afforded Sophie only a brief acknowledgement on his way through late in the afternoon, issuing a practical, ‘Can I see you in my office with those reports you worked on yesterday in thirty minutes, please?’

      Blowing out a breath, he dropped into his chair. With Pam due back tomorrow, he needed to go over yesterday’s work with Sophie. But in a couple of hours he could loosen up and enjoy getting to know her better. On a more personal level.

      Meanwhile he pulled out this afternoon’s paperwork, skimmed it before setting it aside and working through the day’s emails. From his position he couldn’t see her beyond his door, but he could hear her moving around, the sounds of her desk drawer opening, closing.

      Five minutes before she was due, the quick rat-a-tat had him half rising as he looked up from his screen. The smile already on his lips stalled …’ Lissa. Hi. I wasn’t expecting you.’

      Her brows rose. ‘Clearly. You look stunned. Rabbit-caught-in-headlights stunned. So who were you expecting?’ Not anticipating an answer, she crossed the room, set a bag of Chinese takeout in front of him. ‘I was on my way home and remembered you said you were working late. Extra Special Fried Rice from the Lotus Pearl. See, I do care about you.’

      Its spicy aroma steamed through the plastic carry bag. He wondered if he could extend it to two. ‘Thanks, Liss, that’s very thoughtful of you and I appreciate it, but I’m not working alone tonight.’

      ‘Didn’t you say Pam was off sick? Ah-h-h …’ He’d never seen that knowing, womanly expression on his baby sister’s face and it threw him for a loop. ‘You mean that attractive long-legged brunette in the staffroom lounge making café lattes—for two.’ Her grin widened—irritatingly so. That kind of working late.’

      ‘No, Liss.’ Resisting the temptation to rub the back of his neck, he pushed out of his seat and grabbed a folder on his bookshelf. ‘That’s not it.’

      ‘I believe you.’ She pressed her lips together but the sparkle of humour in her eyes betrayed her. Rising up on tiptoe, she pecked his cheek and murmured, ‘Don’t work too hard. Or too late.’

      Sophie stopped dead outside Jared’s door, a café latte in each hand. The sight of the petite but gorgeous Titian-haired female kissing his jaw had her stomach knotting in a strange way. So his almost-flirty conversation this morning had been her imagination.