The Millionaire's Club: Connor, Tom & Gavin: Round-the-Clock Temptation / Highly Compromised Position / A Most Shocking Revelation. Michelle Celmer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michelle Celmer
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408900710
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she’d had a long, trying day and it had probably caught up with her.

      Maybe tomorrow.

      “I guess I’ll head up to bed, too,” Connor told Will. “I have some reading to catch up on.”

      “Thank you for takin’ care of my girl.”

      “No need to thank me,” Connor said.

      “Yes, there is. You see this,” he said, raking a hand through his short, salt-and-pepper hair. “Used to be jetblack, just like Nita’s. I’ve got one gray hair for every stunt that girl ever pulled, every scare she’s ever given me, and as you can see there have been quite a few.”

      Connor grinned. “Yes, sir.”

      “She also has a heart of gold. I know she’s been trying to shelter me from the truth, but I looked at the books the other day. I know how bad things are, and I know that you’ve been working without pay because of it.”

      The last thing he needed was for Nita’s father to think he had ulterior motives. “We worked out a deal. Nita’s been teaching me the business in exchange for my help.”

      “Despite being a little wild at times, Nita has a soft side. And though you would never know it, she bruises easily, even if she doesn’t let it show. Any man who dared hurt her would have to deal with me.”

      Connor wasn’t sure if that was a general threat, or aimed at him in particular. “Only after they got through me,” he said.

      Will just looked at him for a minute, then nodded. “I believe you. And I want you to know I appreciate all you’ve done for us these past couple weeks. You’re part of the family now, and you’ll always have a place here with us, understand?”

      Connor was so choked with unexpected emotion, he could only nod.

      Will nodded back, then picked up the controller and switched the television on. “See you in the morning.”


      Leaving Will alone in the family room, Connor headed up the stairs, vowing that, if he ever had a family, he would raise his children the way Will had. They would always feel loved and appreciated for who they were.

      A wife and family.

      For the first time in his life he realized he wanted that. He wanted those things with Nita.

      And she didn’t want them with anyone, not even him.

      He stepped into his room, but before he could even switch the lights on, a pair of arms circled him from behind.

      “Ready to play, cowboy?”

      Connor turned and Nita rose up on her toes to kiss him. She loved the taste of his mouth, the softness of his tongue, the brush of his whiskers against her chin. Most men kissed too hard or too soft, or too sloppy. Connor, no matter how he did it, was always just right.

      Their lips still locked, he pulled her into the room and shut the door. She tore his shirt from the waist of his jeans, desperate to get him naked, before something else happened to sidetrack them. She grabbed the two sides of his shirt and yanked.

      Button’s flew everywhere and bounced across the hardwood floor. She pushed the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms.

      “You are a wild one,” Connor muttered as she slid her hands up his bare chest, sank her teeth into his lower lip.

      “Do mine now,” she said, kissing her way to his ear, sucking his lobe into her mouth. She wouldn’t be happy until she licked and sucked every bit of him. “Rip it off me.”

      Connor slipped his fingers into the gaps between the buttons of her shirt, lightly stroking the skin beneath. She liked foreplay, but she was so ready for him she felt like she would burst into flames if he didn’t take her soon.

      “Do it,” she said, and still he only teased.

      “You in some kind of hurry?” he asked, and she could hear amusement in his voice.

      “In fact I am. If we don’t get this show on the road something is bound to happen that will stop us again. A meteor could hit the house or World War Three could break out.”

      His fingers brushed the skin just below her bra and she shivered. “I thought you were exhausted.”

      “Do I look exhausted to you?”

      “I guess not.” With one quick yank he ripped the shirt open and a second round of buttons went airborne. He pushed the shirt off her, then instead of reaching back to undo her bra, he gave that a yank too. Nita gasped as the garment ripped clear in half. It made her so hot she felt dizzy.

      He cupped his warm hands over her breasts. “Better?”

      “Oh, yes.” She sighed and closed her eyes. She liked a man who took charge every now and then. It wasn’t often she found one who could keep up with her. One that wasn’t intimidated by her aggressive nature.

      “I want to see you,” he said. He backed toward the bed, pulling her along with him, and switched on the lamp.

      Warm light poured over him and she took in the sight of all his thick, bulky muscle. The man did have a body to die for, and she was going to touch it all.

      “You’re beautiful,” he said, his eyes roaming over her as if the sight of her body amazed him.

      Poor guy. He obviously didn’t get out much if he thought she was beautiful. Not that she was ugly. She was always okay with her body. It didn’t seem to turn anyone off, even though she didn’t have much in the way of a figure. Small breasts, no hips to speak of—nothing special. She did have a few special skills that she planned to use on him as soon as she got the rest of his clothes off. And she could see from the generous ridge in the front of his jeans, she was going to have a lot to play with.

      She unbuttoned his pants and was working on the zipper when Connor caught her wrist in his hand.

      “Nita wait. Not yet.”

      She closed her eyes and sighed. Good lord, here we go again.

      Chapter Eleven

      “Wait for what?” Nita asked Connor.

      “There’s something I need to say to you.”

      Was he kidding? They’d come this far and now he wanted to stop and talk? It just wasn’t normal.

      She pulled her hand free and slid it up his chest. “Would you mind terribly if we talked later?”

      He grabbed her hand and held it. “In fact I would mind.”

      The man was impossible! She blew out a long frustrated breath. “Okay, what do you need to say?”

      “I need you to know that this isn’t just sex to me. Today, when I thought about losing you…” He shook his head, as though he couldn’t bear to say the words.

      “I’m not lost,” she told him.


      She pressed her fingers over his mouth. “No more talking tonight, okay? Let’s just concentrate on making each other feel good.”

      It wasn’t that she didn’t like to talk. She simply was afraid of what he might say. They’d both had a scare and their emotions were running high. High enough to make him say things he didn’t really mean. Things she didn’t ever want to hear from a man. Things that would tempt her to give more of herself than was wise.

      He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her. A slow, sweet kiss packed with more raw emotion than she knew what to do with. More emotion than she could take right now. Despite what he thought, this was sex and nothing more. It’s all it could ever be. She couldn’t let herself fall in love with him.

      She backed away and unfastened her jeans, pushing them down along with her panties. His eyes