Mediterranean Boss, Convenient Mistress. Kathryn Ross. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kathryn Ross
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408939444
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idea of a relationship without love really offends your sense of romance, doesn’t it?’

      ‘No. I just have doubts that it would work out in the long term.’

      ‘What kind of doubts?’

      ‘Well, you know…that it would actually last.’

      ‘Of course it will,’ Marco said softly. ‘I’ve backed up the hypothesis with exhaustive research studies. If two people are serious about wanting to get married…or about making a long-term commitment…and they follow the steps I’ve outlined in the book, then the relationship should be successful regardless of whether they are in love or not, the main proviso being both parties are willing to work at the agreement.’

      ‘It doesn’t sound very romantic. I always thought that all Italians were incredibly impulsive and passionate,’ Charlie murmured thoughtfully. ‘But you don’t really fit the criteria…do you?’

      ‘What makes you think that?’ Marco gave her a half-smile that made her tingle with sudden awareness of him. ‘Being impulsive and passionate with someone is one thing…making a lifelong commitment to them is quite another.’

      ‘Well…yes…obviously…’ Charlie was mortified now; she wished she hadn’t said that. ‘I was just talking about the romantic side of a partnership.’

      ‘But that is my whole point. For a relationship to be successful you’re supposed to work at that side of things as well.’

      ‘But if you are both in love to begin with, surely romance follows naturally like night follows day.’

      ‘Nice theory.’ Marco smiled at that. ‘But unfortunately not true. Very often love is just an illusory feeling…a misleading mirage…and even if it is not you can’t rely totally on just that feeling to sustain a relationship over the long term. You need to look deeper than that.’

      Charlie looked over at him wryly. ‘Maybe you just don’t believe in love.’ She couldn’t resist the comment.

      ‘When making a long-term commitment I think it is an emotion that should be approached with caution.’ Marco’s voice was dry. ‘All too often people confuse making love with being in love…two different things entirely. It’s fine to have wild nights of passion and not think too deeply about things. But before you make any promises you should think with your head, not your heart.’

      ‘Sometimes you sound more cynical than sensible.’

      ‘I’m just a realist, Charlie.’ He shrugged. ‘I believe if you are looking for a successful long-term relationship it’s best to be practical, not starry-eyed. And, as bizarre as it sounds, my findings are that if you can disregard love from the equation you can see a relationship more clearly. But maybe the theory wouldn’t be successful for someone like you.’

      ‘What do you mean, someone like me?’ Charlie pulled the car to a halt in front of his house and turned to look at him.

      ‘Well…’ he shrugged in that particular way of his ‘…you’re obviously an incurable romantic.’

      ‘I wish you would stop saying that.’ Charlie glared at him.

      ‘Sorry, Ms Hopkirk.’ His tone was teasing. ‘But that is my considered opinion and the prognosis isn’t good, I’m afraid. There’s no hope for you.’

      Unfortunately Charlie failed to see the humour behind his words. ‘Well, that is where you are wrong…actually.’ She emphasised the word with derision. ‘I was cured from my…as you would term…delusional state a long time ago. I got divorced and became a single parent. That has a way of grounding the senses, believe me.’

      ‘Hey, I was just making a light-hearted remark!’ Marco held up his hands and looked at her with that glint in his eye that she was starting to recognise so well.

      ‘No you weren’t, you were being condescending. Well, yes, I do like roses, soft, honeyed words and moonlight…but I’m not so stupid that I would fall in love and get married just because they are applied to a situation. And let me tell you, I’m looking for something much more realistic next time around, believe me.’

      ‘Are you?’

      The sudden interest in his tone pulled her up and made her realise that she had just lost her temper, but why she had got so steamed up she didn’t know. Maybe because she was still smarting from Sarah’s earlier remarks, or maybe it was because she didn’t like the idea that Marco seemed to think that she was some kind of dreamer who had completely unrealistic expectations of life and wasn’t to be taken seriously. Just because she believed in true love and romance didn’t mean she was bewildered. Well, perhaps this was her chance to prove—even if she did have to lie a little bit! ‘Of course I want something realistic. I’ve made one mistake in my life by choosing the wrong partner and I don’t want to make another,’ she answered him hesitantly. ‘Sorry to disappoint you but my days of being starry-eyed are long gone. Deep down I am also a realist.’

      ‘So are you saying that if the terms were right you wouldn’t be averse to the idea of a serious relationship based on common sense rather than love?’ Marco continued wryly.

      ‘Terms?’ Charlie frowned.

      ‘Marriage, or cohabitation, should be treated like a business partnership; you need to know exactly what you want out of it before you enter into it.’ Marco noticed the high colour on her cheekbones and smiled. ‘You see…you do find the idea too clinical…distasteful even. I rest my case.’

      ‘No! If the terms were right I might consider such an idea.’ She raised her head defiantly. She wasn’t going to back down.

      Marco gave her a sardonic smile. ‘Well I don’t believe you…I think your heart would be far too soft and emotional to ever be happy with that kind of an arrangement.’

      ‘And what are you basing that opinion on?’ Charlie asked dismissively. ‘The fact that I listen to romantic music?’

      ‘No…I’m basing it on what you have told me about yourself…about your parents’ marriage…about your date last night.’

      ‘You don’t know anything about me.’ Charlie shrugged. ‘But believe what you want! Now…I think we should forget this nonsense and get back to work.’ She tried to switch the subject and reached for the door handle, but Marco touched her arm, stopping her from getting out of the car.

      ‘So what are you looking for in your next relationship?’

      The blunt question took her completely by surprise. She looked back at him and as she met the seriousness of his dark eyes she realised that perhaps this conversation had gone a little too far. ‘Well…. I…. hadn’t really thought about it that deeply. I mean…I was only speaking hypothetically.’

      He was looking at her very intently as if he could see into her very soul…see the romantic streak lurking beneath the surface. And to her dismay she felt herself blushing wildly. This wasn’t fair—he had no right to ask such personal questions!

      Marco laughed. ‘A word of warning, Charlie; never try and play poker, you wouldn’t be much good.’

      It was that derisive, cynical laugh that pushed her over the edge. ‘Well, OK, then, if you really want to know, next time around I’d want…companionship.’ She pulled the word wildly out of mid-air.

      ‘Companionship?’ He didn’t know whether to believe her or not. She could see the dark light in his eyes was tinged with just a hint of uncertainty.

      ‘Well yes…’ She held his dark gaze determinedly. ‘What’s the matter—isn’t that practical enough for you?’

      ‘We’re not talking about me…we are talking about you and what you would want,’ Marco corrected her softly. ‘And would companionship really be enough for you?’

      She wished those dark eyes of his weren’t so intense…Companionship would be good