Fantasy. Lori Foster. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lori Foster
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472087225
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connection to him, and she couldn’t seem to find the wit—or the will—to walk away.

      The woman handling the bids chuckled at some jest Brandi had missed, then turned to catch the man’s arm. Holding a microphone in one hand, she gripped his arm firmly with the other and cuddled up to him. “Such a generous bid!” she called out sounding very excited, though Brandi, deeply involved in her own scrutiny, hadn’t heard the exact amount offered. “He’s worth every penny, ladies! Come on now, don’t be shy. This one is quite a specimen.” She squeezed his upper arm, testing his muscle, then made an “oohing” expression to the audience.

      The man didn’t look overly complimented. He looked disdainful, and rather than work toward drawing more attention to himself as the other men had, he merely crossed his arms and braced his long legs apart. He seemed impossibly tall and strong and masculine in his rigid stance. As impenetrable as a stone wall. Almost barbaric in his strength. And he continued to look at Brandi.

      The announcer struggled to gain his cooperation. She tried to force him into a turn, wanting to display him as she had the others in order to raise the already astronomical sum they’d collected. He resisted her efforts with ease. The announcer couldn’t budge him a single inch.

      And the women loved it. They called out more bids, made explicit suggestions on what they’d do with him and haggled amongst themselves.

      Brandi’s fascination built. Never before had she felt it, at least, not in eight long years. And before that, she’d simply been too young. But there was no denying the interest surging inside her now. She’d made a decision earlier that day, a decision that would change her life—hopefully for the better. But this? Could she really consider bidding on a man? On this man?

      In answer to her own thoughts, she shook her head no.

      The man gave her a slight, devastating smile that stole her breath—and then slowly nodded his head yes, as if to encourage her. Embarrassed color flooded her face. He couldn’t possibly know what she’d been thinking! She shook her head again, more emphatically this time, but that only made his smile widen until he gave her a full-fledged grin.

      God, he was gorgeous.

      And big. Too big. Much, much too big and imposing and… Brandi felt her heartbeat trip, felt heat wash over her, as if someone had opened an oven. She tried to step back, to break the invisible connection between them, but she couldn’t manage it. Never in her life had she been the object of such masculine notice. Her sister Shay was so striking—tall and pale and beautiful beyond words—Brandi naturally faded beside her, becoming a mere shadow to Shay’s impressive height and inexhaustible energy.

      But now a man—this incredible mountain of a man—had latched on to her with his bold gaze and he wouldn’t release her. She felt both alarmed and pleasantly flustered.

      At that moment, Shay reappeared at her side. Her slim eyebrows lifted in a question. The man’s gaze automatically reverted to Shay, who towered over Brandi.

      It wasn’t quite jealousy that Brandi felt—she and Shay were very close—it was more like resignation. She had no business staring at a man, inviting his interest when she had no intention of returning it. She couldn’t return it, not yet, and certainly not with a man like him. Her resolution to start this birthday off differently hadn’t yet been implemented. And it never would be with a man like him.

      Now that he wasn’t looking at her, she could look away, too, and did—with a deep, regretful sigh.

      Shay heard that sigh and smiled. “He is gorgeous, isn’t he?”

      Burdened with her own thoughts, Brandi turned to look up at Shay and asked stupidly, “Who?”

      “The man you’ve been ogling.” Then Shay took her arm and led her away from the center of the floor. “Every woman here has been doing the same. But then, he’s not exactly the type of man any red-blooded female would fail to notice.”

      “He isn’t enjoying being on that stage.”

      Shay chuckled. “No, I don’t think he is. But did you see how the women are reacting to his disinterest? They’re going wild for him.”

      Feeling choked, Brandi said, “Then I suppose he’ll bring in a good amount for your charity auction.”

      “That’s what I’m counting on.” Shay slanted Brandi a look. “I could make you a loan, you know.”

      Brandi stumbled but quickly righted herself. “Good grief, Shay! You’re not suggesting…?”

      “Why not?”

      Such a ridiculous question hardly deserved an answer, but it irritated Brandi enough to give one anyway. “You already know why. Did you look at him? He’s bigger than a barn and dark as Satan. Even wearing a suit, the man looks like a disgruntled savage. And so far, he’s only smiled once.”

      “Yes, but that smile almost knocked you on your can. I watched the whole thing. Admit it, Brandi, you like what you saw.”

      Trying to be reasonable, Brandi explained, “He makes my insides jumpy. That’s not a good sign.”

      Shay’s face lit up. “Are you kidding? That’s a fantastic sign!”



      “No buts.” Then Brandi softened her tone. She knew Shay only had her best interests at heart, and she wanted to put her at ease. “I made a decision this morning to get my life in order, to start…circulating again.”

      “Circulating? As in dating?” There was both caution and elation in Shay’s tone.

      Brandi smiled. “Yes. I’ll probably make a fool of myself, and I’ll have to start out with someone safe, someone I know well and can trust and who isn’t too pushy or overbearing. But it’s past time I got on with my life. I’m going to start acting like a normal woman again if it kills me.”

      Shay grinned. “Well, I don’t think death will actually be a by-product. And I’m thrilled with your decision, I really am. But since you already like the guy onstage—”

      They both turned as the announcer began responding to a volley of bids. Things were winding up. He’d be sold any second now. Sadly, Brandy shook her head. Shay didn’t understand. No one in her family did. She tried her best not to burden them, so she kept her lingering difficulties to herself and merely replied, “Fine,” whenever they chanced to ask how she was doing. So far, that seemed to satisfy everyone.

      Brandi turned away from the stage, unwilling to witness the final bid. “I’d never buy a man, Shay. I couldn’t do it. You know that.”

      Shay stared down at her, then straightened to her full, impressive height. “Well, I certainly have no problem with it.”

      And before Brandi could stop her, before she could get a single word out of her suddenly dry mouth, Shay raised her arm and in a loud, carrying voice called out a bid well above any other they’d heard that night.

      Stunned silence followed that astronomical bid, quickly replaced by loud complaints and feminine groans. But no one could go any higher. And after a moment, the announcer banged her gavel with obvious satisfaction. “Sold! To Shay Sommers, and pound for pound, he’s a hell of a bargain!”

      THE VAGARIES OF FATE were often rather hideous.

      Brandi closed her eyes a moment, denying her own despair.

      “Well,” Shay said, her tone incredibly dry, “that was taken care of rather easily, wasn’t it? No one even bothered to counter with a higher bid.”

      Brandi opened her eyes with that bit of nonsense. “Are you crazy, Shay? Have you totally lost your mind? You can have any man you want, any man! You certainly don’t need to pay for them.”

      “But I wanted that man.” Then Shay waved an elegant hand, avoiding Brandi’s gaze. “This is my event. My project. Everyone