Second Chance Rancher. Patricia Thayer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Patricia Thayer
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474041669
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with everything, including onions?”

      “Most of my clients prefer something more than a hamburger lunch, especially for what it costs them to keep us on retainer.”

      Laurel knew it wasn’t a good idea to accept Kase’s lunch invitation, but here she was sitting across from him. Even though it had been Addy who’d invited her, Kase had tossed in he wanted to thank her for watching his daughter during his meeting.

      She was so out of her league. This wasn’t the Kase Rawlins who’d left here ten years ago. She didn’t know how to play the game. She’d proved that with her lousy record with men. “You must be good at what you do if you’ve made junior partner so soon.” She took a big bite of her sandwich.

      His gaze shot to hers, his gray depths suddenly dark and searching. “So you checked me out.”

      When would she learn to keep her mouth shut? She shrugged, trying to act like it didn’t matter much. “It’s easy to Google a person.” She took another french fry. “Seems you got everything you wanted after you left here.”

      He paused, then said, “Sometimes we get confused about what we want, especially when we’re so young.”

      Her heart stopped, then sped up again. “You didn’t want to be a great criminal defense attorney?”

      “Great is a stretch,” he said. “I had one landmark case. I got lucky with some evidence and with a good cyber investigator, so I was able to prove my client’s innocence.”

      Laurel couldn’t help but get caught up in his enthusiasm as he talked about his case. No doubt he was born to be a lawyer. Hadn’t he told her that was his passion from day one of their dating?

      Now he was back in Hidden Springs, widowed, with a young daughter. Would he be changing careers and staying permanently? “I think you’re being modest.”

      Kase leaned back in his seat. He didn’t want to talk about himself or the future, since he wasn’t sure about anything but keeping Addy. His attention went to Laurel as she lovingly brushed his daughter’s hair back. Her gaze met his. Those green eyes had always been able to turn him inside out.

      Laurel sighed. “Addy’s had a lot to deal with in her short life, especially losing her mother so young, and moving back here. All those changes can’t be easy for her.”

      “I guess so.” He didn’t want to hash over Johanna’s lack of mothering. “But I want to concentrate on building a new life for us here.”

      She arched an eyebrow. “So you’re staying? Permanently?”

      A funny feeling came over him as he looked across the table at the beautiful woman and wondered why he ever left. He nodded slowly.

      She smiled and his breath locked in his chest.

      “Isn’t it funny how life works out?” she questioned. “I mean, the last place you wanted to be was in Hidden Springs.”

      “There isn’t much opportunity in a small town for defense attorneys.” He paused. “Look, Laurel, I know I didn’t exactly treat you fairly when we broke up. I was young and selfish...”

      She sweetly replied, “And I was a rancher’s daughter who didn’t fit into your plan to make a life in the big city.”

      He glanced away, wishing she’d hit him with anger, instead of being nice. He could fight her fury, remembering how the teenage Laurel would stand her ground against him. “What did I know back then?”

      “A lot. You followed your dream, Kase. You made a name for yourself with your perseverance and drive. You need to be proud of that.”

      And his family suffered. “It doesn’t seem that important now.”

      Silence hung between them in the noisy diner that was filling with other customers. “So what are you going to do?” Laurel finally asked. “Retire? Help Gus with breeding and training horses?”

      He frowned. “I’m Dad’s partner, but he’s the expert and has the reputation. With my financial backing, I hope we can rebuild the business. Dad’s had some rough times lately. And with Honor’s Promise’s possible pregnancy, looks like I just launched my new career.”

      Laurel huffed out a breath. “Again, I’m so sorry about what happened yesterday with Wind.”

      He reached across the table and touched her hand. He ignored the warm sensation and said, “I was teasing.”

      Laurel smacked his arm playfully, needing to lose his connection. His touch did more than she was willing to admit. “You won’t be laughing when you see the beautiful foal you’ll be getting for free.”

      He opened his mouth to speak, but his phone rang. “It’s Gus.” He put it against his ear. “Hey, Dad. Are you ready?” He listened a moment. “Okay, I’ll be by as soon as I get Addy moving.” Ending the call, he looked down at his little girl. Laurel didn’t miss the emotion in his eyes.

      He slid out of the booth, leaned over the sleeping child and shook her gently. “Hey, baby, it’s time to wake up.”

      Addy’s eyelids fluttered and her tiny hands came up to rub them.


      “Hi, sweetie. We need to go get Papa and take him to the doctor.”

      The child sat up and looked at Laurel, then burst into tears. “But I didn’t get to eat lunch with Laurel.”

      At Kase’s panicked look, Laurel stepped in. “It’s okay, sweetie. You can still eat with me.” She knew she was overstepping her bounds. “And your dad can take Papa Gus to the doctor and you and I can finish our lunch.”

      Kase frowned. “Laurel, I can’t expect you to keep watching Addy.” He checked the clock on the wall. “Besides, don’t you have to go back to work?”

      “I only work three mornings during tax season. The afternoons, I work at my main business, Quinn Stables and Training.”

      The child’s tears stopped immediately and Laurel looked back at Kase, daring him to say differently. “And when we’re finished eating, I’ll take Addy home with me. I have a new client coming by with her horse today. Since the Bucking Q is on your way home, you can pick her up there.”

      “That’s too much to ask of you.”

      “I know that,” she told him, “but you need to get Gus to the doctor, and I bet he’s being stubborn about going. So don’t lose this opportunity to get him help for his hip.”

      Kase smiled at her, and she felt her guard slipping, darn it. “Thank you. I owe you big-time.”

      “You sure do, and I plan to collect.”

      “Gladly,” he told her. His gray eyes flashed heat, then he looked back to his daughter. “Do what Laurel tells you, and I’ll pick you up in a few hours.” With Addy’s nod, he exchanged cell phone numbers with Laurel and stood, then pulled out his keys. “Since you’ll need her car seat, we should just exchange cars. Where are you parked?”

      “Next to the office. It’s the black truck with the Bucking Q Ranch logo on the side.” She reached into her purse and handed over her keys.

      He grabbed them as he leaned down to kiss his daughter’s forehead, and she caught a whiff of his aftershave. The subtle fragrance got her motor running. He raised his head and his gaze locked on hers. “Thank you again.”

      “Daddy, don’t forget to kiss Laurel, too.”

      He winked. “I wouldn’t forget that.”

      Her heart began to pound as his head descended toward hers and he brushed a soft kiss against her cheek. He picked up the check from the table. “Goodbye, Laurel.”

      “Goodbye,” she answered, but her voice didn’t sound like hers.
