20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Жюль Верн. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Жюль Верн
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Классическая проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007382699
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the back by means of braces, like a soldier’s knapsack; its upper part forms a box, in which the air is kept by means of bellows, and which cannot escape except at its normal tension. Two india-rubber pipes leave this box and join a sort of tent, which imprisons the nose and mouth; one introduces fresh air, the other lets out foul, and the tongue closes either according to the needs of respiration. But I, who encounter great pressure at the bottom of the sea, am obliged to shut my head in a globe of copper, into which the two pipes open.’

      ‘Perfectly, Captain Nemo; but the air that you carry with you must soon be used up, for as soon as it only contains fifteen per cent, of oxygen, it is no longer fit to breathe.’

      ‘I have already told you, M. Aronnax, that the pumps of the Nautilus allow me to store up air under considerable pressure, and under these conditions the reservoir of the apparatus can furnish breathable air for nine or ten hours.’

      ‘I have no other objection to make,’ I answered. ‘I will only ask you one thing, captain. How do you light your road at the bottom of the ocean?’

      ‘With the Ruhmkorff apparatus, M. Aronnax. It is composed of a Bunsen pile, which I work with sodium. A wire is introduced, which collects the electricity produced, and directs it towards a particularly-made lantern. In this lantern is a spiral glass which contains a small quantity of carbonic gas. When the apparatus is at work the gas becomes luminous, and gives out a white and continuous light. Thus provided, I breathe and see.’

      ‘But, Captain Nemo, what sort of a gun do you use?’

      ‘It is not a gun for powder, but an air-gun. How could I manufacture gunpowder on board without either saltpetre, sulphur, or charcoal?’

      ‘Besides,’ I added, ‘to fire under water in a medium 855 times denser than air, very considerable resistance would have to be conquered.’

      ‘That would be no difficulty. There exist certain Felton guns, furnished with a system of closing, which can be fired under these conditions. But, I repeat, having no powder, I use air under great pressure, which the pumps of the Nautilus furnish.’

      ‘But this air must be rapidly consumed.’

      ‘Well, have I not my Rouquayrol reservoir, which can furnish me with what I need? Besides, you will see for yourself, M. Aronnax, that during these submarine shooting excursions you do not use much air or bullets.’

      ‘But it seems to me that in the half-light, and amidst a liquid so much more dense than the atmosphere, bodies cannot be projected far, and are not easily mortal.’

      ‘Sir, with these guns every shot is mortal, and as soon as the animal is touched, however slightly, it falls.’


      ‘Because they are not ordinary bullets. We use little glass percussion-caps, of which I have a considerable provision. These glass caps, covered with steel, and weighted with a leaden bottom, are little Leyden bottles, in which electricity is forced to a high tension. At the slightest shock they go off, and the animal, however powerful, falls dead. These caps are not larger than the No. 4, and the charge of an ordinary gun could contain ten.’

      ‘I will argue no longer,’ I replied, rising from the table. ‘The only thing left me is to take my gun. Where you go I will follow.’

      Captain Nemo then led me aft of the Nautilus, and I called my two companions, who followed me immediately. Then we came to a kind of cell, situated near the engine-room, in which we put on our walking dress.

       CHAPTER 16 At the Bottom of the Sea

      This cell was the arsenal and wardrobe of the Nautilus. A dozen diving apparatus, hung from the wall, awaited our use.

      Ned Land, seeing them, manifested evident repugnance to put one on.

      ‘But, my worthy Ned,’ I said, ‘the forests of Crespo Island are only submarine forests!’

      The disappointed harpooner saw his dreams of fresh meat fade away.

      ‘And you, M. Aronnax, are you going to put one on?’

      ‘I must, Master Ned.’

      ‘You can do as you please, sir,’ replied the harpooner, shrugging his shoulders, ‘but as for me, unless I am forced, I will never get into one.’

      ‘No one will force you,’ said Captain Nemo.

      ‘Does Conseil mean to risk it?’ said Ned.

      ‘I shall follow monsieur wherever he goes,’ answered Conseil.

      Two of the ship’s crew came to help us on the call of the captain, and we donned the heavy and impervious clothes made of seamless india-rubber, and constructed expressly to resist considerable pressure. They looked like a suit of armour, both supple and resisting, and formed trousers and coat; the trousers were finished off with thick boots, furnished with heavy leaden soles. The texture of the coat was held together by bands of copper, which crossed the chest, protecting it from the pressure of the water, and leaving the lungs free to act; the sleeves ended in the form of supple gloves, which in no way restrained the movements of the hands.

      Captain Nemo and one of his companions – a sort of Hercules, who must have been of prodigious strength – Conseil, and myself, were soon enveloped in these dresses. There was nothing left but to put our heads into the metallic globes. But before proceeding with this operation I asked the captain’s permission to examine the guns we were to take.

      One of the crew gave me a simple gun, the butt end of which, made of steel and hollowed in the interior, was rather large; it served as a reservoir for compressed air, which a valve, worked by a spring, allowed to escape into a metal tube. A box of projectiles, fixed in a groove in the thickness of the butt end, contained about twenty electric bullets, which, by means of a spring, were forced into the barrel of the gun. As soon as one shot was fired another was ready.

      ‘Captain Nemo,’ said I, ‘this arm is perfect and easily managed; all I ask now is to try it. But how shall we gain the bottom of the sea?’

      ‘At this moment, professor, the Nautilus is stranded in five fathoms of water, and we have only to start.’

      ‘But how shall we get out?’

      ‘You will soon see.’

      Captain Nemo put on his helmet. Conseil and I did the same, not without hearing an ironical ‘Good sport’ from the Canadian. The upper part of our coat was terminated by a copper collar, upon which the metal helmet was screwed. As soon as it was in position the apparatus on our backs began to act, and, for my part, I could breathe with ease.

      I found when I was ready, lamp and all, that I could not move a step. But this was foreseen. I felt myself pushed along a little room contiguous to the wardrobe-room. My companions, tugged along in the same way, followed me. I heard a door, furnished with obturators, close behind us, and we were wrapped in profound darkness.

      After some minutes I heard a loud whistling, and felt the cold mount from my feet to my chest. It was evident that they had filled the room in which we were with sea-water by means of a tap. A second door in the side of the Nautilus opened then. A faint light appeared. A moment after, our feet were treading the bottom of the sea.

      And now, how could I retrace the impression made upon me by that walk under the sea? Words are powerless to describe such marvels. When the brush itself is powerless to depict the particular effects of the liquid element, how can the pen reproduce them?

      Captain Nemo walked on in front, and his companion followed us some steps behind. Conseil and I remained near one another, as if any exchange of words had been possible through our metallic covering. I no longer felt the weight of my clothes, shoes, air-reservoir, nor of that thick globe in the midst of which my head shook like an almond in its shell.

      The light which lighted up the ground