Code Of Silence. Heather Woodhaven. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Heather Woodhaven
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474049788
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shirt and an azure tie that matched his blue eyes. She froze as they both turned toward her.

      Luke’s face fell. “Gabriella.”

      She let the door close behind her, and the air-conditioning sent an involuntary shiver up her spine. His expression confirmed her suspicions—seeing her just reminded him of the pain they’d experienced.

      He held out a hand, and as she reached for it, she glanced at the hand by his side—no ring. Maybe he still hadn’t gotten over his fiancée?

      His brows furrowed. “I’m sorry to hear about your mom. I think I met her and your aunt once, at a parents’ weekend. I remember because you two almost looked like—”

      “Twins,” she finished for him. Each time she looked in the mirror, the reminder of her loss hit her in the gut. Her throat fought against letting her words out. “She and my great-aunt came to every single one of those.”

      Luke turned and waved a hand toward the back. “Why don’t we talk in my office?” He shortened his stride until she caught up. “Congratulations on the nonprofit, by the way. I saw you on the news last week when they announced their charity of the month.”

      Her shoulders relaxed at the change of subject, and she couldn’t help but smile that Luke knew about the foundation she’d set up a few years back to help tutor struggling kids. “Oh. The grant took me by surprise. I didn’t know anything about it until we showed up on the news.”

      She scrunched her nose. “I think they pulled my picture from the school staff website.” Gabriella stiffened. What if Luke thought she was fishing for compliments? She rushed on. “Financially it’s not a big grant, but the national media exposure is priceless. I’d be ecstatic, but—”

      He nodded. “Of course. You’re going through a lot right now.”

      Framed pictures of subdivision developments filled with cookie-cutter houses hung on the office walls. Her chest ached. Could she really go through with this?

      As soon as he sat in his chair, she splayed the papers she’d brought with her across his desk. “I know you agreed to meet with me as a courtesy, but I really think the land has potential for one of the subdivisions you keep making.” She hated the tremble in her voice but worried if she stopped she’d break down. “I brought a copy of the property map and printed out the county assessment of—”

      “I’m sorry, Gabriella. I actually have all that information already. I gathered it after you called.” Luke clasped his hands together. “I know it’s getting late, but if you have time, I need a look at the property in person before we can discuss potential scenarios. I could follow you out there now.”

      “Wow. That’s fast. It’s good. It’s what I need. Just fast.” She nodded and continued nodding, processing his words. “I have time to show you around right now.”

      Luke clapped his hands together and jumped from his chair. “Perfect. I just need a moment to gather my camera and some paperwork. I’ll be right behind you.”

      Gabriella took the cue and headed straight for the door. Her embarrassment at babbling coupled with his kindness would be her undoing. Her eyes burned with held-back tears. The moment she opened the door, heat slapped her in the face.

      She squinted against the intense sunshine as a black sedan drove past the office. Was that really a different one than she’d seen moments before? Was she going insane? It, too, had darkened windows.

      If it’d been a Subaru Outback, she would’ve had an easier time believing the coincidence. Many Idaho residents depended on the all-wheel drive, practically a requirement to living in Idaho. But a black sedan? She had no proof it was following her, though. The next time she spotted it, she’d make an effort to get its license plate number so she’d know for sure.

      A man in a silver suit and navy dress shirt rounded the corner of the office building, smiling. She grinned in response, slightly amused at his greased-back hair. She’d only seen hair like that on New York models and wondered if he worked as a partner or employee for Luke. She stepped off the sidewalk and clicked the fob to unlock her car as the man passed.

      She opened the car door. As it swung open, the man stepped next to her passenger door and wrenched it open. She clutched her purse. “Excuse me. What are you—”

      He pulled his suit jacket back, revealing a gun holstered to his side. “Get in, Gabriella.”

      Gabriella’s heart slammed into overdrive, and yet, she couldn’t move. What did they say about people with guns? Never get in the car? Or, get in the car but drive into a building? She couldn’t blink. Her vision focused on the gun. And how did he know her name?

      “Don’t be stupid. Look behind you.”

      Gabriella moved her chin ever so slightly. There was no way she was turning her back to the gunman. She peeked over her shoulder. The source of her insanity—the black sedan—pulled into the parking lot.

      “Now see? It’s not just me. And the guys in there aren’t as nice.” He stared at her with such intensity that she had to look away. “You wouldn’t want other people getting hurt, would you?” he asked. “Not when you could be saving your great-aunt.”

      Despite the heat, everything turned cold. Gabriella’s skin chilled. “What about her?”

      Another man in a suit stepped out of the back of the black sedan and approached. He smiled, a grin that made her skin crawl. He nodded at the other man and opened the rear door of her car. “If I were you, I’d do everything he tells you. I’m not as patient.”

      “What’d I tell you?” the first gunman said. The men both laughed, sharing their own sick joke.

      Gabriella’s stomach twisted. She should’ve followed her great-aunt’s advice and carried a gun or a brick in her purse. Even if she had, though, it’d be no match for the two men. And if they were telling the truth about Aunt Freddie being in danger, she couldn’t risk it.

      The second man loosened his suit jacket, and she spotted his gun, as well. She tightened her fists. “Is my aunt in that sedan? What’d you do with her?”

      The man across from her turned and looked toward Luke’s office. The sun bounced off the windows, so she couldn’t see inside. Please let Luke see something is wrong.

      “Do you want to see her alive again?” the first gunman asked, his voice thick with a familiar accent she couldn’t place.

      She opened her mouth, her breath so ragged she wasn’t sure she could answer if she tried. Aunt Freddie was her only living relative. It’d been hard enough to put her in assisted living last week—so hard Gabriella spent the past few nights sleeping on the couch at her new villa so Aunt Freddie wouldn’t be lonely.

      I can’t lose her, too. Her gut dropped. The sedan following her the past few days...had she led them right to her aunt?

      He smirked. “Get in and drive.”

      * * *

      Luke hit the side of the printer, frustrated after two jams and irritated the temporary receptionist hadn’t already finished the job. He didn’t begrudge Deb her maternity leave, but he also selfishly prayed she didn’t change her mind about coming back in six weeks. His sanity depended on it.

      The motor whirred as the printer finally spit out his prize. He grabbed the paper, shoved it haphazardly into the leather satchel and strode for the door.

      He hated keeping Gabriella waiting, especially since he had suggested the last-minute property tour. And since it was almost five o’clock already, he harbored hope she’d agree to have dinner afterward to catch up.

      His mind replayed seeing her walk through his office door. She radiated a mixture of gentleness and beauty. And it made him angry with himself that he hadn’t kept in touch. He’d meant to.

      When he first settled on the Treasure Valley to start his business, his parents had challenged his