‘Well, I can’t change the facts. The bike wasn’t fixable and I couldn’t see any second-hand bikes where I was, so I got the next best thing. I promise you, I chose this because it resembled everything about your old one – the size, the colour, the gears, the saddle, even the height should match yours. It wasn’t expensive if that’s what you’re worried about. Try it out before you decide. You definitely can’t ride your old one.’
She looked down at the buggy and turned it around, shading the girl from the full sun, then gazed up to him, her eyes bright but suspicious.
‘I’ll give it a go along the track,’ she relented and pressed the brake down on the buggy. ‘Erm, I’m now going to offend you but can I take your car keys with me? I’m just not happy leaving you with Charlotte.’
Ben sucked in his amusement but she was quite serious. Instead he smiled. ‘Yes, of course. Chain her to the gate if you want or would you prefer me to go?’
‘No. Just your keys.’ She held out her hand.
Ben reached into his pocket. He shut his rear door before clicking it locked. ‘Here.’ He pressed the keys into her hands, passed her the bike and stepped back against the car, not daring to touch the buggy. She swung her leg over the saddle and rode off. He scratched his head, feeling he should say something to little Charlotte whose mummy was cycling away, but he kept his lips sealed.
‘Mummy bike.’ Charlotte said.
‘Mummy gone.’
‘Where Mummy gone? Where Mummy gone?’
Ben coughed. ‘Mummy coming back.’
Charlotte threw herself forward in her pram. ‘I want Mummy,’ she urged in panic
Ben scratched his neck and looked around him, hoping no witnesses could hear and accuse him of terrorising the child.
‘Mummy,’ she called. Evie was now at the other end of the track and turning back. She waved.
He knelt down beside her. ‘Mummy waving. Wave to Mummy,’ Ben told her and demonstrated by waving his hand in the air. ‘Mummy coming.’
It seemed to do the trick and the little girl’s expression transformed to a smile. Evie gathered speed.
‘Mummy come.’
Ben breathed a big sigh as Evie slowed and squeaked the brakes a few feet away.
‘Mummy,’ Charlotte’s legs began kicking.
‘Yes, it feels really good.’ Evie said. ‘Rather nice.’
‘Good, so you’ll happily use it?’
‘Yes. Thank you.’
‘I’ll put the child seat on.’
‘Thank you. Do you need a spanner?’
‘No, it’s all here. Ah, but I do need the car keys back.’
Evie twisted her mouth with a wry grin and delved into her pocket. ‘Just a precautionary thing, you understand,’ she said, passing them into his hand.
‘Sure. I’d do the same.’
Ben scrambled into the back of his car while Evie inspected the detail on the bike. He couldn’t help grinning to himself at her quirkiness. He found her so endearing; worrying about a replacement bike, for goodness’ sake. She didn’t seem ungrateful, more suspicious about his motives maybe, and, rightly so, very protective towards her child. He was pleased she had finally accepted the bike now though and wondered if it might be a good moment to ask her about the research. He was so enthused by her peasant girls and eager to know more.
‘Mummy out.’
‘Oh, sweetheart. Yes. You can come out.’ Evie told her child, unclipping her from the buggy. ‘We can have a little ride in a minute. We’ll pop down and see what Monsieur Fish has for us today.’
Swinging around while unwrapping the polythene wrapping on the child seat, Ben seized his moment.
‘You know you’ve created quite a dilemma for me?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘My script for Riquet. I can’t stop thinking about what you said about the female peasants from the mountains having an input to Riquet’s building of the canal.’ Ben mounted the seat while Evie held the bike. Charlotte watched curiously.
‘It’s your script. Your film. You do what you want with it. It was just an opinion, that’s all.’
‘But you are so passionate about them, their story. I can’t help feeling, especially if it’s fact, it should be added. And as you’re a journalist you probably know all about research and love digging out these types of stories… so, could you do some further research on this for me? And quite soon.’
He watched her face with caution, but her face lit up.
‘Well, yes, I’d love to. I did my journalism course before Charlotte so although I have the core skills, I haven’t had buckets of experience. I know the library in Beziers like the back of my hand, and the information centre in Colombiers, I’ll try and locate some primary sources too.’
‘Great, I want passion, I love your passion. All my team have passion. That’s enough. Great, do you work freelance now?’
‘No. I… don’t work. Well, I’m toying with the idea of working now that Charlotte’s a little older.’
‘But why didn’t you continue with your journalism?’
‘Apart from a few placements, I didn’t really get out to work. Lost confidence, I suppose.’ Her head swung down, scanning the floor.
‘Seems such a waste,’ Ben said, adding the last nut of the seat.
‘I know, my mother wasn’t pleased, I can tell you, but I’ve been busy with Charlotte anyway.’
‘You do want to do it, don’t you? I mean…’
Her head flipped up with such high velocity, a sweet peppery fragrance wafted from tresses of blonde hair. ‘Hey yeah, of course. It would suit me perfectly.’ Her eyes shone with such brutal honesty he swore he could see right into her soul.
‘Parents always have high expectations. I know mine did, but I didn’t want to become an architect like my mum, which she would have liked. I’d like to make them proud one day though, just as a thanks.’
‘Bit late for me now. Damage has been done.’
‘I bet they love their granddaughter.’
Her shoulders shrugged. ‘I doubt it. Well they might if they came to see her.’
Ben rubbed the side of his head and bit his lip. Maybe that was a bit too honest. ‘Well, anything you can dig up would be appreciated. Where these women came from, who they were, was there one in particular, did he have an affair or affairs? Apart from the labouring, what were their roles, ages, anything? I can give you an advance for expenses etc., and pay you hourly or a set fee? Have you got email?’
‘Oh, er. I’ve got your card with your email on. Shall I email you?’
Ben sensed a hesitation. ‘Yes, fine.’ Ben tightened the last bolt on the seat and asked her to put Charlotte in. They all seemed happy with the result. ‘Oh, I’ve got you a new helmet in case there was any damage to yours. I hope it fits.’ He went to the rear of the car and took out a box while Evie balanced her daughter on the bike.
‘You shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble. Can I get you a drink?’
‘Like I said, it’s the least I could do. Anyway, I’d better get back to the set, so thank you for the offer. And,’ he reached inside the car, ‘the claim form. Here.’
Evie leant