Midnight. Christi Whitney J.. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christi Whitney J.
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Героическая фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008122416
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How was the trip? Augustine?

      Quentin’s response came in waves.


       He wasn’t allowed inside. He left pissed.

       I’m staying in the Court of Shadows.

      I glanced up at Katie. She was reading along, her brow furrowed deep in thought. I swallowed hard, and typed again.

       Is Sebastian okay?

      I stared nervously at the blank screen. Quentin had to know I’d ask. Sebastian had been my guardian for weeks, and Quentin had dealt with it, even if he was only doing so because of my father.

       Haven’t seen him.

      I blinked at his reply, unsure of what to believe. Quentin was a Marksman, which meant he’d have access to Sebastian, as well as the upcoming trial. He was convinced Sebastian was a killer. Would he really let him out of his sight?

      As if reading my mind, Katie said, ‘Hey, you told me he’s totally not a fan of Sebastian’s. If I were Quentin, the last thing I’d want to do is hang around anywhere near him. Besides, don’t they have lots of Marksmen protecting this Court of Shadows place?’

      I nodded. ‘Yes.’

      ‘It sounds to me like the only reason Quentin’s still there is because he’s following orders from your dad.’

      ‘Yeah,’ I said, pocketing my phone. ‘Maybe you’re right.’

      I didn’t have a chance to think anymore about it. Just as I picked up a blueberry muffin, Hugo Corsi entered the parlor room, wearing the same jeans and t-shirt he’d had on when we arrived. It didn’t look as though he’d slept either. He poured himself a mug of coffee. We waited expectantly. Even Paizi and Ferka ceased their bustling over platters and saucers.

      ‘I went to the Court of Shadows this morning,’ Hugo said after several sips. ‘Our suspicions were correct. They’re keeping a real tight lid on the trial. No one I talked to knew anything about it. Until I ran into Donani Marks.’

      ‘The head of the Queen’s Marksmen guard,’ I said.

      Hugo nodded and wiped his mouth against his sleeve. ‘Yeah, that’s him. After going ’round with him for a bit, he finally admitted the trial would happen first thing on Monday, before the monthly High Council meeting. Only Marksmen and Council members will be admitted.’

      ‘That’s ridiculous,’ growled James. ‘If the Council is holding a Kris Romani, then we can be there. High Court trials are open to any Gypsy who wants to attend. It’s the law.’

      ‘In Roma matters, perhaps,’ said Esmeralda from her shadowy corner. ‘But Sebastian is not Roma, and therefore those laws do not apply.’

      ‘That’s exactly what Donani said.’ Hugo scowled into his coffee. ‘But I wasn’t about to let it go at that. Shadow creature or not, Sebastian is my brother and I’m also his bandoleer. And as leader, it’s my right to see him.’

      James rubbed his knuckles like he was ready for a fight. ‘And what did he say to that?’

      ‘That I’m allowed one visitation before the trial,’ Hugo replied. ‘So I’m going to see Sebastian today.’

      At the mention of seeing him, my heart sped up. ‘I’m going with you.’

      ‘I thought you wished to keep your presence here a secret,’ said Esmeralda from the corner. Heads swiveled in her direction. ‘A public appearance in the Court of Shadows wouldn’t be prudent in that regard.’

      ‘I have to see my aunt. She needs to hear the truth.’

      ‘According to Donani, the Queen isn’t even here,’ said Hugo. ‘He said she’s been out of town for a few days but expects to return tomorrow evening, in preparation for the Summer Gathering.’

      It was as though someone had set a heavy weight on my chest. I’d been counting on getting to the Queen, on putting an end to this whole thing before it even began. I’d convinced myself that I’d be able to rescue Sebastian. And now—

      My phone vibrated again with another text. I peered at it quickly, and the weight in my chest doubled.

       Love you Josie

      I stared at the three words Quentin had said to me countless times before. They blurred in front of me. I heard Hugo say my name, but it sounded faint and far away.


       Quentin took my hands in his. His fingers were long and slender, scarred with years of Marksmen work. They were just about the only thing that wasn’t perfect about him, physically. He rubbed my knuckles gently as he spoke. ‘I’m sorry you had to go through this. I know you had a connection with the creature that you couldn’t control.’

       ‘He has a name,’ I replied.

       Quentin nodded. ‘Of course he does. But that doesn’t make him human. I know you wanted him to be. So did your father. But shadowen will never be anything other than what they were created.’

       I looked past Quentin to the gates of the Fairgrounds. Augustine stood outside the truck and trailer, waiting for him. I felt sick to my stomach.

       ‘Sebastian is innocent,’ I said.

       ‘I know what you believe,’ he replied, his voice smooth and gentle. ‘But the facts can’t be ignored. Karl’s death must be answered for. The gargoyle’s fate is out of our hands, Josie. It’s out of your hands. You have to accept that.’

       ‘And what if I can’t?’

       ‘My duty is to your father and this clan. I will ensure that the gargoyle arrives safely in Savannah and that he is given his chance for a fair trial with the High Council. You have a duty to this clan as well. Everyone looks to your family. The Romanys must present a unified front. Whatever your personal feelings for this gargoyle, are they really more important than the welfare of the entire clan?’

       Quentin shouldered his bag and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. I felt myself tense before I could stop the reaction. Quentin’s lips immediately tightened, and he pulled back, searching my face.

       ‘I’ll be back soon, Josephine.’

      Katie nudged me in the side. Hugo was looking at me with an expectant expression on his face, waiting, for my answer. I ran over my options in my head. Going to the Court of Shadows meant I would risk running into Quentin. If he discovered I was here, then so would my father. And, if I was being honest, I wasn’t ready to face Quentin.

      I’d find an opportunity to speak to the Queen when she returned. I could be patient. I could wait. And, if for some reason she refused to hear me out, then I would make absolutely sure that I was there at the Kris Romani to testify on Sebastian’s behalf.

      No matter what.

      ‘You’re right,’ I said. ‘I don’t want to jeopardize anything right now.’

      ‘Good,’ said Hugo, setting his mug aside and sweeping his gaze around the parlor. ‘In the meantime, the rest of you are free to head into the city while I’m gone, but I want everyone back to the inn before sunset.’

      ‘You gotta be kidding me,’ growled James. He peeled himself from the wall. ‘We’ve got a curfew now?’

      ‘In case you’ve forgotten, we had two groties on our tail last night. If they were willing to risk being out in the open, then who’s to say it won’t happen again? Plus, the more Outcasts there are, the more groties come out to play.’

      I nodded