Bought For Marriage. Margaret Mayo. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Margaret Mayo
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408939482
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be exciting?’

      ‘That’s easy,’ he said with a shrug of his wide shoulders. ‘There will never be a dull moment with you, my sweet Dione. Sparks will fly, I’m very much aware of that, as I am aware of the fact that all day long you’ve wished yourself anywhere but at my side. You’ve stood the test admirably. Maybe it’s time I added my congratulations?’ And with that he bowed his head to kiss her.

      Dione stiffened and moved so that his lips brushed her cheek, and she would have pushed him away had he not gripped her arm in warning. ‘Careful, agapi mou, we’re being watched.’

      So Dione fixed the smile back on her face, hiding gritted teeth and a dislike so intense that it burnt into her soul. Thank goodness, she thought, that she hadn’t agreed to his initial contract or she would have found herself in his bed tonight. In bed with a stranger! She shivered.

      Immediately attentive, Theo asked, ‘Are you cold?’ And his liquid dark eyes were filled with concern.

      Dione shook her head. ‘Someone walking over my grave.’ And, although it was a common expression, she felt that in this instance it was the truth. She might as well be dead as married to this obnoxious man.

      No, that wasn’t true. He wasn’t obnoxious. He was virile and handsome and astonishingly wealthy, which made him attractive in most female eyes. It would have all been so much easier had she felt the same way. But being bought put a different perspective on things. She meant nothing more to Theo than a possession, nothing more than anything else he could have bought with his millions.

      In fact she felt unclean and she would have liked nothing more than to run into the house and take a shower, and stay there for however long it took to make her feel whole and pure again. She had committed a sin in marrying Theo. She had made promises in the chapel that she knew she would not keep.

      It was a relief when the day was over, when everyone had gone and she could relax her aching face.

      ‘Well, Mrs Tsardikos,’ said Theo with a satisfied smile, ‘I’ve made many purchases in my life, but none as satisfactory as this.’

      Dione frowned and her heart stammered fearfully. ‘Satisfactory?’ She didn’t like the look on his face; it was as though he was contemplating pleasures to come. If he thought he could ignore their contract he was wrong, very wrong. She wouldn’t be averse to walking out of here right this very minute.

      ‘I mean that you’re the most beautiful wife any man could wish for. Congratulations have flown thick and fast.’

      ‘And exactly what do you mean by wife?’ asked Dione, appalled to hear how shrill her voice sounded.

      ‘Just that. A beautiful, gracious lady. Someone I shall be pleased to show off.’

      ‘And that’s all?’

      ‘What else could there be?’ A well-shaped brow lifted enquiringly. ‘Unless of course you’re having second thoughts and are willing to share my bed?’ Dark eyes captured hers so that it was difficult to look away.

      Dione’s heart drummed even faster. ‘Not in a million years.’

      Theo smiled in a way that told her he was confident that one day she would change her mind.

      ‘I mean it!’

      ‘Then why do you look so scared?’ he asked. ‘You can lock your door if you like. I’m a man of my word, Dione, in case you didn’t know. As I said once before, the first move will come from you.’

      Dione felt her body relax and she managed her first genuine smile of the day. ‘You’re a very honourable man, Theo, and I thank you for helping my father.’

      ‘He doesn’t have the money yet,’ he pointed out.

      Dione drew in a swift breath. ‘I hope you’re not going back on your word. I’ve completed my side of the bargain.’

      ‘And it will be in his bank account first thing tomorrow morning.’

      His steady eyes met hers but a faint feeling of unease returned. What if he was lying? What if he wanted to take her into his bed before paying her father? The sooner she went to her room and locked the door the better. She faked a yawn. ‘I’m tired, Theo. I’d like to go to bed.’

      ‘Running away?’ he mocked.

      Dione stood her ground, lifting her chin and looking right into those dark, dangerous eyes. ‘Not at all. It’s been a long day.’ And she cursed herself when she felt something approaching a flutter in the pit of her stomach. She put it down to nerves. It couldn’t possibly be anything else—could it?

      ‘I’ll walk you up. Maybe I’ll retire myself. As you say, it’s been a tiring day. But a satisfying one all the same, don’t you agree?’

      ‘Where my father’s concerned, yes,’ she snapped. ‘For myself, no. The next twelve months are going to be sheer hell.’

      A harsh shadow darkened his face as they mounted the stairs together. ‘And you’d do that for your father—put yourself through hell?’

      Dione nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Put like that, it seemed like an enormous unselfish gesture on her part. If Yannis hadn’t been at death’s door she wouldn’t have done it; that was a fact. If Phrosini hadn’t persuaded her…Tears began to sting the back of her eyes and she turned away. ‘Goodnight, Theo.’

      ‘Goodnight, my beautiful bride,’ he answered as they reached her door. ‘May I be permitted one kiss? To seal the deal perhaps?’

      Dione wanted to say no, she wanted no contact between them, but she knew it would be churlish to refuse. It was going to be a brief kiss, though; nothing prolonged or sexual. Just a touching of lips.

      She put her hand on his chest, prepared to push him away should he attempt to get too close, and felt passionate heat beneath her palm and the thud of his heart and knew immediately that she was in danger.

      But it was too late to back away.

      As his head swooped down narrowed lids hid the expression in his eyes, but his finger beneath her chin felt like a branding iron. This wasn’t going the way she wanted.

      Surprisingly, though, the kiss itself was restrained. His lips touched hers and then pulled swiftly away.

      He was a man of honour after all.

      Swift relief flooded through Dione’s body and she felt herself go limp and would have fallen to the floor had Theo not caught her. His arms were strong and safe as he kicked open her door and carried her into the room, laying her gently on the bed.

      ‘Thank you,’ she whispered. ‘I don’t know what came over me.’

      ‘The events of the day,’ he tossed curtly. ‘Will you be all right? Shall I send someone to help—’

      ‘No!’ cut in Dione swiftly. ‘I’m fine now. I’d really like to be left alone.’

      He nodded, his lips grim, and spun on his heel. Dione’s relief knew no bounds when he finally shut the door behind him. She didn’t even stop to question his sudden abruptness. This had been the worst possible day of her life and all she wanted to do was go to sleep and forget it.

      Theo stalked into his room and tore off his clothes, leaving them untidily on the floor, before climbing beneath a fierce cold shower. Damn Dione! Damn the whole Keristari family! They were putting him through hell.

      The money didn’t count; it was a drop in the ocean to him, but Dione—she was a different proposition altogether. He had signed the wretched contract, he had promised to keep his hands off her. How the hell could he do that?

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