Take Me On. Katie McGarry. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Katie McGarry
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472055057
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      Without waiting to see if she buys my response, I exit the office. I don’t care if I’m going the right way to first period. School...class...normalcy feels unnecessary, a bit insane.

      I came to my new school hoping my parents would be here. Saturday I went home, packed some shit, then left, and I’ve stayed gone. Somewhere around three last night, I had the delusion Mom would be worried and Dad would be sorry. That the reason my cell wasn’t burning with texts and calls was because it died Saturday night and I forgot my charger at home. The image looped over and over in my mind that I’d strut into school and they’d be waiting for me—begging me to return home.

      If my brothers did call or text, maybe I would have reached out to them by now, but they didn’t. Dad not contacting me is no shock, but for Mom to be AWOL? My gut cramps and I rub the back of my neck as I stalk down the hallway. Guess Dad was right—when it comes to my family, I don’t belong.

      The sight of long sandy-brown hair causes me to pause. I don’t believe in ghosts, but I’m seeing one. With wide eyes and a facial expression that mirrors the one she wore when I almost hit her with the Escalade, Haley stands in the middle of the hallway. A backpack slung over her shoulder; a piece of paper clutched in her hand. People give her a wide berth as they walk past, like she’s an island in the middle of rapids.

      I’m not shy. Never have been. People, parties, crowds: that’s my thing. But being near Haley again... I found my kryptonite.

      Her jeans perfectly fit her hips, a blue cotton shirt molds nicely around her ample curves and she has the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen. A guy could get lost in those eyes.

      She blinks several times, folds the paper in her hand and turns—heading in the opposite direction of me. Shaking myself back to life, I duck and weave through the crowd in pursuit.


      Right as she walks into the stairwell, she glances over her shoulder with her eyebrows scrunched together. That’s right. I’m calling you. “Haley!”

      Our eyes meet and her hand automatically covers her heart. I cut through two girls in order to reach her. One of them yells at me, but I ignore her.

      “West?” Haley remembers my name. That’s a bonus.

      “Why is it every time I see you, you’re running?”

      Her lips move a centimeter. “I wasn’t running.” She hitches her thumb over her shoulder. “I was heading to class.”

      I don’t want halfway. I crave a full smile from this girl. “You gotta admit, it was a sweet line.”

      Christ, she has an amazing smile. With her eyes shining like that, she could be her own personal fireworks show. “The line sucked. I’m more fond of guys who give me flowers.”

      Noted and filed away for future use. “It got your attention.”

      “My attention?” Her head tilts as if she remembered something awful—odds are she’s replaying Friday night.

      An electrical current slams through me when Haley grabs my arm and drags me into the corner of the stairwell next to the fire extinguisher. Her fingers are cool against my now burning skin.

      She lowers her voice. “You’ve had my attention for the past three days. The last time I saw you, you were bleeding on the street with a drug dealer offering to babysit. Do you know how many times I searched the newspaper to see if there was an article about you being dead?”

      My shoulders roll back. “Drug dealer?”

      Haley releases my wrist and steps back. “Yeah. Abby. Everyone knows she sells drugs. I mean, she’s your friend, right? Please tell me I left you with a friend. Oh, my God, she’s not your friend, is she? Crap. Oh, crap. Are you okay?”

      Her eyes dart around, searching for signs of abuse. She’ll find them—the remnants of the two fistfights from Friday. What she doesn’t see is the internal bleeding from my argument with Dad. Haley stretches her hand to touch the yellowish bruise fading on my jaw, then hesitates.

      I inhale and revel in Haley’s scent: wildflowers in bloom. The sights and sounds of the world dissipate—well, everything except those gorgeous dark eyes.

      “Seriously, are you okay?” Haley drops her hand and I turn my head to breathe in anything that’s not her.

      “I’m fine,” I say. “Are you okay? Did those guys hurt you?”

      “I’m fine.” She sounds uncertain, so I cross my arms over my chest.

      “I’m fine,” she answers again. “Honestly. What are you doing here?”

      I ignore her. “What happened after I blacked out? Why did they leave my car?”

      “Not important. Tell me, why are you here? To see Abby? For me? This school has a zero tolerance policy on outsiders. If they find you, they’ll call the police.”

      “I go to school here now.” From my back pocket, I pull the schedule I picked up a few minutes ago from the office.

      “West...” Haley’s level stare has all the makings of a firing squad. “What do you mean ‘now’?”

      “I got expelled from my last school.”

      “For what?”

      “Fighting.” For the first time in my life, guilt heats the back of my neck. Man, she’s got to have a fantastic image of who I am. The problem? She’d be right and the fact that I care is weird.

      She tosses her hands in the air. “Of course. Why not? I’m a magnet for you stinking people. Why wouldn’t I be surrounded by more?” Her head falls back and she focuses on the ceiling. “Hey, God? It’s me, Haley. Not funny.”


      “Okay. All right. This can be managed. It can. I can manage this. This is entirely under my control. I can own this situation.”

      “I don’t need to be managed.”

      Haley tosses me an are-you-for-real gaze and her hair tumbles over her shoulder. It’s shiny and I bet if I ran my fingers through it, the strands would feel like silk. I like hair like that. I like kissing girls who have hair like that. My eyes flash to her lips and the memory of her stepping into me on Friday night sizzles in my mind: the walking, talking inferno. Kissing Haley would be a thrill-ride experience.

      “West?” Haley motions near her eyes. “Attention here, please?”

      “I wasn’t checking out your curves.” Though now that it’s mentioned...

      “Go there and I swear to God you’ll have to check ‘other’ when asked if you’re male or female.”

      I chuckle and rest my palm against the cool cinder block wall, crowding her. Haley shifts and practically shrinks into the corner. She’s shorter than me, but not by much. I’d say she was afraid, but the way she studies my biceps tells me differently.

      “Haley?” She refocuses on my face. “Eyes up here please.”

      Gaped. Open. Mouth. “Okay, look. Me and you. We’ve got problems.”

      I agree. She wants to kiss me. I want her body underneath mine. Nothing a dark room and a bed couldn’t solve. “What are you doing after school?”

      “What? No. Don’t tell me. I don’t care. Back to problems. Those guys that jumped us on Friday?”

      My hand slips off the wall and I straighten. “Yeah?”

      “They go to school here and I’m not exactly their best friend.”

      My muscles tighten and I have to work to keep the smirk off my face. Payback is going to be sweet with those bastards. “Do you know where they’re at?”

      “Stay away from them. They’re dangerous.”