Monster War. Dean Lorey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dean Lorey
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Детская проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007351664
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said ‘or what’? What if I don’t follow it? What are you threatening?”

      Even Charlie was surprised by the depth of his anger. How dare Director Drake tell him where he could go, who he could hang out with and what he could and couldn’t do to protect innocent people in this terrible War of the Nether? Drake was just a bureaucrat, a pencil-pusher - he didn’t even have the Gift himself, but he certainly had no problem bullying people that did!

      “If you violate any of the Rules of Exile, you will be Reduced,” William said simply.

      Charlie shrugged. “So what? Do you know how many times Drake has called for me to be Reduced? He’s like a playlist with only one song.”

      Charlie expected William to argue back, but was surprised when the Banisher gently pulled him to one side, away from the others. “That may be, Charlie - but he really means to do it this time.” For just an instant, Charlie could see through the tall man’s gruff façade to the human being underneath. It was a welcome sight. “Most people were on your side before - you were just a child and the Headmaster was highly regarded. But no more. They’re frightened now. The stakes are too high and almost everyone in the Division agrees that you’re just too great a threat. They all want to see you Reduced, Charlie, and Drake is looking for any excuse to do it. If you violate these rules—” he held up the Order of Exile “—the Director will call on me to carry out the punishment and I will do it, do you understand?”

      The General thrust the Order at Charlie, then turned to address the others. “From this moment on, Charlie Benjamin is never again to set foot here at the Academy and is forbidden from having contact with any of its students.”

      “That’s not going to work for me.”

      Charlie stared in surprise at Violet. She was glaring at William with a hand on her hip and an expression that said, quite clearly, ‘You don’t scare me’.

      “Whether or not it works for you, young lady, is irrelevant. It is simply a fact.”

      “No one is going to tell me I can’t be with Charlie - I don’t care what kind of ‘orders’ you have.”

      William frowned. “Well, you’re welcome to join him in exile…although I do not recommend it.”

      “Then consider me exiled.”

      “Violet!” Charlie cried. As gladdened as he was by his friend’s support, he couldn’t bear the thought of being responsible for her getting kicked out of the Academy. Her mother was dead and her father was nowhere to be found. Without the Academy, what did she have left? “Don’t do this. Really. I’ll be fine.”

      “No, you won’t. You’ll be all alone.”

      “That’s OK. It won’t be the first time.”

      Violet shook her head. “No, it’s not OK. When you want to open a portal, what’s the fear you summon up?”

      Charlie hesitated. “Being alone, I suppose.” He hated saying it out loud. It made him feel too…vulnerable.

      “I won’t let that happen to you, Charlie. Not now, not ever.” She turned back to William. “You can tell Director Drake that I stand with Charlie.”

      “Me too.”

      All eyes turned to Theodore. He held his father’s gaze with steady conviction. “Charlie’s my best friend. I won’t leave him. That’s TI - Totally Impossible. You should know that.” Charlie was about to protest when Theodore threw up his hand. “And don’t even bother telling me ‘no’. You know you’re not going to change my mind, so don’t even try. This is a Double-D.”

      “A Done Deal?” Charlie asked.

      Theodore nodded and a smile broke through his stormy expression. “That’s just the way I roll.”

      Charlie knew Theodore well enough to know that once his mind was made up, he wasn’t easily persuaded to change it.

      “OK,” Charlie said. “And thanks. Seriously.”

      “Don’t do this, Theodore,” William said with a sigh. “Consider your actions carefully. The choices we make can have great and terrible consequences.”

      Theodore’s eyes blazed with anger. “You mean like the way you chose to kill the Guardian and then decided to blame it on Charlie!”

      The other students gasped in astonishment. There it was, out on the table - the real reason for Charlie’s exile. William shifted uncomfortably, and Charlie was surprised by how unsettled the General looked in the face of his son’s rage.

      “That’s not what happened.”

      “I saw you, Dad. I saw you there in the lair of the Named, killing the Guardian.”

      “You saw me holding it.”

      “Which is what killed it!”

      It had been several weeks since Theodore had stumbled across his father in the icy lair of the Named. Charlie hadn’t been with them then - he’d been in a nearby cavern, fighting the monsters of the Nether - but he could easily imagine the sight that had so tortured his best friend.

      William, tall and strong, holding the limp body of the Guardian - a frail creature of great power, yet so desperate for human touch. But just as the Guardian’s aura was poisonous to the creatures of the Nether, the touch of a human was poisonous to the Guardian.

      “The Guardian was already dead when I got there, Theodore. I told you that.”

      “I know you did. And you also told me that Charlie killed it.”

      “The Director said that.”

      A small distinction, Charlie thought. But a very important one.

      “So does that mean you deny it?” Theodore pressed. “Or do you agree with the Director? When Charlie took the Guardian away from the rest of us, did he touch it and kill it?”

      William’s answer seemed to bring him pain: “Yes.”

      He’s lying, Charlie suddenly realised. He’s not just mistaken - he’s actively lying. He knows he’s wrong, he knows I’m innocent, but he’s doing it anyway. Why?

      And then the answer struck him like a thunderbolt.

      Because he knows who really killed the Guardian - and he’s protecting him. Charlie knew there was only one person in the world, aside from Theodore, that William Dagget would gamble his reputation to protect…

      Director Drake.

      No one saw who really killed the Guardian, but that was only because no one saw Director Drake slip out of the icy lair of the Named and enter the safe haven where the Guardian was holed up. No one saw him embrace the frail creature and press the poison of his skin against it, knowing that it would mean the Guardian’s death.

      No one…but Theodore’s father, William.

      “I don’t believe you,” Theodore said, staring at his father as Charlie and the rest of them looked on silently. “Whether or not you killed it, you had something to do with it. It definitely wasn’t Charlie. Definitely.”

      “Son, listen to me…” William replied, clasping Theodore’s shoulder with a strong hand.

      Theodore shook it off. “Don’t call me that. Never call me that again. I’m not your son.” He turned to Charlie. “Let’s go. Let’s leave here and never come back.”

      Brooke stood up. “Well, if you’re going, I’m coming with you.”

      “Are you crazy?” Geoff cried out. “Don’t be stupid, Brooke! You’re a Leet Facilitator - you’re going to graduate in a few weeks and join me at the Division! Do you seriously want to throw that all away to go prancing around