Fantasy. Lori Foster. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lori Foster
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472087225
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      Stunned, she turned to look out the window, and found only endless black sky. She drew a deep breath and faced him again. “Yes. Thank you.”

      “Good.” He turned to look at her more fully, unhooking his seat belt with one hand and glancing around to make certain no one could hear them. Since most everyone was sleeping, they had some measure of privacy. Brandi released him to undo her own belt, all the while watching the way he moved, the way his shoulders flexed, how his straight dark hair brushed his collar and fell over his brow. She’d never been so intrigued by a man, by his smallest movement or gesture.

      She wanted to hold his hand again. In fact, there were other places she wanted to touch him besides his hands. But it could be so risky….

      “Now, about seducing you…”

      Good lord, it wasn’t a topic to discuss. “Sebastian, really, there’s absolutely no need…”

      “Yes, there is. I want you to understand that I won’t pressure you in any way. I know this vacation is set up to be romantic, but it doesn’t have to be if that’s not what you want. We can do whatever you like. Take walks, play chess, hell, you can tell me to leave you completely alone if that’s what you want. But if you decide you want anything from me—”

      “I won’t!” The protest sounded panicked even to her own ears.

      “You’ll have to tell me. What we’re doing now, talking and getting to know each other, that isn’t about sex, okay? It’s about getting comfortable with each other. I know you didn’t want to come on this trip, but I’m glad you did. So if I do anything or say anything that in any way makes you uneasy, I want you to tell me. Agreed?”

      Again, she chewed her lip, then nodded. He was touching on a topic she hadn’t expected to have to face. Especially not this soon. Now that he’d brought it up, though, she couldn’t help thinking, wondering what he’d think if he knew precisely why she’d been so resistant to the vacation.

      He wanted her to tell him if she wanted anything? She’d never have the nerve. But now she really wished she did.

      SEBASTIAN’S ARM WAS NUMB, but he didn’t mind. He liked having her sleep against his side. The limo rode smoothly, the air was quiet and he liked seeing her this way—relaxed, without those impenetrable mental shields to protect her.

      He looked down at her, carefully tucked a wayward curl behind her ear, then touched her smooth warm cheek. Being asleep, she didn’t jump away or show her displeasure over his touch.

      Having her this close was playing havoc with his libido. She had one leg tucked beneath her, so her dress had hiked up, her knees were peeking out at him and he could see a bit of pale thigh. The sight held his attention for a long moment. One of her shoes had fallen off and he pondered how tiny that foot looked next to his own size fourteens. Her foot was slim, high arched… Good grief, he could hardly believe such a thing could arouse him, but there was no denying the stirring of desire.

      He was in bad shape when a woman’s foot turned him on.

      Warm breath bathed his throat as she sighed deeply in her sleep. Her nose touched just below his jaw, her unruly hair tickled his cheek and one small plump breast pressed into his ribs.

      The stirring grew until he had a devil of a time ignoring the reactions of his own body. But she was tuckered out, poor little thing, probably as much emotionally as physically, and he had no intention of waking her. The plane ride had been difficult enough; she didn’t need to know how much he wanted her. Especially since the feeling didn’t appear to be mutual.

      They’d only been in the limo for a little over fifteen minutes when she’d passed out. She didn’t fade out gradually like most people did. No, when Brandi went to sleep it was like watching someone faint dead away. One minute she’d been sitting stiff at his side and staring out the window at the moon-shadowed scenery, the next she had slumped into him, giving him all of her slight weight.

      He wanted to pull her into his lap, to cuddle her…to kiss her. She was by far the most intrinsically sensual woman he’d ever known. And when she suddenly wakened, stretching along his side like a cat and yawning hugely, he couldn’t stop himself from giving her a light hug.

      Her eyes snapped open and she jerked away from him. Well, he’d expected as much. She was sexy, but she wasn’t interested in him.

      Sebastian forced a smile. “I hope the nap helped.”

      “How long have I been sleeping?”

      Her eyes were huge, wary, almost accusing. “About forty minutes. We should be at the lodge soon.”

      She fussed beside him, smoothing down her hair, tugging at the hem of her dress, rubbing her hands together. Watching her made him want her, so he looked away.

      “Are you okay?”

      The hesitant question had him turning toward her again. “I’m fine. Why?”

      “I don’t know. You seem…tense.”

      Tense and aroused and…almost needy. She’d tied him into more knots tonight than he’d ever experienced while growing up dirt-poor. He’d suffered plenty of rejections as a child and he’d grown accustomed to them. But as an adult, he hadn’t allowed anyone to make him feel this way. He gave assistance, he didn’t need it.

      But now he wanted a woman who didn’t want him back. The idea didn’t sit well with his adult pride. So he gave her only a partial truth.

      “I’m not comfortable with all this luxury. The first-class tickets, the limo. The money could have been better spent elsewhere.”

      For once her expression softened and the look she gave him had him struggling for breath. He had to swallow back a groan. The driver of the limo was silent behind his privacy window, set on his course. The shadowy darkness of the car and the quiet of the night only added to the intimacy of the whole enterprise. And if she didn’t quit looking at him like that, he’d lose control.

      Brandi didn’t appear to notice his trouble. “I’m sure our vacation plan is more extravagant than anyone else’s. But then that’s Shay—extravagant to a fault, especially with the people she loves. I knew the minute she decided to involve me in the trip, she’d take a personal interest. I wouldn’t be surprised if everything was top of the line.” Then she tilted her head. “Does it really bother you so much? Most people would love to be pampered with a limo and such.”

      Undecided on how much to tell her, Sebastian hesitated. It was a rather personal topic, and not the easiest thing for him to talk about. But then Brandi touched his wrist and when he looked at her, his entire body tightened.

      “It’s all right, Sebastian. I didn’t mean to pry.”

      He went down without a whimper. He wanted to talk to her, to gain her trust. And this was as good a place to start as any. Leaning his head back against the soft leather upholstery of the seat, he said, “I grew up poor.”

      “I see.”

      He chuckled. “No, you don’t. I’m not saying we couldn’t afford a new car, I’m saying we barely afforded food. Half the time the electricity was turned off. Back then, hot water was a luxury, and in our neighborhood a peek at a limo would have been considered prime entertainment.”

      Brandi watched him, comprehension in her wide eyes. “So, wasting money still bothers you?”

      “Bothers me? Yeah, it bothers me. I guess I learned to be especially thrifty—I had to, in order to make the food last. Now, even though money isn’t an issue with me anymore, squandering it, even if it isn’t mine… Well, it makes my stomach cramp. The only thing I’ve ever been extravagant with is my house. It gives me a kind of security I can’t get anywhere else.”

      He waited for her reaction. He’d never before trusted a woman enough to share those personal thoughts. Admitting to such a weakness might have detracted from the image women had of him, and could