Beauty*Licious. Lisa Clark. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Clark
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007339747
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lovin’ herself up hugely, if you’ve got a friend who isn’t diggin’ who she is, or feels under pressure to look a certain way, she’s going to need a whole lot of girl-love from her Pink Ladies…

        Next time she says negative things about herself like: ‘My nose is too big’ or ‘my bum is huge’ don’t play along. Instead say: ‘I think it’s beautiful and I’m not going to get dragged into this body-bashing conversation with you.’

        Get her to look at her whole body rather than obsessing over one part. Set aside a whole weekend for window-shopping and at-home makeovers. Anything that involves treating yourselves like the sparkle-girls that you actually are.

        Ask her what she’d think if you were to say the kind of things she currently tells herself about you–this will help her see what a Negative Nina she’s being and that trashing herself is just not cool.

      Mirror, Mirror

      Being you has never been cooler. You’re a gorgeous dollop of sweet strawberry ice cream on a hot summer’s day. Don’t believe me? Just gather a bunch of your giggle girls and take a look in the mirror…

      You will need:

        Yourself Your Pink Ladies

        A full-length mirror Paper and pen

       What to do:

      When we look in the mirror we usually focus on the bits we hate and ignore the rest. So, this time, without cringing, check out your reflection. Look at yourself and list five physical things you love about the chica staring back atcha–it can be the cute-as-a-button sprinkling of freckles across your nose, your incredibly long eyelashes–look at the whole person, not just one area. If you get stuck, call on your Pink Ladies for prompts–what are friends for, right?

      Now put the list somewhere you can see it everyday, so that if you ever feel tempted to diss a bad bit, you’ll have an instant memory-jog of your ab-fab bits to love up instead!

      The ‘Better than me, better than you’ Game

      A game made popular by girls worldwide.

       What you need:

        The ability to diss your body

        A tape measure–to compare your measurements with others

        A speedometer–to measure how quickly you can lower your self-esteem

       How to play:

      It’s really simple, just compare yourself to others and find fault in either them or you. Score points by triggering insecurities and lowering self-esteem. Okay, ’fess up if you’re a ‘better than me, better than you’ game player…You might not need a game board or dice but everyone plays from time to time.

      Do you measure your body against celeb-girls? Or, do you get a secret kick from knowing your legs are significantly longer than the new girl on the school netball team?

      The comparison contest is by far the most popular game played by us girls. But, the funny thing is, it doesn’t matter how good at it you get or how long you play for–you never win. Why? Because relying on another chica to make you feel hot-to-trot is just not cool. It’s like saying ‘I’m ok and you’re not.’ Not only will it trigger insecurities and kick your self-esteem face-first to the kerb, it will mean someone else has to appear worse than you in order for you to feel better about yourself–that’s one sucky game, if you ask me. There’s always going to be someone with smaller thighs, smoother skin or longer legs.


      Imagine if I compared myself to the Pink Ladies: Angel is all caramel-skin and dangerous curves; Sadie is petite, elfin-like and able to carry off too-cute ensembles that I would look quite ridiculous in: and Bella is total bleach-blonde uniqueness. I, on the other hand have pink hair and a round belly. The fact is, the Pink Ladies are all so totally different, we’re just not comparable. So, instead of comparing ourselves to each other, we embrace our differences and celebrate our fabulousity because, well, we really are rather fabulous and, more importantly, so are you–just believe it, star girl!

      Pretty Unique

      Beauty*licious girls are quirky girls.

      Yep, whether it’s a brace, a cute l’il mole on your right cheek, glasses, freckles, a birth mark, pink hair, one eye that’s a different colour than the other, or a gap between your front teeth–when you’re Beauty*licious you work your quirks like a pair of pink diamond-encrusted Converse.

      Take super-confident, fashion girl Betsey Johnson, complete with dread-locked hair tied in pretty-pink lace ribbons, an infectious energy and a talent for designing to-die-for glam-girl ensembles. She knows she doesn’t need to be someone else’s idea of beautiful to be a success in the world. She rocks her individuality and has complete confidence in who she is–now that’s Beauty*licious!

       What quirks make you Pretty Unique?

      This girl will rock you world

      Pink rocks my socks, and even if you don’t love her music, you’ve got to give her hefty props for not following the crowd and making her very own Pink-shaped footprints in the world.

      Make like Pink and instead of seeing your quirks as flaws, except and celebrate that you’re Pretty Unique–because that chica, is such a good thing!

      This girl will rock your world: It’s not just her flashy pink hair that makes R&B/pop artist Pink stand out from the multitude of female singers fighting for a chart position; she’s got a kick-ass voice, big talent, and single-handedly roasted the yawn-inducing, carbon-copy pop princesses who dominate the tabloids in her video for ‘Stupid Girls’.

      Pink hair and a Beauty*licious attitude.

      We dig. A lot.


      The Beauty*licious Parlour

      To avoid becoming a beauty school dropout, channel your 1950s starlet and join the Pink Ladies in the Academy of all things Beauty*licious. It’s a sugar-pink parlour, complete with those decadent, squirty perfume bottles–y’know, like in the movies? This is the place to dish Beauty*licious secrets, bust myths and share advice–Bellisimo!

       My friends tell me I’m not fat, but there is a group of boys who tease me and call me chubby. I want to lose weight in a healthy way. How do I do that?

      THE PINK LADIES: Whoa, just because some boy-types tease you doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your body. Nobody has the right to make you feel bad about your bod, you make the decisions about you, okay? If you hang out with us a bit longer, you’ll soon