Seduced By The Boss. Sharon Kendrick. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sharon Kendrick
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408941317
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the question which had been depriving her of more sleep than any other. ‘Er, Dan?’

      He lifted his head. ‘What?’

      It wasn’t the easiest thing to put into words, particularly when he was looking at her with that barely feigned impatience. ‘It’s a bit of a thorny subject—’

      ‘I’m listening.’

      ‘And it’s probably only because I’m a farmer’s daughter and don’t feel shy to talk about one of the most basic—’

      ‘Get to the point, will you, Megan?’ he sighed.

      She stared at him defiantly. ‘It’s about the sex thing.’

      Dan blinked in astonishment and, as she spoke, the most extraordinary thing happened. He started to feel extremely…He shook his head in disbelief. Then shook it again—this time in astonishment. Surely the pale and colourless Ms Phillips hadn’t managed to produce a sudden sweet flood of desire?

      He shifted uncomfortably, pleased that he was safely hidden behind his desk so she couldn’t see him. Imagine how embarrassing that would have been!

      For both of them.

      ‘Which particular aspect of the “sex thing” did you have in mind, exactly?’ He swallowed.

      ‘Well, it’s just that if I’m supposed to be in love with you—’


      ‘And you with me…’

      He looked at her as she let her sentence tail off, and he could feel his pulse begin to quicken again with another unexpected and completely unwanted challenge. ‘Yes?’ he said again, only this time he didn’t bother to conceal his impatience.

      ‘People will expect us—’

      ‘To be having sex?’ he put in brutally. ‘No doubt they will, Megan—but that doesn’t mean that they’ll expect to witness it! Or do you think they’ll be trooping through the house, expecting to see us locked together in the throes of passion? Much more interesting than looking at the paintings, wouldn’t you say?’

      Her throat constricted as her mind made pictures of his words. ‘Is there really any need to be quite so…?’

      Their eyes met. ‘So?’


      ‘Well, you were the one who started it! You’re the farmer’s daughter who claims to be unembarrassed by basic acts of nature, remember?’ He smiled. ‘Megan, stop worrying. We probably won’t even be sleeping in the same part of the house.’

      Megan blinked. ‘Just how big is your house?’

      ‘My mother is a stickler for convention,’ he explained, as if she hadn’t spoken. ‘And, as far as she is concerned, unmarried couples just don’t sleep together. Even my brother and his fiancée will have separate rooms. What they get up to in the dead of night is up to them!’

      ‘And don’t you mind?’

      ‘Why should I mind? I don’t visit that often—and I’m not so addicted to sex that I can’t go without it for a night or two.’

      Megan quickly found something very interesting to look at on the notepad in front of her.

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