Perfect Alibi. Melody Carlson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Melody Carlson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474038225
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talking to the detectives yesterday had been difficult. As devastated as she was for Kestra, Mallory wished there were a way to just purge the whole thing from her mind. The last thing she wanted to do was talk about it to Logan—to confess that she was considered a suspect. But he needed to hear the whole story. It was only fair.

      “You mentioned that you, uh, you don’t watch the Portland news much,” she said carefully as he pulled up to The Lone Pine Diner. “But you probably have some news sources, right? You read it online...or in the newspaper?”

      “Sure.” He waited as a car exited a space in front of the restaurant. “It’s not like I live under a stone.” He chuckled as he pulled into the space. “Well, some people might think I do. But, yeah, I try to keep up. Although I’ve been pretty absorbed with these arson investigations this week. I’m probably behind on current events.”

      “Yeah...right...” She took in a deep breath as she reached for her purse. “So have you heard about the young woman who was brutally murdered in Portland just two days ago? Wednesday night...” She could hear the flat tone in her voice—emotionless and dead.

      “Not that I can recall.” He gave her a slightly puzzled look. “Why?”

      She twisted her purse handle. “Well, maybe I should tell you about it.”

      He frowned as he removed the key from the ignition. “Okay, but let’s go in and get something to eat.”

      “Definitely,” she declared with relief. “You’re right. We need food.”

      “Yeah. Never discuss murder on an empty stomach...right?” He gave her a lopsided smile.

      As they walked into the restaurant, Mallory called on all her self-control to push every thought of Kestra’s grisly murder from her mind. Right now she needed to focus on getting some nourishment. Something she hadn’t had for days. And without the basics like food and sleep, she would be useless, anyway. At least she was safe right now. In a public place. Logan by her side. It seemed unlikely that anything could go wrong. As they entered the diner, a county deputy at the counter exchanged greetings with Logan. See? she asked herself. How much safer can it get?

      After they were seated at a corner table, Logan grew somber. “I know we have a lot of serious talking to do,” he began, “but while we’re eating, let’s just keep it light, okay? Better for digestion.”

      She nodded eagerly. “Absolutely.”

      He looked relieved. “And we can use this time to get reacquainted. I want to hear about your job in Portland and why you were able to give up our sweet little town of Clover to live in the big bad city.” He grinned as he picked up a menu. “All right, that’s not fair. I know lots of folks who would choose city living over this. It’s just that I happen to like it here.”

      “There’s a lot to like,” she admitted. And right now it was more appealing than ever. The thought of returning to her apartment...her sounded as daunting as climbing Mount Everest.

      “So tell me about your career.” Logan laid his menu down, listening intently as Mallory told him about taking journalism in college. “I’d always dreamed of working on a TV news show, but everyone acted like it was the impossible dream.”

      Mallory paused as a pretty young waitress named Corkie took their order. She didn’t recognize her, but Corkie was obviously on friendly terms with Logan. And why not? But, unless it was Mallory’s imagination, Corkie was being pretty chilly to her. Not to mention staring rudely. Maybe it was Mallory’s rumpled-looking suit. Whatever the case, Mallory was glad when Corkie finally left.

      Mallory continued to tell Logan about her job, moving from college to her internship at the television station. “It was so amazing to get it. Especially since it seemed like half of the journalism students had applied for it. Mom told me I landed it because all her church friends had been praying for me. And then, after just one year, they took me on as a full-time staff writer. The youngest one they’d ever hired.” She smiled to remember how good that had felt. But then her smile faded when she remembered what Brock had told her...after she’d broken it off with him.

      “What’s wrong?” Logan asked.

      “Oh, nothing.” It wasn’t so much that she wanted to keep it from him, but as he’d suggested, they should eat this meal in peace. She took a slow sip of water, trying to erase Brock’s vengeful words from her mind. You only got this job because I put in a good word for you, he’d told her. Without me, you’re nothing. You’ll see.

      Mallory forced a smile. “Enough about me. I want to hear about your career. I know you’re the fire chief and, according to my dad, you’re the youngest chief Clover has ever had.” She held up her water glass in a toast. “Here’s to you and me having something in common.”

      He clicked her glass with twinkling eyes. “Here’s to having a whole lot more in common.”

      She felt her cheeks warm but hoped that his words would come true—that they would get better acquainted and then...who knew?

      He told her about attending college while volunteering as a firefighter, and how he’d felt lucky to get a job in his hometown. “I don’t know if you heard, but my dad died while I was in college. I wanted to be around to help my mom and sis.”

      “I’m so sorry about your dad,” she told him. “I hadn’t heard. That’s so great you can be here for your family.”

      They continued to visit until their lunch was served. Fortunately the diner was busier now and Corkie didn’t loiter long, but she did give Mallory a slightly glowering look. Was it possible that she was jealous? That seemed silly. And silly to fret over it. Especially since, for the first time since Wednesday night, Mallory felt ravenous. As they ate their food, they continued to chat congenially. Almost as if this was a date. And Mallory felt like a normal person. Almost, anyway. But it did give her hope.

      “Logan!” A redheaded woman in a dark blue uniform came up to their table with a big smile on her face and a newspaper in her hand. “I was just looking for you.”

      “Oh.” Logan’s smile looked stiff. “I stayed on to investigate at the Myers’ place. I’m on my lunch now.”

      “I can see that.” The woman stared at Mallory with a creased brow.

      Logan looked at Mallory. “This is Winnie Halston,” he said politely. “She’s one of my firefighters.” He looked back up at Winnie. “And this is Mallory Myers. She’s Deputy Myers’ daughter and—”

      “Oh, I know exactly who she is.” Winnie waved her newspaper. “In fact, she’s on the front page of this morning’s newspaper.” She pointed to a photo of Mallory, next to a photo of Kestra.

      “What’s that about?” Logan looked understandably confused.

      “You didn’t know that Mallory is a suspect in a pretty gruesome murder case?” Winnie’s auburn brows arched high.

      “What?” Logan looked from Winnie to Mallory.

      “You weren’t aware that you’re having lunch with a murderer, Logan?” Winnie laughed, nudging Mallory in the arm with her elbow. “Oh, I’m sure you’re innocent, honey. I mean the police wouldn’t have let you out if you were guilty, would they? But, hey, you’re on the front page. Must be thrilling.”

      “Not really,” Mallory said in a flat tone. “In fact, Kestra was my best friend and I’ve been—”

      “I know!” Winnie waved her newspaper. “Says here that you and the murder victim were in a love triangle with Brock Dennison.” She turned to Logan with wide eyes. “You know who that is, don’t you? Just the hunkiest news guy in the Northwest. I watch him every chance I get. At six and eleven. Brock Dennison.” She said his name dreamily. “No wonder he’s got girls fighting over him.” She laughed.
