A Ghost In The Closet. Mabel Maney. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mabel Maney
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472090713
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Pleasantville, Idaho! Cherry eagerly ripped open the envelope. Ever since she had spoken with her twin brother Charley, a successful interior decorator in New York City, and received the shocking news that both their parents had had complete and utter nervous breakdowns, Cherry had been on pins and needles awaiting word of their progress. Perhaps this would be it! She eagerly read the missive aloud.

       27 July 1959

      Dear Cherry,

      You’ll never believe it, but your father and I have gone and done the most unexpected thing! We’ve checked into the lovely Tamarack Lodge, “Where Friendly People Go To Frolic!,” a delightful resort with comfortable accommodations, inspiring scenery and the best cuisine.

       We’ve met the most congenial people, and we are participating in all sorts of fun activities. Don’t be surprised if you get a darling set of pot-holders for your birthday!

       I hope you are having a relaxing holiday as well. Your brother Charley says you’re visiting a new girlfriend in Illinois. That’s nice, dear. My friend Mavis Minot once visited her cousin Marjorie in Ohio for the Snow Carnival. Are you anywhere near there?

      How long can you be away from the hospital? Remember, August comes sooner than you think. Shouldn’t you be getting your fall wardrobe together? I heard Kloppman’s is having a sale on woolen nurses’ capes, and if I remember correctly, you’re due for a new one.

      Well, I could go on and on about the fun we’re having, but it’s time for luncheon. Today it’s oxtail soup, boiled fish, jellied vegetable ring and orange sherbet. Your father says to say hello.



      P.S. If you’re wondering whether to stop in Pleasantville on your way back to Seattle, you needn’t bother. Mrs. Henry next door is watering my zinnias and Miss Lily Bee from the bridge club is watching Snowpuff.

      Cherry looked mighty puzzled. “Charley told me Mother and Father had been taken to a nearby, thoroughly modern sanitarium staffed by the finest doctors using the most up-to-date equipment available to treat nervous disorders, and here they are, already returned to normal and on vacation,” she cried out. She knitted her pretty brow. “Perhaps I’m not as up-to-date on nervous disorders as I imagined. I had no idea they were so curable!”

      This was a worrisome thought, indeed.

      Jackie checked the return address on the envelope Cherry had dropped on the ground. “This envelope’s been stamped Pleasantville Sanitarium,” she pointed out.

      Cherry gasped. “I know Mother is suffering from a case of hysteria, or in layman’s terms, an unconscious attempt to escape from some unpleasant reality. Could it be she’s suffering from delusions, too? Oh, no,” she cried, throwing up her arms up in alarm. “I must get in touch with Doctor Joe and let him know!”

      Jackie tried to comfort the nervous nurse. “I’ll bet your mother’s just pretending to be on vacation so she doesn’t spoil yours,” she guessed.

      Cherry considered this. Jackie had a point. “It would be just like Mother to keep a stiff upper lip,” Cherry agreed. She paused a moment in quiet contemplation. The words from her nursing school manual came back to her: Faith is a real remedy, good cheer is a powerful medicine, and confidence is part of the cure for every nervous patient who gets well.

      “So if Mother chooses to pretend she’s at a resort, perhaps it’s a good thing after all,” Cherry decided aloud. Suddenly she had a grand thought. “I’ll write back to Mother pretending I believe her little ruse. I’ll ask her to describe the colorful people she has met and the nature hikes and other entertainments. That way, she’ll write me cheery, therapeutic letters which will speed up her recovery. Then she’ll regain her confidence and, in no time at all, be back to her normal contented self.”

      “What about what your mother mentioned at the end of her letter?” Jackie blurted out. Would Cherry decide to go back to Seattle and resume her place on the Women’s Psychiatric Ward, or worse, would she choose to settle in River Depths and play nurse to Nancy’s detective? Jackie’s heart was pounding with anticipation. What would Cherry do?

      “Oh, I think my woolen nurse’s cape can stand another season’s wear,” Cherry assured her.

      “No, I mean about going back to Seattle,” Jackie blushingly stammered.

      “When I arrived in River Depths, I wrote the hospital asking for a short leave of absence, at no pay of course,” Cherry informed her. “I’ve got plenty of time.”

      “But I don’t,” Jackie was tempted to cry out, forgetting for a moment Midge’s helpful advice. Let Cherry come to you. She’s stuck on you for sure, but she needs to get over Nancy first. Just give it time.

      “My vacation’s up soon, and I’ll have to return to San Francisco,” Jackie explained in a calm voice that masked her thudding heart. If she left Cherry behind, she’d surely lose her to Nancy!

      Cherry looked at the downcast expression on Jackie’s handsome face and suddenly realized the longer the good-looking detective stayed in Illinois, the longer she was kept away from her vitally important police work. Cherry knew only too well that crime, like illness, accidents and disease, never took a holiday!

      “If only I could make up my mind,” Cherry chided herself silently. “I know I have feelings for Jackie that lead me to suspect I’m in love with her, but what about Nancy and the night of passion we shared? I can’t just turn my back on that without first thinking things through long and hard. Plus, Nancy really needs me now. Why, she’s got so much to do, what with inheriting this house and selecting her fall wardrobe!”

      Cherry had realized just how much work it was to be Nancy when two days earlier, a dressmaker had wheeled in racks of the latest fall fashions. Nancy had spent the entire day running about the house in various stages of undress while she selected the outfits she would need for the coming year: pretty daytime frocks, sleek going-to-town suits, modest bathing costumes, vibrant ski togs, sophisticated evening sheaths and fancy off-the-shoulder gowns just right for a country club dance. The next day, Velma, Cherry and an exhausted Nancy had lain about the living room sipping refreshing iced tea and pouring over fashion magazines, selecting shoes and handbags, scarves and gloves to round out Nancy’s new wardrobe.

      “I could be a real help to her here,” Cherry told herself. “After all, I did take a vow to go wherever I’m needed most!”

      Jackie clutched her porcelain figure in her large, strong hands. She felt she couldn’t wait one more minute to find out if Cherry shared her feelings! “Cherry, I’ve got to know. Will you—” Just then Nancy swept onto the porch carrying a tray loaded with all sorts of goodies, and wearing a black felt poodle skirt with white and pink appliqués that showed off her trim waistline. Her pert bosom was covered with a snug white topper and on her petite feet were black patent leather slip-ons.

      “You look charming!” Cherry cried as Nancy set down the tray and spun about to unfurl the circumference of the fetching skirt. Nancy stopped twirling, however, when she got a look at the dog statue in Jackie’s hands. A peevish look crossed her pretty face.

      “It’s a swell gift, isn’t it?” Jackie boasted, fingering the hand-painted figurine proudly. It would look fine sitting on the mantle in her small but cozy apartment. “Our apartment,” she thought dreamily as she gazed at Cherry.

      Nancy gulped. She had assumed Cherry was purchasing the statue for a nurse chum. Her wide blue eyes narrowed in anger. “There’s another skirt just like this one in cherry red lying on someone’s bed,” Nancy cried out in a forced cheery tone. She was talking to Cherry but glaring at Jackie.

      “A poodle skirt for me?” Cherry flushed excitedly. “Oh, Nancy, you shouldn’t have! Why, they’re so expensive!” She kicked up her heels and raced upstairs, secretly relieved that her conversation with Jackie had come to