circumference circumferences NOUN
The circumference of a circle is the distance around its edge.
circus circuses NOUN
A circus is a travelling group of people such as clowns and acrobats.
city cities NOUN
A city is a large busy town.
claim claims, claiming, claimed
VERB 1 If someone claims something, they ask for it because it is theirs.
VERB 2 If you claim something is the case, you say it is the case. Amy claims she was the first to finish.
clap claps, clapping, clapped VERB
When you clap, you make a noise by hitting your hands together.
class classes
NOUN 1 A class is a group of people who are taught together.
NOUN 2 A class is also a group of people or things that are alike in some way.
classify classifies, classifying, classified VERB
To classify things is to arrange them in groups with similar features. These books are classified as non-fiction.
classroom classrooms NOUN
A classroom is a room in a school where children have lessons.
clause clauses NOUN
In grammar, a clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb. It may be a complete sentence or one part of a sentence. For example, “the girl laughed” is a clause because it has a subject (the girl) and a verb (laughed).
claw claws NOUN
The claws of a bird or animal are the hard curved nails at the end of its feet.
clay NOUN
Clay is a type of sticky earth that goes hard when it is dry. It is used to make bricks and pots.
clean cleaner, cleanest ADJECTIVE
If something is clean, it is free from dirt.
clear clearer, clearest; clears, clearing, cleared
ADJECTIVE 1 If a thing is clear, you can see through it.
ADJECTIVE 2 If something you say or write is clear, it is easy to understand.
VERB 3 If you clear an area, you move things that are not wanted out of the way.
clever cleverer, cleverest ADJECTIVE
Someone who is clever is able to learn and understand things easily.
click clicks, clicking, clicked VERB
When you click something, it makes a short snapping sound.
cliff cliffs NOUN
A cliff is a steep hill by the sea.
climate climates NOUN
The climate of a place is the sort of weather it usually has.
climb climbs, climbing, climbed VERB
When you climb something, you move upwards using your hands and feet.
cling clings, clinging, clung VERB
If you cling to someone or something, you hold onto them tightly.
clinic clinics NOUN
A clinic is where people go to get help from a doctor or nurse.
clip clips, clipping, clipped
NOUN 1 A clip is something small and springy which holds things in place.
VERB 2 If you clip something like a hedge, you cut small pieces off it.
cloak cloaks NOUN
A cloak is a loose coat without sleeves that fastens at the neck.
cloakroom cloakrooms NOUN
A cloakroom is a room where coats can be left.
clock clocks NOUN
A clock is an instrument that measures and shows the time.
clockwise ADVERB
If something goes clockwise, it moves in the same direction as the hands on a clock.
clockwork ADJECTIVE
Clockwork toys move when they are wound up with a key.
close closer, closest; closes, closing, closed
(rhymes with dose) ADJECTIVE 1 If something is close, it is very near.
(rhymes with doze) VERB 2 When you close something like a door, you shut it.
If something is closed, it is not open.
cloth cloths
NOUN 1 Cloth is material made from something like cotton or wool.
NOUN 2 A cloth is a piece of cloth used for cleaning.
Clothes are the things people wear, such as shirts, trousers and dresses.
See Clothes on page 257
cloud clouds
NOUN 1 A cloud is a patch of white or grey mist that floats in the sky.
NOUN 2 You can use cloud to describe a lot of smoke, steam or dust.
clover NOUN
Clover is a small wild plant. It has white or purple flowers, and leaves divided into three parts.
clown clowns NOUN
A clown is someone in a circus who wears funny clothes and does silly things to make people laugh.
club clubs NOUN
A club is an organization joined by people who are interested in the same thing, such as chess or riding.
clue clues NOUN
A clue is something that helps to solve a problem or mystery.
clump clumps NOUN
A clump is a small group of plants growing together.
clumsy clumsier, clumsiest ADJECTIVE
Someone who is clumsy moves awkwardly and carelessly.
clumsily ADVERB
clung VERB
Clung is the past tense of cling.
cluster clusters NOUN
A cluster is a number of things close together in a small group.
clutch clutches, clutching, clutched VERB
If you clutch something, you hold it tightly with your hand.
clutter NOUN
Clutter is an untidy mess.
coach coaches
NOUN 1 A coach is a long motor vehicle used for taking passengers on long journeys.
NOUN 2 A coach is also a section of a train that carries passengers.