Numbers: B2+. Dawn Willoughby. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dawn Willoughby
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Иностранные языки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008101848
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3 population c to do a particular piece of work, research, etc. 4 census d not giving a fair representation of the entire population 5 sampling e typical of people or things in a particular group 6 draw a/the conclusion f the process of trying to discover all the details or facts about something to discover who or what caused it or how it happened 7 estimate g to say what you think an amount or value will be, based on the available information to calculate it 8 bias h to decide what to believe about something after you have considered the facts 9 representative I the process of selecting part of the whole population for your investigation

       Exercise 7

      Complete these sentences with words from Exercise 6. You may need to change the form of some words.

      1 The sample was not large enough to be ________of the whole population.

      2 Poor ________meant that it was difficult to draw conclusions.

      3 The study was ________over a three-month period.

      4 The study aimed to ________the effects of advertising on children.

      5 The sample was ________towards middle aged men.

      6 The ________net spend per month was £500.

      7 A national ________is carried out in the UK every few years.

      8 The ________under investigation was international students in the UK.

      9 We can ________the ________that advertising has a significant impact on children’s spending patterns.

       Formulating a hypothesis

      A hypothesis is something that you plan to test in your research and is related to forming your research question. The hypothesis usually states that something will or will not happen. It is something that you would write before starting your research; you plan to see if it is true or not after doing your research.


      construct In the area of research, a construct is an idea, belief, or subject which is based on evidence which may not be true, and which you want to test and measure.

      objectively If you look at something objectively, you base your opinions on facts rather than on your personal feelings.

       Examples of hypotheses:


Language is the main challenge in adapting to another culture.


Low income is the main reason for job dissatisfaction.


Blueberries have a positive impact on the mind.

      Each of these hypotheses is formed from two or more constructs and often makes a claim for cause and effect. For example:

Cause Effect
language ability ability to adapt to another culture
income level job satisfaction
consumption of blueberries impact on the mind

      A construct is something that can be tested or questioned objectively. For example, in the first hypothesis above we could ask:

      How can culture be defined?

      How can adaptation be measured?

      What factors affect adaptation?

      How are language and culture related?

      Does language impact on adaptation?

       Exercise 8

      What is the purpose of a hypothesis and what should it clearly state?

       Exercise 9

      Look at the other two hypotheses from the previous page. What questions could you ask yourself about these hypotheses?

      Low income is the main reason for job dissatisfaction.

      1 How is job satisfaction defined?

      2 ________

      3 ________

      4 ________

      5 ________

      6 ________

      Blueberries have a positive impact on the mind.

      1 What foods have a positive impact on the mind?

      2 ________

      3 ________

      4 ________

      A piece of research may contain more than one hypothesis that will be tested. Another common thing other than cause and effect that is tested is a comparison between two groups or classes.



Single sex schools produce better academic results than other schools. They are also more of an advantage for girls than boys.

      Here the hypothesis is looking at the cause and effect relationship between single sex schools and academic success but it is also making a comparison between boys and girls.

       Exercise 10

      Which of the following hypotheses make a comparison?

      1 People who regularly use computers suffer from more health issues than those who do not use them.

      2 Men make more impulse purchases than women.

      3 It is more difficult to learn a second language after the age of 20 than before it.

      4 Independent study increases