The Protector's Mission. Margaret Daley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Margaret Daley
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474036757
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again why you initially felt someone had been in your house. I’ve taken a look around and haven’t seen a forced point of entry. I was surprised you didn’t have a dog or two until your assistant brought the cats.”

      She placed Cheri on the floor, then took several sips of her warm tea. “I had Bree take both of my cats to the veterinary hospital for boarding. I didn’t want her to have to deal with them and Kate. JoAnn, my assistant who brought them home, told me they were being thoroughly spoiled. Charlie and Cheri are siblings left at the back door of the hospital. One look into Cheri’s green eyes and I knew I had to keep them.”

      “No guard dog?”

      She shook her head. “But Charlie growls like a dog, and anytime someone comes to the house, he’s at the door growling.”

      “That’s better than nothing.”

      “Yeah, but as soon as the person comes in, he runs and hides, whereas Cheri is all over the visitor. She’s never met a stranger.”

      “So that’s why I’ve only seen her.” Flipping his hand at Cheri, Jesse relaxed. “I’m surprised you have cats. You always had a dog growing up.”

      “The cats needed me.” And I needed them. It had been within a month of her arrival in Anchorage. She’d been dealing with a hostile sister, who was grieving but not expressing those emotions. Many nights she’d been up late cuddling Cheri and talking to her about her day. In those first months she and Kate had argued every day. At least now it wasn’t as often.

      “Tell me about going into your bedroom.”

      “I didn’t notice anything at first, but when I looked at my desk, I saw the top drawer was open about an inch or two. I always make sure I close drawers and cabinets. Remember when I fractured my wrist?”

      “Oh, yeah. You told me you fell, not how.”

      “I’d opened the drawer a few minutes before, then the phone rang and I was in a hurry to answer it, but I rammed right into the drawer and fell. It’s become second nature to me to shut them now, which is why it stood out, but I couldn’t find anything missing or out of order. I was upset, so I supposed I could have forgotten to shut the drawer. The night before Kate and I had a big fight over Connor. That boy isn’t good for her, but she won’t listen to me.”

      “And you find that strange?” A grin twitched the corners of his mouth.

      “Okay, you don’t have to remind me about my dad and me. He changed so much after Mom left, and I could be stubborn.”

      “You think?”

      She narrowed her eyes and pinched her lips together but couldn’t maintain the tough act. She started chuckling. “I seem to remember you could be quite determined, too.”

      “Still am, and I’m especially determined to catch this person setting off the bombs. If you don’t mind, I didn’t check out your room earlier. May I look at it?”

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