National Geographic Kids Chapters: Horse Escape Artist: And More True Stories of Animals Behaving Badly. Ashlee Blewett Brown. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ashlee Blewett Brown
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781426317699
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      Mariska sticks her head out her stall-door window and tries to lift the door latch open.

      Mariska wears colorful reindeer antlers to celebrate her first Christmas at Misty Meadows Farm.


      It was a sunny morning in Midland, Michigan, U.S.A.

      A cool breeze blew through an open kitchen window at the Bonem home on Misty Meadows Farm. Mrs. Sandy Bonem was getting ready to cook breakfast.

      Suddenly, a big black shadow loomed past the window. Wait! Make that three big black shadows. Mrs. Bonem glanced out the window, and her heart sank to her toes.

      “HON!” she yelled across the house to her husband, Don Bonem. “The horses are out! They’re in the backyard!”

      Mrs. Bonem dashed to the back door. Slowly, she slid open the door and stepped onto the deck. “Trienke (sounds like TREN-kuh),” Mrs. Bonem called softly. She inched down the stairs. She stepped onto a thick bed of green grass and stopped. She didn’t want to startle the herd.

      The horses’ ears twitched. They lifted their heads and turned toward the voice. Their bodies tensed. They could easily flee.

      “Trienke, come,” Mrs. Bonem said.

      For a split second nothing happened. Then, all three horses lunged. They sprinted toward Mrs. Bonem like a pack of playful puppies. They kissed her cheeks with their big wet horse lips.

      “Oh you guys!” she said. She stroked their foreheads and exhaled a deep sigh of relief. “How did you get out here?” She turned toward the barn. “Let’s go,” she said. All three horses followed her.

      Minutes later, Mrs. Bonem reached the large sliding barn door. It looked like a clever horse had nudged it open. Mrs. Bonem turned and eyed the herd. Trienke is a ten-year-old mare, or female. She’s the mother of the other two horses, Mariska (sounds like Muh-RIS-kah) and Wietse (sounds like WEET-sah).

       Did You Know?

      There are about 400 types, or breeds, of horses.

      Trienke is the boss mare, or leader, of the herd. But Mrs. Bonem knew that Trienke didn’t always call the shots. Instead, Mrs. Bonem fingered Mariska as the guilty one. Mariska had a long record of making mischief.

      The Misty Meadows horses are a breed known as Friesian (sounds like FREE-shun). Friesian horses come from Friesland (sounds like FREES-land)—a region of the Netherlands, a country in Europe. Friesians have all-black, shiny coats. And they’re strong.

      Long ago, Friesian horses carried knights into battle. “They look like a fairy-tale horse,” Mrs. Bonem says. That’s what first made her fall in love with the breed.

      When Mr. and Mrs. Bonem decided to buy their first horse, it was a Friesian, of course. But first they built a barn. And instead of building just one horse stall in it, they built ten. With the extra room, other people could pay the Bonems to keep their horses at Misty Meadows, too.

      A short while later, a family that lived down the street asked the Bonems to keep their two quarter horses at Misty Meadows. And the Bonems bought Trienke, their first Friesian.

      Trienke was five years old when the Bonems got her in 2003. The next spring she gave birth to Mariska. Now the Bonems had four horses to look after.

      As a baby, Mariska was allowed out of her stall to roam the barn during the day. The young horse followed Mrs. Bonem everywhere.


      Wild horses live in family groups called herds. Herd members form strong bonds, or ties. They nuzzle each other’s faces and necks. Each herd member has a specific place, or rank, in the group. The same is true for pet horses. The horses higher up in rank protect those lower down the line. Horses like to be near other horses. This is true even if they’re not related. Pet horses even treat humans like members of their herd.

      Soon Mariska had Mrs. Bonem’s heart wrapped around her tiny little hooves. Mariska’s antics, or pranks, began when she was about six months old. Mrs. Bonem entered the horse’s stall one morning. Mariska walked over. She nuzzled Mrs. Bonem’s neck. Then she wrapped her teeth around the zipper tab on Mrs. Bonem’s coat.

      ZIP, ZIP! Mariska pulled the zipper up and down. Up and down. “You silly horse,” Mrs. Bonem said.

      Next, Mariska targeted hair ties. Whenever Mrs. Bonem bent down to clean her stall, Mariska lurked nearby. With one yank she would pull the fluffy red or blue hair tie off of Mrs. Bonem’s ponytail. Then she’d try to eat it! Chomp, chomp.

      Mrs. Bonem then had to pull the slimy lump of cloth out of Mariska’s mouth. “Errgh, Mariska. Yuck!” She’d say.

      Later that year, Mariska gave the Bonems a big scare. Snow was beginning to fall at the farm. To celebrate Mariska’s first Christmas, Mrs. Bonem bought a pair of red-and-green reindeer antlers with small jingle bells attached to them.

      Mrs. Bonem planned to take a picture of Mariska wearing the antlers. She headed to the barn with her camera. She laid the antlers on the windowsill and began brushing Mariska’s coat. Mariska eyed the antlers. She inched toward the window. Then she snatched the antlers. Ching, ching!

      “Mariska, NO!” Mrs. Bonem said. She tugged on the antlers. Mariska let go. But one of the jingle bells was missing.

      Mrs. Bonem pried open Mariska’s mouth and felt around with her hand. It’s got to be in here somewhere, she thought. GULP. Mariska swallowed the jingle bell. Mrs. Bonem quickly called the doctor. Could a tiny jingle bell hurt Mariska? Luckily, the answer was no. Phew!

      Mariska’s minor pranks continued for a few more years. She zipped and unzipped coats. She snatched lots of hair ties. She even learned to nudge open the grain bin and sneak extra meals. With each new trick Mariska learned, she got better at using her teeth. But as Mariska grew older, she got bored with zippers and hair ties. She was ready for a bigger challenge.


       It looks like something has caught Mariska’s eye. Watch out—she might be dreaming up her next prank!


      When Mariska was three years old, Trienke gave birth to another foal, or baby horse. The Bonems named the little male Wietse. Not long afterward, Mariska had a foal of her own—a male named Arie.

      Mariska played with Arie. She looked after him. For nearly a year, the foal even distracted Mariska from her silly games. Then a loving family from Florida adopted Arie. Soon after that, Mariska returned to making mischief.

      One spring day in March 2009, Mrs. Bonem walked out to the barn. She threw some hay into each stall and flipped open the stall-door windows. As soon as Mrs. Bonem was out of sight, Mariska leaned out her window. She