Dangerously Irresistible. Kristin Gabriel. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kristin Gabriel
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474018173
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left to bring Blackburn to justice. Adrenaline shot through her veins as she walked toward the door.

      The Kissing Bandit was about to be unmasked.


      TANNER SAT IN THE empty hotel bar, nursing his beer. The wedding party had retired to their rooms, most of them exhausted from the long trip into Abilene. But Tanner was on a mission. Find a woman to take to the wedding tomorrow or learn more than he ever wanted to know about embroidery.

      Unfortunately, his hopes for snagging a date were fading fast. He still wore his cowboy hat, since his sister had once informed him that women were attracted to the rugged, outdoorsy type. He might not actually live on a ranch, but he did spend plenty of time outdoors. A former state champion swimmer, Tanner still worked out four evenings a week at the local recreation center. He glanced at the clock, wondering if he’d have more luck impressing the ladies down at the hotel swimming pool.

      Surprised to see it was close to midnight, Tanner drained his beer mug. Hannah had suggested he turn in early so he’d be fresh for the wedding tomorrow. But he just wanted to be numb.

      “Can I buy you a beer, cowboy?”

      He slowly turned around to see a tall, slender brunette. She had big brown eyes and silky nutmeg hair that caressed her bare shoulders. She wore a strapless red sundress that hugged her mouthwatering figure. The three-inch heels on her matching red pumps made her long legs seem endless.

      He swallowed hard, then abruptly stood up and motioned to the bar stool beside him. “Only if I can buy you one first.”

      She sat down, then held out one slender hand. “My name is Giselle, but all my friends call me Gigi.”

      He opened his mouth, then closed it again. Somehow he guessed a woman named Giselle wouldn’t be interested in an estate lawyer. She’d want someone exciting. Impulsive. Someone who lived life on the edge. He could imagine the interest fading from her beautiful eyes as soon as he said, “Hi, I’m Tanner and I manage the affairs of dead people.”

      So why say it?

      Tanner straddled his bar stool and spoke before he had time for tedious second thoughts. “My name is Whip. I’m a bull rider.”

      Her finely winged brows arched in surprise. “Really? I’ve never met a bull rider before.”

      Tanner propped his cowboy boot on the rung of her bar stool. “It gets a little rough sometimes.”

      “I can imagine,” she said, obviously impressed.

      He tried to remember all the stories his brother Ronnie had told him about the rodeo. Most of them had been highly exaggerated, but entertaining. He signaled the bartender for two beers, mentally weaving a story that would keep her smiling.

      It was amazing how easy it was to fall back into the playboy role after all these years.

      Gigi crossed her impossibly long legs. “So are you in Abilene to ride bulls?”

      “Actually, I’m here for a wedding.”

      She reached into the bowl of stale popcorn that sat on the bar between them. “I love weddings.”

      Just the words he wanted to hear. Gigi would be the perfect woman to take as his date, if he could convince her to go with him. Take it slow, Blackburn. Don’t scare her off.

      But Gigi definitely didn’t look scared. She leaned toward him, her foot lightly brushing against his ankle.

      He watched, mesmerized as she slowly licked the salt from her fingertips. It had been too long since he’d been with a woman. Much too long.

      Tanner cleared his throat. “This wedding is a little unusual. I met the bride in a mail-order magazine.”

      Her eyes widened. “Really?”

      “Well, it’s a little complicated,” he said, realizing he’d given her the wrong impression. Not that he wanted to explain by telling her Hannah had dumped him, especially since he could barely think straight. Either the beer or her subtle, exotic scent had intoxicated him. Maybe both.

      “No, I think it’s fascinating.” She gave him an encouraging smile. “Tell me about the magazine. Did strange women contact you?”

      “Day and night,” he said, tipping up his hat. He might be stretching the truth just a little, but it was getting easier by the minute. “I’ll admit I did it as a lark, but it paid off.” For Cabe, anyway.

      She smiled. “Something tells me you like to live dangerously.”

      “Whenever possible.” His whole body tightened as his gaze fell to her full, sultry mouth. She wasn’t anything like Hannah, but there was something about her that pulled at him. Something that triggered a deep, primal urge that made him want to throw her over his shoulder and haul her back to his cave. Or at least his hotel room. He took a deep gulp of beer to cool his blood.

      “So tell me about bull riding,” she said, reaching for another handful of popcorn.

      Tanner spent the next hour making up the wildest stories possible. Fortunately, he’d been to enough rodeos to sound credible. And Gigi’s riveted attention and enthusiastic questions encouraged him to keep talking. Three beers later, he’d almost convinced himself that he was one of the best bull riders in Texas. Or at least one of the best at shooting the bull.

      “I’m on a hiatus now,” Tanner said, rubbing his knee. “Trying to heal up after that last ride.”

      “Have you ever ridden Diablo?”


      She circled one fingertip around the rim of her beer mug. “I saw a special on television once about rodeo bulls, and they said Diablo was known as the meanest one on the rodeo circuit.”

      “I…uh…no,” he said, suddenly wary that he was about to blow his cover.

      But she didn’t press the point. Instead she gazed up at him. “Your eyes are very blue, aren’t they?”

      “As blue as the Texas sky,” Tanner improvised, emphasizing his Texas drawl for effect. “That’s what my mama always said.”

      His mother, who never permitted any of her three children to call her mama, had never said any such thing. But Mom was in Florida at the moment, so what did it matter?

      “Your face is so classic.” She reached out her fingers and brushed them lightly across his jaw. “I’d love to do you nude.”

      He blinked. “Excuse me?”

      She laughed. “Did I mention that I’m an artist?”

      “No, ma’am,” he said, mortified by the blush warming his cheeks. Whip the Bull Rider would never blush.

      She reached into her purse and pulled out a small lavender card. “This is my business card. I’m in Abilene for a showing at the Courtyard Gallery.”

      He took the card from her, noting the New York City address and the fact that she didn’t include her last name on the card, only Giselle.

      “Whip, I know this may sound a little forward.” She gently laid her hand on his arm, causing his muscles to jerk in response. “But would you mind coming up to my hotel room? I’m just itching to sketch you.”

      “I never say no to a lady.” Especially a lady who wanted to take his clothes off.

      “Good.” She slid off the bar stool and reached for his hand. “I promise to make it an experience you’ll never forget.”

      His heart pounded in his chest as he followed her to the elevator. When he’d first seen Gigi, all he’d wanted was a date for Cabe’s wedding. Now he wanted more.

      Much more.

      Maybe he should skip his trip to Jamaica and stick around Abilene instead. He