Cold Killing. Luke Delaney. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Luke Delaney
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Полицейские детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007486076
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      ‘Nothing on paper from the victim’s flat. The bods have his computer, but it’ll take time to recover his emails.’

      ‘Any other credible suspects?’

      ‘Well, one of the barmen from the club’s gone missing. Apparently he knew the victim and possibly could have been romantically linked to him. Other than that we’re trying to find a recently released nutter who did eight years for the attempted murder of a young gay man. He lives close enough to the scene to be a cause for concern. He also appears to have gone missing.’

      ‘At the very least they need to be found and eliminated.’

      ‘They will be.’

      ‘We need to be careful with this one, Sean. You can bet, with a gay victim, someone, somewhere will be watching the investigation’s progress, waiting for a chance to accuse us of being homophobic. Let’s not hand the media a stick to beat us with.’

      ‘I’ll bear that in mind,’ said Sean.

      ‘Speaking of the media,’ Featherstone asked, ‘what about an appeal? Crimewatch? Save some shoe leather and let the television do the donkey work.’

      ‘It’s a bit too soon for that. I’d rather no one knew what we’re up to just yet.’

      ‘You still camera shy?’ Featherstone smiled. ‘If it comes to it, I can take care of that side of things. I know you’re not exactly a fan, but I’ve got some people in the media I can trust. We can do a piece for the papers and try to get a slot on Crimewatch. I’ll have my secretary make a few calls.’

      ‘No need. I’ll get it arranged and let you know when the telly people want you. Should be able to sort it out in a day or so.’ Sean hoped he’d bought some time.

      Featherstone got to his feet. ‘Fine. Let my secretary know the time and place and I’ll be there. You can give me a full briefing beforehand.’

      ‘Not a problem.’

      ‘I’d better get myself up the Yard. Commissioner’s called an emergency meeting. On a Sunday − can you believe that?’

      ‘Sounds like trouble.’

      ‘Bloody Territorial Support Group, kicked the shit out of some student on the last anti-capitalist march. Turns out the kid’s parents are connected, so now we’re all going to be issued with foam truncheons. Wankers.’ Featherstone looked to the heavens and walked from the office heading for the exit.

      Sally appeared at Sean’s door. ‘Problems?’

      ‘No,’ Sean told her. ‘Not yet.’

      Donnelly ate his sausage sandwich. It was the best Sunday-morning breakfast he could hope for under the circumstances. He stood close to the small wooden hut in the middle of Blackheath where he’d bought his sandwich. It was a well-known spot, used mainly by hungry taxi drivers and police looking for a place to talk without being overheard.

      He enjoyed the gentle cooling breeze that whipped off the flat, wide heath. In winter, it was the coldest place in London. He spotted the dark blue Mondeo pull up opposite. Detective Sergeants Jimmy Dawson and Raj Samra stepped from the car. They could only have been police.

      The detective sergeants worked on the other two murder teams in South London. They carried out the same roles on their teams as Donnelly did on his. Meeting regularly helped maintain the strong bond between detective sergeants and engendered a feeling that they were the ones really running the police.

      Donnelly smiled to himself and stuffed the remains of the sandwich into his mouth. He waited for the men to cross the road. ‘For Christ’s sake, Raj. You’re the only Indian in the Met who looks more like a copper than Jimmy here.’

      ‘I like looking like a copper. You should try it some time. Instead of looking like a bag of shit,’ Raj replied.

      The trading of insults was routine. Jimmy joined the conversation. ‘What you doing in the middle of Blackheath on a Sunday morning, Dave? Exposing yourself to students again? If it isn’t that, then I’ll assume you want a favour.’

      ‘Jimmy, Jimmy.’ Donnelly sounded insulted. ‘Are the best sausage sandwiches in London not a good enough reason for you?’ Dawson didn’t reply. ‘And you, Raj. Thinking I would ask for favours. Me. Dave Donnelly.’

      ‘Well, I don’t eat pork, so it better be something other than the sandwich.’

      ‘I didn’t know you were a Muslim,’ Donnelly said.

      ‘I’m not. I’m a Sikh.’

      ‘You should wear a turban − you’d be a commander by now.’

      ‘I’m not interested in playing that game,’ said Samra.

      Donnelly gave a short stunted laugh, before his face turned serious. ‘Okay, gentlemen, I’ll assume you know what sort of case my team’s working on. I want to know if anything similar comes up. If one of your teams gets it first, I want to be called to the scene immediately. Understand?’

      ‘If it looks linked, it’ll be passed to your team anyway. What’s the rush?’ Dawson asked.

      ‘No,’ Donnelly snapped. ‘I didn’t say I want my team informed immediately. I said I wanted to be informed immediately, before anyone else. Including DI Corrigan.’

      Donnelly watched them exchange glances. He knew they would be happy to help, but not if it meant being dragged into a dangerous situation. Dangerous for their careers. He understood their concerns.

      ‘Don’t look so worried, boys.’ He tried to sound less serious. ‘I just want first crack at any new scenes. I’m getting a taste for this case. I need a wee glance at an uncorrupted scene. You know, before the circus arrives and takes the feel out the place. That’s all.’ His fellow detective sergeants stared at him blankly, their way of letting him know they didn’t believe a word he was saying. ‘Okay, for fuck’s sake. You boys drive a hard bargain. Listen, our prime suspect is a clever, slippery bastard. Any forensic evidence we find at the next scene may require a little helping hand, if you catch my drift. But it has to appear genuine. The forensic boys have to find it, not one of my team, so I’ll need to be in and out of there before anyone’s the wiser. Clear?’

      ‘Well why didn’t you just say so?’ Samra mocked. ‘We’d be happy to help,’ he added, and meant it, knowing that one day he or Dawson might require a similar favour from Donnelly.

      ‘I thought your job was shaping up to be a blackmail?’ Dawson asked.

      ‘I know Corrigan better than he thinks,’ Donnelly told them. ‘He thinks there’s more to our prime suspect than he’s saying. Forget the blackmail element. You get anything a bit nastier than usual, then I want to know.’

      ‘Okay,’ Samra said with a shrug. ‘I’ll make sure you’re called straight off.’

      ‘Good, but keep it quiet. Tell your teams to call you, then you call me. Keep it nicely between the three of us.’

      ‘If you want to take jobs off my hands, that’s fine and dandy with me,’ Dawson said. ‘But if anyone asks, we never had this conversation.’

      Donnelly spread his arms to show his good intentions. ‘Boys, please,’ he pleaded. ‘I promise. Nothing dodgy. Trying to solve a murder here, that’s all.’

      The two detectives were already crossing the road. Samra called back to Donnelly: ‘Drag me into anything naughty and you’ll be solving your own fucking murder.’

      You just do as you’re told, Raj my boy, Donnelly thought to himself. Just do as you’re told.

      It was mid-morning by the time Sean walked from his office into the briefing room where his team were assembled. He wasn’t in the mood to let the room settle naturally. Time to push along. ‘All right, all right. Listen up. I haven’t got all