Come Alive. Madelynne Ellis. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Madelynne Ellis
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008158316
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after the first six hours, and yes, I “slip, slop, slapped” with factor a zillion. It was Elspeth’s stuff, it’s like white paste. You know what she’s like about maintaining her complexion and staying out of the sun.’

      ‘So she did the festival with you?’

      ‘No.’ Finally Rock Giant stopped glaring at Spook. ‘She bailed on me pretty quickly and said she was going to book herself into a spa. I hung with my folks during and after the festival, so I haven’t seen or heard from her beyond a couple of texts.’

      ‘Paul, we need to know if she’s about to walk.’

      Rock Giant defensively crossed his arms. ‘I don’t know that she is. I just know that she’s still taking Steve’s death particularly hard. You need to cut her some slack, Xane. She was deeply in love, and now the guy’s gone. It’s not easy being around you, knowing what you shared and what she sacrificed, and having to watch you getting sappy with not one but two new lovers, when she doesn’t have anyone.’

      ‘What, so I’m supposed to pretend I’m miserable, so that she doesn’t have to feel so alone?’

      ‘I didn’t say that. Just give her some space. It’s not like we’re going to accomplish masses between now and your birthday. You know she’ll be here for that.’

      ‘Do I?’

      ‘Yes. You know it, because despite what you want to believe, she does care about you. She cares about every member of this band.’

      ‘She was really upset over Ash’s collapse and you nearly dying,’ Dani added, surprising him. His current girlfriend and his ex didn’t exactly get along.

      ‘Hm. Maybe.’ It didn’t mean he couldn’t be pissed over the fact she hadn’t shown up. Actually, maybe he was more peeved over Luthor’s absence and the lack of communication he’d received on that front. He and Dani had enjoyed themselves the last few weeks, being tourists between visits to Ash and Skype calls to Dani’s father, but he’d be lying if his dreams hadn’t sometimes been filled with visions of Luthor and the fun things he’d like to do to him.

      ‘Your boy’s here,’ Cave Troll announced from the jetty. ‘Car’s just pulled up. So I’m going to head off.’

      ‘Aren’t you coming with us?’ Dani asked.

      ‘Nope. You don’t need roadies to sit in a studio, and someone has to drive the bus home.’

      ‘But won’t that take weeks?’

      ‘A couple of days, tops. It’s not as if I need to make as many pit stops without you lot on board demanding food and wee breaks, and it’s just straight across to Gothenburg and then onto the ferry. That’s the worst bit of it. I’m not overly fond of the North Sea, and this time of year it’ll be packed with tourists and scout groups.’

      ‘He pukes,’ Paul leaned over Xane’s lap to inform her. ‘Major vomit stench everywhere. Why do you think we came by way of the Chunnel?’

      ‘Catch you later, mate,’ Xane said. They all waved him off. Luthor passed him on the quayside. His blond hair was ruffled and had blown over his face, masking his eyes, but his mouth was set in a line of grim determination. Xane inhaled the sight of him like a spliff. Pleasure centres across his body sparked into life. Luthor still looked more like a rock climber than a rocker, but the T-shirt, shorts, woolly hat and laced leather boots thing was totally doing it for him right now. He shifted uncomfortably as Dani squeezed his thigh, aware that he was sporting a stiffy that wasn’t for her.

      ‘Sorry I’m late.’ Luthor threw a backwards glance over his shoulder. ‘I got accosted.’

      That had them all twisting to look back across the carpark. Xane expected to see a pack of obsessive fans charging towards them, but was instead greeted by the stern if bosomy vision of Sally Kettering click-clacking towards them on five-inch heels, with a pair of black-suited, shade-wearing Bond wannabes in tow.

      He stood. ‘Why’s Sally here?’

      ‘She’s not happy with the arrangements. Doesn’t think it’ll be safe having us all in the same place without some protection. She’s had Bill and Ted there parked outside the recording studio for the last week while I was drumming for my old crew, and I’ve heard she drafted in a whole troop of them to guard Ash at the hospital.’

      ‘The hospital has been besieged by fans,’ Spook piped up. ‘They were keeping the peace, but no one knows we’re here outside the members of the band. We don’t need babysitters. Damned interfering woman.’

      Xane and Luthor faced one another, and exchanged an awkward handshake.

      ‘You’d best tell her that,’ Luthor said.

      ‘Tell me what?’ Sally leered down at them all nestled in the boat.

      ‘That they’re not setting foot on my property,’ Spook responded, surprising them all. ‘I told you that over the phone. I don’t appreciate you pushing the point.’

      Sally fixed on a nervous grin. ‘I thought that ought to be a whole-group decision. You need protecting – just think over a few of the things that have gone wrong recently.’

      ‘Such as?’ Xane asked.

      ‘You’re kidding me, right?’ Sally’s heavily pencilled eyebrows arched impressively. ‘You were half-murdered three weeks ago. Ash is still receiving medical treatment, Luthor nearly had his skull caved in and that’s before I get started on the numerous other skirmishes and incidents. Disaster strikes wherever you lot set foot.’

      ‘Nearly all of that was down to Iain. I’m assuming he’s still under lock and key, so there’s no need for them.’ Xane nodded at the two men who were standing at ease beside her. Obviously ex-military. They looked far too comfortable posed like that.

      ‘They’re not coming,’ Spook insisted. He started up the boat’s engine.

      ‘Nothing grim has happened to me recently,’ Rock Giant remarked, ‘and I’ve spent the last few weeks camping in a field with a thousand or so strangers.’

      Sally speared him with a withering look that failed to make any impression. Rock Giant had perfected the art of ignoring her, right after they’d hired Sally as their publicist and general worker bee.

      He stretched out his long legs. ‘I suppose I could tolerate it if Xane and Ash need sitters though.’

      ‘We don’t.’ Xane drummed his fist into Rock Giant’s thigh.

      ‘Would this be a good time to remind you that, if there’d been someone with Steve when he got injured, he’d probably still be in this world rather than the next?’

      The reminder of Steve’s death, alone in a hotel room, quieted them all.

      ‘There’s Ash’s welfare to consider too. While the hospital have agreed to discharge him, it’d be stupid to think he’s fit and healthy. What happens if there’s a problem? Are any of you medically trained? Do you even know how to dress a wound or administer an aspirin?’

      ‘Happens I do,’ Rock Giant muttered, but no one paid him any attention.

      ‘Ginny will be watching over Ash like a hawk,’ Spook said.

      ‘Still, a few extra hands might not go amiss.’

      ‘They’re not coming.’

      Sally gave an exasperated sigh and raised her hands. ‘I get it, all right.’ She made eye contact with each of them in turn. ‘You want some downtime, you don’t want constant reminders of the outside world and you need to regroup and bond again.’ She linked her fingers to emphasise the point. ‘But having a couple of guys looking out for you isn’t going to get in the way of that. You don’t need to socialise. They’re just there. Just in case.’

      ‘Sally,’ Spook addressed her patiently. ‘It’s a little house, on a teeny