The Key. Michael Grant. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael Grant
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Детская проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007476381
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      Unfortunately it got worse. The castle tower was about 300 feet tall. The castle itself sat perched precariously atop a spur of lichen-crusted rock that shot 400 feet above the surrounding land.

      So let’s do the math. Three hundred feet plus 400 feet makes a 700-foot vertical drop. And the horizontal distance was about 1,000 feet.

      At the end of all that math was a second ruined castle, which sat beside Loch Ness.

      In Loch Ness was the Loch Ness monster. But Mack wouldn’t be hitting the lake; he’d be hitting the stone walls of that second castle, Urquhart Castle. He would hit it so hard, his body would become part of the mortar between the stones of that castle.

      “Dae ye huv ony lest words tae say afore ah murdurr ye?”

      “Yes! I have last words to say before you murder me! Yes! My last words are: don’t murder me!”

      Mack could have used some magical words of Vargran. He was totally capable of speaking it. Totally.


      If Mack had taken some time to study what words of Vargran had been given to him and his friends. Sadly, when Mack might have been studying he rode the London Eye Ferris wheel instead. And the next time he could have been studying he downloaded a game on his phone instead and played Mage Gauntlet for six hours. And the next time . . . Well, you get the idea.2

      So instead of whipping out some well-chosen magical words, Mack could only say, “Seriously: please don’t murder me.”

      Which is just pathetic.

      Look, we all know Mack is the hero of the story. And we all know the hero can’t be killed. So there’s no way he’s just going to be slammed into a ruined castle and—

      “Cheerio the nou, ye scunner,” MacGuffin said, and he swung the sword.

      The blade parted the frayed rope.

      But wait, seriously? Mack’s going to die?

      Gravity worked the way it usually does, and the big basket of rocks dropped like a big basket of rocks.

      Hey! If Mack dies, the world is doomed and the Pale Queen wins!

      “Aaaahhh!” Mack screamed.

      He flew like a cannonball toward certain death.

      Let’s avert our gazes from the place and moment of impact.

      No one wants to see what happens to a kid when he hits a stone wall—it’s just too gruesome and disturbing. So let’s back the story up a little and see how Mack got himself into this mess to begin with.

      In fact, let’s do some ellipses to signal that we are going back in time . . . to the day before . . .

      Before . . .

      “Ahhhhh!” Mack cried, gripping the dashboard. He was seated next to Stefan, who was driving.

      “Aieeee!” Xiao cried, gripping the back of Mack’s seat.

      “Acchhh!” Dietmar cried, hugging himself and rocking back and forth.

      “Yeee hah!” Jarrah shouted, flashing a huge grin as she pumped her fist in the seat behind Stefan.

      A car—it happened to be yellow—roared straight for them, horn blaring, headlights flashing, driver forming his mouth into a terrified O shape.

      Stefan jerked the wheel left and stomped on the gas. This was accidental. He had meant to stomp on the brakes but he was confused. He didn’t really know how to drive.

      “Other way, other way, otherwayotherwayother-way—aaaaaaaahhhh!” Mack yelled as Stefan drove the rented car into a traffic circle.

      Now, in most of the world the cars in a traffic circle go counterclockwise. The exceptions are England, Wales, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, a few other countries, and Scotland.

      This happened to be a Scottish traffic circle.

      Those of you who’ve read the first two books about the Magnificent Twelve may recall that our hero, Mack MacAvoy, was twelve years old. In fact, being twelve was an important part of being a member of the Magnificent Twelve. Because it wasn’t just any random twelve people. It was twelve twelve-year-olds, each of whom possessed the enlightened puissance.

      And remembering that, you might also be thinking, Who rents a car to a twelve-year-old?

      Well, perhaps you’re forgetting that Stefan was fifteen—although he was in the same grade as Mack. Stefan, not being one of the Magnificent Twelve, but more of a bodyguard, could have been any age. He happened to be fifteen, and he looked eighteen. Which is still not old enough to be renting a car. Especially when you don’t have a driver’s license.

      But you may also remember the part about Mack being given a million-dollar credit card.

      Cost of car rental: 229.64 GBP.3

      Cost of the gift certificate to Jenners department store in Edinburgh in the name of the car-rental clerk: 3,000.00 GBP.

      Yeah: it’s amazing what you can do with a million dollars. Renting a car is the least of it.

      “There’s a truck!” Mack shouted.

      “It’s called a lorry here!” Dietmar yelled in his know-it-all way.

      “I don’t care if it’s called a—”

      “Jog a little to the right there,” Jarrah suggested quite calmly, and put her hand on Stefan’s powerful shoulder. Stefan did as he was told.

      The truck or lorry or whatever it was called let go a horn blast that could have shattered a plate glass window and went shooting past so close that, bang, it knocked the left side mirror off the little red car.

      “The mirror!” Xiao cried.

      “Enh,” Stefan said, and shrugged. “I wasn’t using it anyway.”

      He wasn’t. As far as Mack could tell, Stefan wasn’t even using the windows, let alone the mirrors, and was more or less driving according to some suicidal instinct.

      The car had seemed like a bad idea from the start, but Mack didn’t like to come across all bossy, or like he was a wimp or something. One of the problems with having twenty-one identified phobias—irrational fears—is that people tend to think you’re a coward. Mack was not a coward: he just had phobias. Which meant there were twenty-one things he was cowardly about—tight spaces, sharks, needles, oceans, beards, and a few others—but he was brave enough about most things.

      So when it had been pointed out to him that having made it by train from London to Edinburgh, Scotland, the best way to get from there to Loch Ness was by car, he’d gone along. To demonstrate that he was not a huge wimp.

      How was that going? Like this:

      “Gaaa-aah-ahh!” Dietmar commented.


      Rattle rattle rattle rattle.


      The car hit the low curb guarding the center of the circle, bounced over the lumpy grass, swerved around some sort of monument, narrowly missed a pair of Mini Coopers—one red, one tan—and bounced out of the other side of the circle and onto the main road.

      Mack, Xiao, and Dietmar all took the first breath they’d inhaled in several minutes.

      Stefan said, “Is there a drive-through in this country? I’m starving.”

      And Jarrah said, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse and chase the jockey.”

      Jarrah and Stefan: obviously they were not quite normal.

      Having survived the traffic circle, the gang found a gas station that also had food. They bought prepackaged sandwiches and sodas. They topped