Think Pink. Lisa Clark. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Clark
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007339433
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a great time too!

      Mostly b’s

      You’re a self-esteem queen! You seem to be blush-free, in control and sorted, you lucky lady. You don’t let anything hold you back and are positively filled-to-the-brim with self-belief – keep it up, chica!

       Don’t believe the hype

      I used to have the hugest hang up about my weight. This was due to an over-zealous stick-thin cousin who thought it would be mucho fun to laugh at my chubby tummy at every available opportunity. I remember feeling my curvaceous contours and despising them. They made me want to look like her, instead of being happy with being me. I’d feel so inadequate and unnecessary that I’d think nothing of eating five doughnuts in a row and telling myself how grimsville I was.

      Most of us put ourselves down because of the unhelpful messages that have been fired in our direction by the ‘Negative Ninas’ of the world – teachers giving us a low mark, our so-called mate not picking us for the hockey team, parents saying we’ve done something wrong – the list is endless.

      These nasty-rude comments and actions can knock our confidence faster than a ten-pin bowler, the trick is to not let this happen. Living the rest of your life according to what other people think of you is going to be a serious waste of your time and energy and will stop you from doing all the amazingly fantastic things you are destined to do. Let any negative vibes bounce off your sparkly-gorgeous tiara and, instead, lose yourself in thoughts of how fantastically fabulous you are because when you ignore others’ mistreatment of your gorgeous self, the world will become a decidedly deeper shade of pink!

       Boost Your bravado!

      Think about how great you feel when you put on your all time favourite outfit with those to-die-for pair of atomic-pink kitten heeled mules. You feel like you can take on the world, right? That’s because you’ve wrapped yourself up in a prize-winning package that makes you feel sparkly-gorgeous fantastic. Now imagine feeling like that every day…well, you can! You see, when you feel that great about yourself, you automatically stand taller, smile more and ooze confidence – this instantly makes you decidedly more attractive and a whole lot of fun to be around. Boost your bravado on a regular basis by:

      * Making a statement

      Start by looking in the mirror. Smile, grab your hairbrush and get that all-important dose of self-esteem pumping by belting out Christina’s ‘Beautiful’ loud enough to shatter glass. Alternatively, choose a positive statement that will have the same feel-good factor and write it down. Stick a copy on your mirror, in your school book, make it a screensaver on your computer, anywhere that you look on a regular basis, as this will become a constant reminder of how cool you really are!

      * Be good to yourself

      Don’t beat yourself up because you don’t look like someone in the pages of a magazine (I’ll let you into an industry secret – they’re all airbrushed by techno peeps on computers anyway!) Instead, love the things that make you the feisty, fun, fearless and fabulous YOU.

      * Celebrate you

      Here in Pink World anything from passing an exam to tidying your room deserves celebrating, so reward yourself with a treat of your choice. Naturally, mine would be chocolate!

       Love Your label

      I surprised everyone, not to mention myself, when I unleashed the real me onto the world. People had always thought of Lola Love as the ‘weird writing girl.’ They had given me a label that looked set to stick. Now don’t get me wrong, I was a little bit weird in a cool and kooky way and I did, and still do, love to write. But there was a whole lot more to me than just those things and I wanted the world to know about them. Except, I was too scared.

      Y’see, the popular girls wore their ‘too-cool-for-school’ badges with pride and the fit, football playing dudes of the playground were more than happy to live up to their ‘sports jock’ title. Nobody really questioned their labels, even the people with bad ones like shallow diva’ or ‘flirty floozy’ so how was I ever going to lose mine?

      By being who I was destined to be without worrying about what people thought, that’s how. I know it’s easier said than done, but by ditching the pressure of what other people thought of me, I became free to be the sparkle-shine girl I’d always wanted to be, not who other people expected me to be.

      There are some labels I’m sure you’d be more than happy to carry around, Prada being one of mine, but if you’re not digging the badge you’ve been given, hand it back and make your own!

       What label would you like to ditch?

       What would you like people to know about you?

       Shameless self-promotion

      As any successful, kick-ass chick will tell you, if you want to get ahead in life, you’ll need to be super confident, know what you’re good at and maximise your potential. So, forget big name brands like Nike and Coca-Cola, make ‘brand YOU’ the most successful, exciting and fantastically fabulous brand on the market. Check me out!

      Brand: Lola Love – Pink Princess

      Main features: Feisty, fun, fearless and fabulous

      Unique Selling Point: My pink hair!

      Packaging: In-your-face, original and creative

      Content: Funny, unique, kooky, determined and genuine

      Tag line: I Rock!

      In order to tell the world how sparkly-gorgeous you are, you need to sell yourself baby!

       Brand: who are you and what do you want to be seen as?

       Main features: what makes you so amazing?

       Unique Selling Point: What makes you stand out from everyone else?

       Packaging: How would you describe yourself?

       Content: What are your kick-ass qualities?