The Maze. Julian Symons. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Julian Symons
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008216382
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       I see. I asked you because they seemed rather lengthy to have been heard during this very brief sojourn of yours outside the study door. Nevertheless, I take it that you would swear to them?

      Most emphatically, sir—and I must say that I fail to—

       Shall we leave it at that, Mr Harrison? I would now like to ask you whether such family disturbances were usual in the Brunton household?

      I find that a very difficult question to answer, sir. You must understand that not being a member of the family and being one who makes a point of never, shall we say, prying into other people’s affairs, and especially his employer’s—

       I was asking you, Mr Harrison, whether such quarrels were usual in the Brunton household, to your knowledge.

      So far as I am concerned, Mr Coroner, they were neither more usual nor more unusual than in any other household with which I have ever been associated. Mr Adrian Brunton, of course, has inherited his father’s volatile temperament, and they certainly were quite frequently at loggerheads about this and that. Mrs Brunton and Mr Maxwell Brunton were, however, an ideal pair. I think this occasion was the only one upon which I have noticed that there had been even any slight trouble between them. Mr Brunton, of course, was a man of very great energy, both mentally and physically, and he was always so busy with both his City work and his writing work and his numerous—er—hobbies, that he really seemed to see very little of Mrs Brunton, but I must say, however, that his manner toward her always showed respect and affection.

       Very well. Gentlemen, if you have no further questions to ask this witness at the present stage …? Personally, I recommend that we should proceed to take the evidence of the other witnesses. Mr Harrison will be available if we need him later. Is that agreed? … Thank you, Mr Harrison. You may stand down. We may want you later.

       Call Arthur Waterloo Jennings.



      WHAT is your full name?

      Arthur Waterloo Jennings.

       Please keep silence in the Court! … Now, Jennings, will you please take the oath.

      With all me ’eart, sir! I swear by Almighty God that what I shall say in this Court—

       One moment, Jennings, one moment! Will you please hold the Book? … Give him the Book.

      Sorry, sir! Sorry, I’m sure! … I swear by Almighty God that what I shall say in evidence in this Court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

       You were, I believe, butler and parlourman to Mr Maxwell Brunton, deceased?

      Yes, sir.

      And how long, Jennings, have you been in service at 44 Rajah Gardens?

      Two years, sir, and six months.

       At what time, Jennings, did you see your master for the last time alive?

      Can’t swear exactly to the minute, sir, but somewhere around 9 p.m.

       Where was this?

      At dinner, sir. After I brought in the port for the master and the other two gentlemen he said, as he always said: ‘There’s nothing more, Jennings!’ and I says: ‘Thank you, sir.’ And that was the last time I ever saw ’im alive, sir.

       Now, Jennings, you have heard the evidence of the previous witnesses, particularly that of Mr Harrison?

      Yes, sir.

       Do you agree with Mr Harrison’s statement as regards the sequence of events, so far as you know them?

      Yes, sir.

       Will you please tell the Court, then, as briefly as you can, what happened after Mr Harrison waked you up at approximately half-past two.

      Mr ’Arrison, sir, ’e come up and shook me awake like—well, really it was the missus what woke me, ’cause she woke first, an’ she sez: ‘Jennings! ’Ere’s Mr ’Arrison and oh, Gawd, wot’s ’appened?’ an’ I gets up and I sees it’s Mr ’Arrison and Mr ’Arrison ’e sez to me ’e sez: ‘Your master’s been killed,’ and I sez, ‘Wot?’ and he sez, ‘Your master’s been killed,’ and I sez, ‘Oh, my Gawd!’ …

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