Housekeepers Say I Do!: Maid for the Millionaire / Maid for the Single Dad / Maid in Montana. SUSAN MEIER. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472001320
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      She nodded.

      Processing everything she’d told him, Cain stayed silent. He’d accomplished his purpose. A woman who not only donated the services of her business, but also bought groceries, was obviously committed to this charity. Anything he did for A Friend Indeed would be a kindness to her. Clearly, they’d won her heart. So all he had to do was make a big contribution, and his conscience would be clear.

      But figuring that out also meant he had nothing more to say.

      He could try to make up a reason to talk to her, but he’d already proven chitchat wasn’t his forte. Plus, that would only mean staying longer with the woman whose mere presence made him ache for what they’d had and lost. There was no point wanting what he couldn’t have. They’d been married once. It had failed.

      Exhaling a big breath, Cain rose. “I’m sorry I bothered you.”

      Her brow puckering in confusion, she rose with him. “I thought you wanted to talk.”

      “We just did.” Rather than return to the kitchen and leave through the front door, he glanced around, saw the strip of sidewalk surrounding the house that probably led to the driveway and headed off.

      His conscience tweaked again at the fact that he’d confused her but he ignored it. The money he would donate would more than make up for it.

      On Monday morning, he had Ava investigate A Friend Indeed. At first she found very little beyond their name and their registration as a charitable organization, then Cain called in a few favors and doors began to open. Though shrouded in secrecy, the charity checked out and on Friday morning Cain had Ava write a check and deliver it to the home of the president of the group’s board of directors. She returned a few hours later chuckling.

      “Ayleen Francis wants to meet you.”

      Cain glanced up from the document he was reading. “Meet me?”

      She leaned against the door frame. “I did the usual spiel that I do when you have me deliver a check like this. That you admire the work being done by the group and want to help, but prefer to remain anonymous, et cetera. And she said that was fine but she wouldn’t accept your check unless she met you.”

      Cain frowned. “Seriously?”

      “That’s what she said.”

      “But—” Damn it. Why did everything about Liz have to turn complicated? “Why would she want to meet me?”

      “To thank you?”

      Annoyed, he growled. “I don’t need thanks.”

      Ava shrugged. “I have no idea what’s going on. I’m just the messenger.” She set the check and a business card on Cain’s desk. “Here’s the address. She said it would be wonderful if you could be there tonight at eight.”

      Cain snatched up the card and damned near threw it in the trash. But he stopped. He was this close to making it up to Liz for their marriage being a disaster. No matter how much he’d worked with his dad before he sold the family business in Kansas and retired, Cain had never been able to do enough to make up for his brother’s death. His parents had accepted Tom’s death as an accident and eventually Cain had, too. Sort of. As the driver of the car, he would always feel responsible. He’d never let go of that guilt. But he did understand it had been an accident.

      But his troubled marriage wasn’t an accident. He’d coerced Liz. Seduced her. More sexually experienced than she had been, he’d taken advantage of their chemistry. Used it. She hadn’t stood a chance.

      And he knew he had to make that up to her. Was he really going to let one oddball request stand in his way of finally feeling freed of the debt?


      ARRANGING HER NOTES for the executive board meeting for A Friend Indeed held the first Friday of the month, Liz sat at the long table in the conference room of the accounting firm that handled the finances for the charity. the firm also lent them space to hold their meetings because A Friend Indeed didn’t want to waste money on an office that wouldn’t often be used. Their work was in the field.

      Ayleen Francis, a fiftysomething socialite with blond hair and a ready smile who was the president of the board, sat at the head of the table chatting with Ronald Johnson, a local man whose daughter had been murdered by an ex-boyfriend. A Friend Indeed had actually been Ron’s brainchild, but it took Ayleen’s money and clout to bring his dream to fruition.

      Beside Ron was Rose Swartz, owner of a chain of floral shops. Liberty Myers sat next to Rose and beside Liz was Bill Brown. The actual board for the group consisted of sixteen members, but the six-person executive board handled most of the day-to-day decisions.

      Waiting for Ayleen to begin the meeting, Liz handed the receipts for the groceries she’d purchased for Amanda and her kids to Rose, the group’s treasurer, as well as a statement for cleaning services. Liz donated both the food and the services, but for accounting purposes A Friend Indeed kept track of what each cost.

      “Thank you, Liz,” Rose said, her smile warm and appreciative. But before Liz could say you’re welcome, someone entered behind her and a hush fell over the small group.

      Ayleen rose just as Liz turned to see Cain standing in the door way. “I’m assuming you’re Cain Nestor.”

      He nodded.

      Ayleen smiled and turned to the group. “Everyone, this is Cain Nestor, CEO of Cain Corporation. He’s visiting us this evening.”

      Shock and confusion rippled through Liz. She hadn’t seen Cain in three years, now suddenly he was everywhere! Worse, she’d brought him here. She’d given him the name of the group when he followed her to Amanda’s. She couldn’t believe he was still pursuing the opportunity to thank her for staying with him while he was sick, but apparently he was and she didn’t like it. She was over him. She wanted to stay over him!

      “Just take a seat anywhere.” Ayleen motioned to the empty seats at the end of the table.

      Cain didn’t move from the doorway. “Ms. Francis—”

      Ayleen smiled sweetly. “Call me Ayleen.”

      “Ayleen, could we talk privately?”

      “Actually, I don’t say or do much for A Friend Indeed without my executive board present. That’s why I asked your assistant to pass on the message for you to meet me here. If you’ll let me start the meeting, I’ll tell the group about your donation—”

      Liz frowned. He’d made a donation? To her charity?

      “My assistant was also supposed to tell you that the donation was to be kept confidential.”

      “Everything about A Friend Indeed is confidential.” She motioned around the room. “Nothing about the group goes beyond the board of directors. Some things don’t go beyond the six people at this table. However, none of us keeps secrets from the others. But if you don’t care to stay for the meeting, then I’ll simply tell the group I’m refusing your donation.”

      Cain gaped at her. “What?”

      “Mr. Nestor, though we appreciate your money, what we really need is your help.” She ambled to the conference-room door. “As I’ve already mentioned, everything about A Friend Indeed is confidential. That’s out of necessity. We give women a place to stay after they leave abusive husbands or boyfriends.” She smiled engagingly as she slid her arm beneath Cain’s and guided him into the room.

      “For their safety, we promise complete anonymity. But because we do promise complete anonymity to our clients, we can’t simply hire construction firms to come and do repair work on our houses. As a result, several of them are in serious disrepair.”

      Liz sat up, suddenly understanding the point Ayleen was about to make. The group didn’t need money as much as they needed skilled, trustworthy volunteers.
