Compendium of Dr. Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage. Renato Kasseroller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Renato Kasseroller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783132401648
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2.6 General Pathology of the Lymphatic System

       2.6.1 The Safety-Valve Function

       2.6.2 Dynamic Edema

       2.6.3 Lymphostatic Edema

       2.6.4 Safety-Valve Insufficiency

       3 Special Pathology, Clinical Pictures of Lymphedema and its Treatment

       3.1 The Stages of Edema

       3.2 Postmastectomy Lymphedema

       3.2.1 Clinic and Diagnostics

       3.2.2 Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy of Arm Edemas

       3.3 Lymphostatic Edema of the Lower Extremities and the Exterior Genitals

       3.3.1 Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy of the Lower Extremities

       3.3.2 Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy of Genital Edema

       3.3.3 Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy of Primary Leg Edema

       3.4 Cranial Edema

       3.4.1 Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy for Cranial Edema

       4 Dynamic and Mixed Edemas

       4.1 Cyclic Idiopathic Edema

       4.2 Panniculopathia Edemato-Fibrosclerotica Lipedema

       4.2.1 Adiposity (Obesity)

       4.3 Varicophlebitis, Postthrombotic Syndrome

       4.3.1 Venous Edema

       4.3.2 Venous Leg Ulcer (Ulcus cruris venosum)

       4.4 Arteriosclerosis, Occlusive Arterial Disease (OAD)

       4.4.1 The Diabetic Ulcer

       4.5 Local Lymphostatic Edema after Surgery, Scars, Keloids

       4.5.1 Burn Scars

       4.5.2 Cosmetic Surgery Scars

       4.5.3 Vein Stripping

       4.5.4 Orthopedic Surgery

       4.5.5 Phantom Pain

       5 Traumatology

       5.1 Hematomas

       5.2 Distortion - Dislocation

       5.2.1 Dislocation of the Shoulder

       5.2.2 Dislocation of the Finger and Toe Joints

       5.2.3 Skier's Thumb

       5.2.4 Meniscus and Band Lesions in the Knee Joint

       5.3 Myorrhexis (Torn Muscle Fibers)

       5.4 Fractures

       5.5 Sudeck's Dystrophy, RSD, CRPS

       5.6 Transverse Lesion of the Spinal Cord

       6 Diseases in Individual Specialty Fields

       6.1 Diseases of the CNS with Local Edema

       6.1.1 Apoplexy - Transitory Ischemic Attacks

       6.1.2 Migraine

       6.1.3 Chronic Headache

       6.1.4 Trigeminal Neuralgia

       6.1.5 Cerebral Concussion

       6.1.6 Parkinson's Disease

       6.1.7 Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

       6.1.8 Paresis of the Facial Nerve (Bell's Palsy)

       6.2 Diseases in the Head Region

       6.2.1 Ménière's Disease

       6.2.2 Tinnitus and Acute Hearing Loss

       6.2.3 Chronic Infections

       6.2.4 Detached Retina

       6.3 Dermatology

       6.3.1 Acne vulgaris (Common Acne)

       6.3.2 Acne Rosacea

       6.3.3 Allergic and Chronic Eczema

       6.4 Diseases of the Digestive Tract

       6.4.1 Habitual Constipation

       6.4.2 Ulcerative Colitis - Crohn's Disease

       6.4.3 Diverticulosis

       6.4.4 Lymphatic Enteropathy

       6.5 Down's Syndrome - Mongolism

       6.5.1 Lymphatic Children

       6.5.2 Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

       6.6 General Adaptation Syndrome (Stress)

       6.7 Pregnancy

       7 Diseases of the Rheumatic Form-Cycle

       7.1 Inflammatory Rheumatism

       7.1.1 Acute Polyarthritis

       7.1.2 Chronic Polyarthritis

       7.1.3 Bechterew's Disease

       7.2 Degenerative Rheumatism

       7.2.1 Peripheral Joint Arthrosis

       7.2.2 Polyarthrosis Deformans

       7.2.3 Coxarthrosis

       7.2.4 Gonarthrosis

       7.2.5 Ankle Joint Arthrosis

       7.2.6 Arthrosis of the Metacarpus, Toes, Halux Valgus

       7.2.7 Arthrosis of the Shoulder Joint

       7.2.8 Spondylosis

       7.2.9 Cervical Syndrome

       7.2.10 Segmental Thoracic Syndrome

       7.2.11 Lumbar Syndrome

       7.3 Arthropathy

       7.4 Connective Tissue System Disease

       7.4.1 Lupus Erythematosus

       7.4.2 Scleroderma

       7.5 Soft-Tissue Rheumatism

       7.5.1 Tendinitis, Tendinous Periarthritic Syndrome, Tendovaginitis (Tendosynovitis), Epicondylitis

       7.5.2 Inflammation of the Tendon Sheath (Tendosynovitis)

       7.5.3 Bursitis

       7.5.4 Dupuytren's Contracture

       7.5.5 Whiplash Syndrome